
45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

Zhou Chong

2024-07-02 08:09


Tang Wei is an exception in the entertainment industry.

The road traveled was like rain of rumors along the way.

From being banned to marrying in a foreign country, she has never walked out of the rain and fog of the years.

One of the rumors is: with a baby alone, living separately, suspected of divorce.

Now, she officially responded.

"Divorce is impossible."

45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

She said that the relationship between the husband and wife is excellent.

The reason for the separation is not because of feelings, but because of career.

Nowadays, she has very little news.

The news came but it was all good news.

She won the Korean Actress Grand Slam with her strength and won the Asian, with unlimited glory.

45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

She became synonymous with another way.

This kind of road is different from the rot of internal entertainment.

On this path, her beauty is discovered and magnified.

The former is Ang Lee's "Lust and Caution";

Later, such as Park Chan-wook's "The Determination to Break Up".

She is in it, like a mystery and fog, and it rains and shines. It's melancholy, it's mysterious. It's glamorous, it's dangerous.

45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

Ang Lee once said that like Tang Wei, no one liked it in the mainland before.

But what he likes is the "qi" on Tang Wei's body.

So, he dug it up.

dig out the ruthlessness in gentleness;

Fierce in tranquility;

Ye Yan in literature and art;

Desolation in alienation.

45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

Because of this, even if she takes a different path;

Even if there are no scandals,

is not on a variety show,

Don't pick up reality shows,

No microblogging,

Don't do live streaming......

does not play according to the routines of the entertainment industry, and has always lived on the tip of the hearts of fans.


Not long ago, Tang Wei said that when she was not working, she was in a state of retirement.

Turn around from the life of spotlights, gorgeous clothes, red carpets, and hugging in front and back, and spend time in peace between mountain huts, vegetable fields and soil.

45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

The news came out of a talk show.

She rarely talks about her life.

The host asked her, "What do you like to dance lately?" ”

Everyone thought that she would dance jazz, yoga, go for a walk, etc.

45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

Tang Wei was stunned for a moment.

Then he said, "No, I'm farming."

45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

Now it's everyone's turn to be shocked.

But this is not a lie.

In Cannes, director Park Chan-wook said, "She's a farmer. ”

45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

Park Hae-il also said that when he has nothing to do, Tang Wei is taking care of his vegetable garden.

45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

The vegetable plot is huge.

There are also quite a few variety.

Garlic sprouts, cabbage rolls, peas pods, broad beans flowers, lettuce sprouts, and coriander are exuding the aroma of veins.

Sometimes, she also entertains guests at her home in the countryside.

45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

Park Chan-wook and Park Hae-il have been there.

It was also a big surprise.

Tang Wei does not have the appearance of a female star, the lead dust is not clean, and the glitz is gone.

She wore a sunhat, a coarse cloth coat, and a hoe, and worked hard in the fields.

45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

When I saw them coming, I started to busiggle myself cooking.

Stir-fried amaranth and radish soup entertain guests from Seoul.

This is a real home-cooked meal that they will never forget.

45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

Who would have thought.

Dressed in gorgeous clothes, the actress who killed all sides on the red carpet,

You can also wear plain clothes, cook in the mountains in the morning and drink at dusk, and cultivate the four seasons.

45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

On the show, Tang Wei released a corner of his vegetable garden.

45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

We can see that she is not pretending.

It's really a lot of stuff planted.

45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

There is no mulch, no greenhouse, no fertilizer, or spraying of growth agent.

Vegetables, like people, also grow at their own pace, in breathing.

Tomatoes bear more;

The corn shallots are straight;

The green unidentified vegetables are lush.

Weeds are a little bit over.

But it can also be seen that she is not asking the workers to help, but sitting back and enjoying the results. It's about doing it.

45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

Plus, she's not just farming.

"I also help other people raise chickens and rabbits."

45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

This is the egg laid by the chickens raised by Tang Wei.

Can you feel the warmth through the screen?

45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

As for the article to use, it is natural and simple, too.

There are no big brands or luxury goods, and they use sulfur soap.

45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

All kinds of details make us jaw-dropping.

Korean netizens said:

"It's so enviable";

"Life is thorough"......

She is in a foreign country and has become a representative of slow life.

In China, it has also become synonymous with freedom, casualness and indifference.

She was also interviewed by a domestic magazine.

In the interview, she also talked about her life as a peasant woman.

The question is, "What's the latest crop?" ”

45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

"Lettuce, lemon, green onions," she said. ”

45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

The reporter asked again: "Do you have any plans to get more pets?" ”

45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

She laughed.


45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

So much to talk about.

Be at home in.

Fans are even starting to worry:

"Tang Wei, can we not be too obsessed with farming? We still want to watch a movie. ”


At first glance, her choice was unexpected.

But looking back at the way we came, I found that everything was traceable.

When she entered the public eye, she was 28 years old, which is a late bloomer.

There is no hurry.

"Getting used to being in the city is like hibernating," she said. ”

45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

A reporter asked her: Aren't you afraid that there will be no exposure?

She asked, "What is exposure?" ”

Xue Xiaolu, who has cooperated many times, exclaimed: "Oh my God, she is not afraid of not being exposed, she has been like that since her debut, she has never cared at all." ”

And Chen Kexin said: "Although Tang Wei is famous, he still retains his simple characteristics. ”

45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

Wherever life goes, she takes root.

There is filming, and the performance is good.

No filming, live a good life.

45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

She took a few years off to study in the UK.

Get away from the hustle and bustle of overnight popularity.

Let go of temptation and profiteering.

Holding a book, facing the sky, reading in silence in the library.

did not marry a wealthy family, stir up scandals, and make quick money at his peak. Instead, he went to South Korea to make literary films.

In 2016, she gave birth to a daughter and gradually faded out.

She is rarely kidnapped by fame and fortune. And don't get anxious about irrelevant things.

After the epidemic began, she decided to move to the countryside because of epidemic prevention and because of her closeness to the soil.

On INS, she posted photos of the subject.

The cottage is located in the middle of a dense forest.

It's not just quiet. It's just primitive.

45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

In an ancient Chinese poem, it is said: Chaimen hears the barking of dogs, and returns to people on a snowy night.

There is such an artistic conception.

The house is also old.

45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

However, the forest is deep and foggy, and there are many suns, so it seems that there is another kind of freedom.

In such an environment, people are as quiet as the sun and the moon. Stable as grass and trees.

Truly free from the world.

It was in the depths of such mountains and forests that she planted, ate, drank, harvested, and excavated another philosophy of life with her husband and daughter.

"I'm discovering more and more what I really care about.

It could be life in the country, it could be my relaxed life with my daughter and husband, these quiet and stable relationships make me feel comfortable. ”

45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

There is no rush for my daughter's education.

Didn't go to Seoul to roll aristocratic education.

Instead, I enrolled in a kindergarten in the countryside and communicated with her in Chinese.

45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

As soon as school is over, the mother and daughter run all over the mountains, crazy and wild like mountain elves.

45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

They pick pine cones, catch ants, pile rocks, and jump rubber bands.

One enjoyed childhood.

A return to childhood.

Tang Wei's husband always said, "I raised two daughters. ”

45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

Desire comes down.

Happiness 涌上来。

"I respect myself, my husband, and my children to think and judge the world on their own," she said. ”

What I share is mostly related to land.

45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

She finally understood that the weather forecast was important.

The wind comes from the east, and garlic, lettuce, and cabbage grow in the wind. Everything sprouts, and begins to work.

There is rain to, the soil is slightly wet, just planted.

The sun is high and the plants are steaming, so be sure to water them in the morning and evening.

Every day, she weeds, fertilized, turned the soil two or three times, and sowed tomatoes and peanuts.

45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

When the tomato blooms, it is golden yellow and has six petals.

Flowers fall and fruits grow.

Ban 茄面世.

45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

There are a lot of green tomatoes, and the stems fall into a crescent.

At maturity, chlorophyll gradually decreases, and lycopene continues to increase, becoming more and more red, like a lantern for the Lantern Festival.

45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

When you get to the mango seed, you can pick tomatoes.

Cucumbers can also be picked.

It's all stubble.

Cucumbers with tender thorns, with flowers, a bite, click, clear air, teeth and cheeks fragrant.

Tang Wei said that it was very delicious, and she and her husband could eat 8 in one go.

45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

The potatoes are buried in the soil and are not publicized.

The foliage is like hemp.

It's not special at all.

45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

But the rhizomes are soft and thick. It can be stewed, fried, fried, boiled, milled, and mudded.

45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

She is grateful for the life of a "farmer".

Deep awareness is the gift of time.

Zucchini cats grow quietly among the vines.

45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

The radish is pulled out, and every time it is a red surprise.

45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

She eats and drinks.


In the mountains that no one knows, the wind is the companion and the trees are the neighbors. The flowers are separated, the vegetables are divided, the sunlight is like a sprinkler, and the time is like a poem.

It's like a paradise.

It's also like a small utopia found in reality.

This kind of joy of living in the countryside is the envy of countless people.

But actually.

The life that Tang Wei has chosen, each of us has the ability to achieve.

We won't.

It's because we can't let it go.

45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

Tang Wei can put it down.

Far from fame and fortune, she wielded weeds with a sickle, turned the ground with a pickaxe, dug pits with an old shovel, and bent down to pick up bricks and rubble.....

Regardless of the name.

It is not limited to form.

She was sweating profusely under the sun.

There is no "image";

There is no "aura";

Appearance may also decline.

But between the lands, she finds true peace.

45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

She said that when she was studying in London, she read Harumura Murakami's "Kafka by the Sea", and there was a sentence that summed up her outlook on life:

"The strength I pursue is not the strength of a competition.

I don't want walls to fight back against external forces.

What I want is the strength to accept external forces, to endure external forces, to be able to quietly endure injustice, misfortune, misunderstanding, and sorrow. ”

45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

She didn't want to fight back.

Don't want to fight.

Like the soil, it accepts everything that happens, and also accepts all external forces.

Therefore, whether it is Tang Wei on the screen or Tang Wei in life, he is not bluffing and has no anxiety.

She is like a tree, growing in her own order.

Elegant and self-controlled, happy and happy.

It is also like a stream of water, flowing through the valley of destiny.

Adaptability is self-sufficient, and still water flows deeply.

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  • 45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms
  • 45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms
  • 45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms
  • 45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms
  • 45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms
  • 45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms
  • 45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms
  • 45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms
  • 45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms
  • 45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms
  • 45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms
  • 45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms
  • 45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms
  • 45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms
  • 45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms
  • 45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms
  • 45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms
  • 45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms
  • 45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms
  • 45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms
  • 45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms
  • 45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms
  • 45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms
  • 45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms
  • 45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms
  • 45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms
  • 45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms
  • 45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms
  • 45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms
  • 45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms
  • 45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms
  • 45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms
  • 45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms
  • 45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms
  • 45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms
  • 45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms
  • 45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms
  • 45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms
  • 45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms
  • 45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms
  • 45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms
  • 45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms
  • 45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms
  • 45-year-old Tang Wei: has separated, does not divorce, takes care of the baby alone, plants flowers and farms

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