
"Mountains, Rivers and Moonlight" 4 infatuated emperors: In addition to Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di, these two people are more fond of the queen

author:A story gallery

However, what is surprising is how deep Zhu Qizhen and Zhu Houzhao's love for the queen is. Zhu Qizhen's love for Queen Sun when he was young even surpassed Zhu Yuanzhang's love for Queen Ma.

And Zhu Houzhao still took good care of Queen Qian when she had no children.

"Mountains, Rivers and Moonlight" 4 infatuated emperors: In addition to Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di, these two people are more fond of the queen

Queen Ma is not only Zhu Yuanzhang's lover, but also his right-hand minister. In promoting the creation of the Ming Dynasty, her outstanding wisdom and virtue are indispensable for Zhu Yuanzhang's dedication.

She frequently gave Zhu Yuanzhang valuable advice in the court to help him make the right decision, Zhu Yuanzhang was deeply grateful to Queen Ma for her dedication, and their relationship became deeper and deeper.

Zhu Yuanzhang's affection for Queen Ma is reflected in all aspects of daily life. When Queen Ma was sick, Zhu Yuanzhang took care of her inch by inch. Even when he was dealing with state affairs, he was always concerned about the queen's physical condition.

Such deep affection was rare in the royal family at the time.

"Mountains, Rivers and Moonlight" 4 infatuated emperors: In addition to Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di, these two people are more fond of the queen

However, Empress Ma died shortly after the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, and Lao Zhu was so grief-stricken that he even thought of being martyred. His abnormal behavior not only reflected his deep love for Queen Ma, but also moved many ministers.

Lao Zhu once openly said, "No one loves Queen Ma as much as me", this sentence not only shows his attachment to Queen Ma, but also becomes an important evidence for later generations to evaluate their feelings.

The story of Zhu Yuanzhang and Queen Ma is not only a legendary love, but also a life process of knowing each other and struggling together. It was in a turbulent time when the couple had worked hand in hand to create a great dynasty.

"Mountains, Rivers and Moonlight" 4 infatuated emperors: In addition to Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di, these two people are more fond of the queen

The relationship between Zhu Di and Empress Xu was highly praised in the royal family of the Ming Dynasty and can be called a good story. As the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Di was brave and brave, and achieved many military exploits. However, when Zhu Di treated Queen Xu, he showed a unique and sweet side.

After ascending the throne, Zhu Di's favor for Queen Xu reached the extreme. In the TV series "Mountains, Rivers and Moonlight", we can see that Zhu Di often dresses up Empress Xu in person, and even does some things that seemed to be losing the identity of the emperor at the time in order to please her.

Zhu Di once said in public: "Whoever wants to hurt Queen Xu, I will take his life" This sentence not only reflects his extreme desire to protect Queen Xu, but also shows the deep affection between them.

"Mountains, Rivers and Moonlight" 4 infatuated emperors: In addition to Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di, these two people are more fond of the queen

In the story of Zhu Di and Queen Xu, they are not only a loving husband and wife, but also life partners who support each other and grow together. The relationship between them goes beyond simple love, and integrates into a sense of responsibility to the country and the people, becoming a real imperial love.

Empress Sun is not only outstanding, but also a very smart woman. She is well-versed in the intricacies of court politics and is good at using the law of "mother is more precious than child" to maintain her position.

When she gave birth to the prince, she was deeply favored and trusted by Zhu Qizhen, and in the harem, Queen Sun's status was unmatched.

"Mountains, Rivers and Moonlight" 4 infatuated emperors: In addition to Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di, these two people are more fond of the queen

However, the complexities of court politics soon became apparent. As Zhu Qizhen gradually gained power, he began to realize the dangers of harem interference. Although he still loved Empress Sun, he began to consciously exclude Empress Sun when dealing with court affairs.

This subtle change reflects Zhu Qizhen's growth as a monarch.

Although Zhu Qizhen's feelings for Empress Sun have not completely disappeared, he usually shows his affection for Empress Sun. This complex relationship includes both the love for his wife and the vigilance of being a monarch, and has become the most special page in the royal emotions of the Ming Dynasty.

"Mountains, Rivers and Moonlight" 4 infatuated emperors: In addition to Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di, these two people are more fond of the queen

The story of Zhu Qizhen and Empress Sun is a complex and complex journey full of emotional entanglements, which depicts a microcosm of the political life of the Ming Dynasty, showing the delicate balance between the emperor and the empress, while also reflecting the complex interweaving of power and emotion in the life of the imperial family.

In this relationship, we see the transformation of Zhu Qizhen from an affectionate teenager to a mature monarch, and also see how Empress Sun uses her wisdom and skill to maintain her position in the palace environment.

This story teaches us that even the closest people can be separated by the maelstrom of power. However, it also shows the possibility of genuine feelings despite the pressure.

"Mountains, Rivers and Moonlight" 4 infatuated emperors: In addition to Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di, these two people are more fond of the queen

The relationship between Zhu Qizhen and Empress Sun may be the best story in the Ming Dynasty royal family that can best reflect the contradiction between "children's love" and "the way of the emperor".

Zhu Houzhao did not alienate Queen Qian because she had no children. On the contrary, he frequently comforted Queen Qian, saying that his love would not change because of the heirs. This attitude towards feelings was very rare in the royal family at that time, and it also vividly reflected Zhu Houzhao's deep feelings for Queen Qian.

Empress Qian was keenly aware of this change, and with it was melancholy and decadence. She even thought about leaving this ruthless palace, but as the queen, she could do nothing but suffer in silence.

"Mountains, Rivers and Moonlight" 4 infatuated emperors: In addition to Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di, these two people are more fond of the queen

This inner struggle is delicately portrayed in the TV series "Mountains, Rivers and Moonlight".

Empress Qian was disappointed to find that although Zhu Houzhao did not depose her under pressure from the courtiers, she began to pamper other concubines who could have children. This was undoubtedly a huge blow to her.

The story of Zhu Houzhao and Empress Qian shows the difficult choice faced by the emperor between imperial power and personal feelings. At the same time, it reflects the importance of childbirth to the status of empress in ancient societies.

"Mountains, Rivers and Moonlight" 4 infatuated emperors: In addition to Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di, these two people are more fond of the queen

This story is not only a sad love story, but also a microcosm of the political life of the Ming Dynasty.

In this story, we see that Zhu Houzhao's image of the infatuated emperor in his youth is gradually destroyed by the pressure of real life, and he has to make decisions that go against his emotions; At the same time, we also saw that Queen Qian was under tremendous psychological pressure in the predicament of being unable to have children.

This story illustrates that even as an emperor, he cannot escape the constraints of social systems and traditional ideas. The relationship between Zhu Houzhao and Empress Qian may be a beautiful story that best reflects the contradiction between personal emotions and social responsibilities in the Ming Dynasty royal family.

"Mountains, Rivers and Moonlight" 4 infatuated emperors: In addition to Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di, these two people are more fond of the queen

However, this pampering is not just a personal feeling. In complex court politics, the status and influence of the empress are often closely related to the favor of the emperor. Both Empress Ma and Empress Xu enjoyed a high status in the harem because they were favored by their husbands and had a certain influence on the government and politics.

Empress Sun consolidated her position by "mothers are more expensive than children".

At the same time, the contradiction between imperial power and personal feelings also runs through the story. Zhu Qizhen alienated Empress Sun in order to prevent the harem from interfering in politics, and Zhu Houzhao also faced a difficult choice on the issue of Empress Qian's childlessness.

"Mountains, Rivers and Moonlight" 4 infatuated emperors: In addition to Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di, these two people are more fond of the queen

These stories vividly illustrate the emperor's dilemma in dealing with personal feelings and national interests.

In the drama "Mountains, Rivers and Moonlight", the love story of four pairs of emperors and queens provides us with a unique perspective that allows us to explore the emotional world and power structure of the Ming Dynasty royal family.

These stories are not only touching love stories, but also profound historical teaching materials, which are worthy of our in-depth thinking and discussion.

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