
Cheng Huan Ji: Miss Universe runner-up debuted with first-class appearance and figure, and the love between sisters and brothers in the play is very good

author:A story gallery

The growth path of the Mai siblings is like a contrasting picture, which perfectly demonstrates the complexity of family relationships and the profound impact of the growth environment on personality development.

Sister Mai Chenghuan has been the darling of the family since she was a child, and she has attracted much attention and love. Her excellent performance brought honor to the family and became the center of attention. However, this will inevitably have an impact on the growth of his younger brother Mak Chengzao.

Cheng Huan Ji: Miss Universe runner-up debuted with first-class appearance and figure, and the love between sisters and brothers in the play is very good

Masung-cho's childhood was marked by loneliness and alienation. Until he was 6 years old, he was fostered at his grandmother's house, which made him lack maternal love. When he returned home, he was ridiculed for speaking with a foreign accent, and this feeling of not being accepted made his already insecure inner self-esteem even more inferior and introverted.

At home, Mak exists like an invisible man. Mother Liu Wanyu's eyes and thoughts are always on her excellent sister, and her father is submissive to her mother's various orders.

The grievances and desires in Mai Chengzao's heart are like a murmur that no one listens to, so he can only silently swallow his caution at home, never lose his temper, and dare not be coquettish, for fear that his existence will disturb this sister-centered family.

Mak Chengzao's upbringing environment made him sensitive and introverted, and he always chose to bear the grievances alone, and never showed them in front of his family. Perhaps due to the separation of mother and child during the period when he needed to establish a parent-child relationship the most, there was always an insurmountable gap between him and his mother.

Cheng Huan Ji: Miss Universe runner-up debuted with first-class appearance and figure, and the love between sisters and brothers in the play is very good

Such a family background not only had an impact on the formation of Mak Chengzao's personality, but also laid the groundwork for him to seek emotional comfort in the future. His desire to be understood and his need for warmth set the tone for his future love life.

It was this lack of heart that made him attracted by Mao Yongxin's care in the future and started an unexpected sister-brother relationship.

Syngman Mak's story reveals the profound impact of family relationships on a person's development, while also emphasizing the importance of love and care.

Cheng Huan Ji: Miss Universe runner-up debuted with first-class appearance and figure, and the love between sisters and brothers in the play is very good

Wing Mao's experience is like an inspiring and inspirational film, revealing the resilience and perseverance of modern women in difficult situations. Her story not only enriches the plot of "Cheng Huan", but also presents a three-dimensional and real female image to the audience.

Mao Yongxin once fell into a failed marriage because of her ex-husband's character and concealing her baldness. As Yan Kong, she can't accept this deception. One day she told her best friend Mai Chenghuan frankly in the car, "This man is much more realistic than us, their economic status can hide from you, and they can control you in their mental state, only their faces will not deceive."

These words not only reveal the reasons for her divorce, but also show her unique perspective on love and marriage.

Cheng Huan Ji: Miss Universe runner-up debuted with first-class appearance and figure, and the love between sisters and brothers in the play is very good

In her career, Mao Yongxin has shown strong ability and courage to become a successful working woman. She no longer relies on others, but relies on her own efforts to create a world.

This spirit of independence is also an important reason why she attracts Mak Chengzao.

At the same time, Mao Yongxin met her good sister Mai Chenghuan, and the relationship between the two warmed up and became best friends who had nothing to say. It was through Mai Chenghuan that Mao Yongxin met Mai Chengzao, which planted the seeds for the later sister-brother love.

Cheng Huan Ji: Miss Universe runner-up debuted with first-class appearance and figure, and the love between sisters and brothers in the play is very good

Her care and help to Mak Chengzao, such as teaching him to speak Shanghainese and Mandarin, showed her gentle and considerate side.

Mao Yongxin's experience tells us that failure is not the end, but the beginning of a new life. Her independence, courage and frankness not only won her career success, but also laid the foundation for her later love life.

Her story has become a beautiful landscape in "Cheng Huan Ji", and it also provides the audience with a new perspective for thinking about love and life.

Cheng Huan Ji: Miss Universe runner-up debuted with first-class appearance and figure, and the love between sisters and brothers in the play is very good

The love story of Mak Chengzao and Mao Yongxin is like a flower that quietly blooms in the haze, warm and healing. The relationship stemmed from a gesture of kindness many years ago, and eventually the feelings between them gradually turned into love.

When Mak first returned home, he was ridiculed for speaking with a foreign accent. In an environment full of ridicule and incomprehension, only Mao Yongxin reciprocated to him with warm care and enthusiastically taught him to speak Shanghainese and Mandarin.

This love planted the seeds of love in Mai Chengzao's young heart.

Cheng Huan Ji: Miss Universe runner-up debuted with first-class appearance and figure, and the love between sisters and brothers in the play is very good

Years later, the seed finally sprouted. Mak Chengzao plucked up his courage and confessed his love to Mao Yongxin. Faced with the sincere confession of Mak Chengzao, who was a few years younger than herself, Mao Yongxin did not flinch.

With the open-mindedness and courage of a mature woman, she boldly accepted this feeling, Mao Yongxin even took the initiative to kiss Mai Chengzao, and the two began a secret relationship.

Mak Chengzao's love for Mao Yongxin is not only based on her beauty, but also because of his inner desire for maternal love and family affection. For a long time, Mai Chengzao has been neglected in the family, and there is a lack of maternal love and care.

Cheng Huan Ji: Miss Universe runner-up debuted with first-class appearance and figure, and the love between sisters and brothers in the play is very good

Wing Mak's maturity, thoughtfulness and understanding just met Masung's spiritual needs, and at the same time, Masung-chai's sincerity, kindness and tolerance also deeply touched Masung Mao.

The age gap between the two people did not become an obstacle, but made the relationship more precious. Mao Yongxin's crisp, spicy and bold personality perfectly complements Mak Chengzao's conservative, introverted, generous and kind temperament, as the audience said, this is "very compatible" for CP.

Mao Yongxin took the initiative to kiss Mak Chengzao, which made the audience leave a message and shout: "No matter what happens, take a bite of fresh meat first", which shows the charm of CP. This sibling relationship is not only sweet, but also healing and warm.

Cheng Huan Ji: Miss Universe runner-up debuted with first-class appearance and figure, and the love between sisters and brothers in the play is very good

The development of this relationship allows the audience to see that sincere love can transcend the boundaries of age and warm each other's hearts. The story of Mak Chengzao and Mao Yongxin enriches the plot of "Chenghuan" and presents the audience with a heart-warming love story.

With the deepening of the plot of "Cheng Huan Ji", the relationship between the characters has become more intricate, and the emotional line has become more and more exciting. The interweaving of multiple story lines pushes the plot forward, presenting a colorful emotional picture for the audience.

First of all, the relationship between Mai Chenghuan and the Xin family was completely severed, which means that she began to step out of the haze of the past and welcome a new chapter in her life. This transformation not only brings new development space to Mak Chenghuan's character, but also injects new vitality into the plot.

Cheng Huan Ji: Miss Universe runner-up debuted with first-class appearance and figure, and the love between sisters and brothers in the play is very good

At the same time, the two-way interaction between Mak Chenghuan and "boss" Yao Zhiming is becoming increasingly obvious, indicating that a new relationship is about to unfold, and this development adds more layers to Mak Chenghuan's character image and makes the audience look forward to her future.

On the other hand, the secret love affair between Mak Chengzao and Mao Yongxin is like an epiphany that quietly blooms in the dark, although it is beautiful but also fragile. The two have cautiously begun to fall in love, tacitly maintaining this relationship, for fear of being detected.

This sneaky way of falling in love not only adds a thrill, but also makes the audience look forward to their relationship development even more.

Cheng Huan Ji: Miss Universe runner-up debuted with first-class appearance and figure, and the love between sisters and brothers in the play is very good

, the development of the plot also hints at possible turmoil in the future. Mai Chenghuan, as Mak Chengzao's sister and Mao Yongxin's best friend, may not object to her brother's relationship.

However, the attitude of her mother Liu Wanyu will be a big problem, and with Liu Wanyu's temperament and character, she is likely to fiercely oppose this sister-brother relationship, which will undoubtedly bring huge pressure and trouble to Mak Chengzao.

Despite this, the audience is generally optimistic about the pair of Mak Chenghuan and Mao Yongxin. Their ages are not much different, and their personalities are very complementary, and everyone hopes that they can break through the obstacles and finally become married.

Cheng Huan Ji: Miss Universe runner-up debuted with first-class appearance and figure, and the love between sisters and brothers in the play is very good

Some people even imagined that Mai Chengzao and Mai Chenghuan could hold a wedding together, so that the Mai family would usher in double happiness at the same time.

The interweaving of these intricate relationships and emotional threads not only promotes the development of the plot, but also makes the audience look forward to the next direction of the story. Through these delicate emotional descriptions, the book "The Story of Cheng Huan" has successfully created a story world full of human warmth.

As the plot progresses, Mai Chengzai's childhood memories of being bullied by his cousin are revealed one by one, and this incident shows his deep inner pain and exposes his long-term neglect by his family.

Cheng Huan Ji: Miss Universe runner-up debuted with first-class appearance and figure, and the love between sisters and brothers in the play is very good

This plot not only triggered the audience's in-depth thinking about family problems, but also laid the groundwork for the outbreak of family conflicts.

It can be seen from the preview of the next episode that Mai Cheng has been bullied by his aunt's cousin for several years at his grandmother's house, but he has never said it to his parents. This long-term experience of being bullied but unable to tell it reflects the fragility and helplessness of Mak's heart.

His silence is not only due to low self-esteem, but also to a feeling that there is no one to talk to.

Cheng Huan Ji: Miss Universe runner-up debuted with first-class appearance and figure, and the love between sisters and brothers in the play is very good

What is heart-wrenching is that when her mother Liu Wanyu learned about this many years later, not only was she not moved and distressed by the various hardships her son had experienced, but she also blamed Mak Chengzao for letting herself lose face in front of her relatives.

Her reaction showed her partiality and stubbornness, as if she was never able to understand Masung-cho's inner pain and struggle, and could not give him the love and support he needed.

Shockingly, Liu Wanyu even forced Mak Chengzao to apologize to his aunt, uncle, and cousin. Her attitude of not caring about right or wrong and only caring about face undoubtedly caused deeper trauma to Mak Chengzao's psychology and deepened the estrangement between him and his mother.

Cheng Huan Ji: Miss Universe runner-up debuted with first-class appearance and figure, and the love between sisters and brothers in the play is very good

Mai Chengzao has always been the neglected one in the family, and his grievances and pain are not listened to, so he can only bear them silently. The long-term pent-up of emotions may be the reason why he longs for the love of a mature woman like Mao Yongxin.

The revelation of the incident deepened the audience's sympathy and understanding for Syngman Mak, and created more unexpected possibilities for the subsequent development of the plot. How will Mak cope with this pain? How will his relationship with his mother develop? These have become the focus of attention of the audience.

The hint of this incident is that Liu Wanyu may strongly oppose the relationship between Mak Chengzao and Mao Yongxin, laying the groundwork for the future development of the plot. As a result, the audience is worried about Masung-zao's future, and at the same time, they expect him to break through the shackles of his family and achieve true happiness.

Cheng Huan Ji: Miss Universe runner-up debuted with first-class appearance and figure, and the love between sisters and brothers in the play is very good

From the beauty pageant champion to Xu Lingyue, who is considered a powerful actor, her life fully demonstrates her skilled acting skills. In the work "Cheng Huan Ji", she played Mao Yongxin, and this role became an example of a successful character she created.

Her growth process can be said to be a microcosm in the entertainment industry, showing a person's gorgeous transformation from a beauty pageant champion to a powerful actor.

12 years ago, Xu Lingyue won the runner-up in the 61st Miss Universe contest in China with her excellent appearance and temperament, which allowed her to successfully enter the showbiz. This honor opened the door to her acting career, but Xu Lingyue was not satisfied with just being a vase.

Cheng Huan Ji: Miss Universe runner-up debuted with first-class appearance and figure, and the love between sisters and brothers in the play is very good

Xu Lingyue, who originally studied at the University of Economics and Business, won the beauty pageant and got the opportunity to study in the acting seminar of the Shanghai Theater Academy. This experience laid a solid foundation for her future acting career, and also showed her love and pursuit of acting.

Xu Lingyue's first appearance on the big screen was in the popular youth film "Little Times", which made her start to get involved in the film and television industry. Since then, she has continued to challenge different types of roles and demonstrated her excellent acting potential.

For example, in the costume drama "Qingping Le", she played the gentle and virtuous "childhood sweetheart" Miao Xinhe; In the martial arts drama "The Legend of Yunxiang", she incarnated as the glamorous and moving gambling house female boss Ke Menglan, and every role showed her acting progress and in-depth understanding of the role.

Cheng Huan Ji: Miss Universe runner-up debuted with first-class appearance and figure, and the love between sisters and brothers in the play is very good

In "The Legend of Cheng Huan", Xu Lingyue played Mao Yongxin is a beloved character. She successfully interprets Alice Mao's independent and optimistic personality, as well as her bravery and courage in her approach to love.

Her rivalry with the actor who played Mak Chengzao was natural and smooth, and the atmosphere of sister-brother love showed no sense of disobedience, which won high praise from the audience.

Xu Lingyue's appearance and figure are first-class, which can be seen from her beauty pageant experience. However, she is not satisfied with relying only on the advantages of appearance, but strives to become a well-rounded and powerful actor through study and practice.

Xu Lingyue's growth process tells us that beauty is a stepping stone to entering the entertainment industry, but to gain a foothold in this highly competitive industry, we still need to continue to learn and work hard. She has proved with practical actions that she not only has good looks, but also acting skills, and is a well-rounded and powerful actor.