
Shalala: After restricting the development of national table tennis and forcing Liu Guoliang to retire, his future was ruined due to embezzlement of 20 million

author:Kaka said the world
Shalala: After restricting the development of national table tennis and forcing Liu Guoliang to retire, his future was ruined due to embezzlement of 20 million
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Shalala: After restricting the development of national table tennis and forcing Liu Guoliang to retire, his future was ruined due to embezzlement of 20 million

In 2014, the international table tennis world was shocked. Shalala, the president of the International Table Tennis Federation, who was once in full swing, fell from the altar due to a shocking corruption scandal. The Egyptian-Canadian, during his presidency, embezzled as much as 20 million US dollars, equivalent to more than 1 yuan. 300 million yuan.

This news is like a bombshell, causing a huge shock in the table tennis world.

What Shalala did was not just simple corruption, but also a betrayal of the entire sport of table tennis. During his tenure, he has repeatedly implemented reform measures for the Chinese table tennis team, and even forced many Chinese table tennis celebrities, including Liu Guoliang, to retire early.

Shalala: After restricting the development of national table tennis and forcing Liu Guoliang to retire, his future was ruined due to embezzlement of 20 million

Skynet is magnificent, negligent but not leaky. As the European Table Tennis Federation's investigation gradually unfolds, the true face of Shalala is finally exposed to the world. The former helmsman of the table tennis world finally had to resign under the huge pressure of public opinion, paying a heavy price for his greed.

Shalala's life trajectory is legendary. He was born in 1952 in turbulent Egypt. The gears of fate turned, bringing the young Salala to faraway Canada.

In this strange land, 10-year-old Shalala met table tennis, a small ball that completely changed the course of his life.

The talented Shalala soon showed his extraordinary skills. At the age of 19, he made a name for the Canadian national team and began his career.

Shalala: After restricting the development of national table tennis and forcing Liu Guoliang to retire, his future was ruined due to embezzlement of 20 million

Due to the lack of high-level coaching, Shalala has not achieved impressive results on the international stage.

After retiring, Shalala did not give up her love for table tennis. He chose a different path and became a table tennis coach. In his more than 20-year coaching career, Shalala has produced many outstanding players.

Of these, he is most proud of Dommonks, who finished 10th in the Canadian National Women's Singles Competition.

Domonx's success has earned Shalala a reputation and opened the door to a higher stage for him. In 1988, Shalala joined the ITTF as a member of the North American Council.

Shalala: After restricting the development of national table tennis and forcing Liu Guoliang to retire, his future was ruined due to embezzlement of 20 million

With her excellent work skills and interpersonal skills, Shalala quickly rose to prominence within the ITTF. Seven years later, he was promoted to the first vice-president of the ITTF, laying the foundation for his future path to power.

In 1999, Shalala finally reached the pinnacle of power he dreamed of – the president of the ITTF. Standing in this position, Shalala overlooks the entire table tennis arena.

There was a glint of ambition in his eyes, and an ambitious plan was brewing in his mind. However, no one thought that this plan would have such a huge impact on the world table tennis world, especially the Chinese table tennis team.

In 1999, Shalala was officially inaugurated as the president of the ITTF. With the advent of the new millennium, the ambitious leader embarked on a series of initiatives aimed at "reforming" the sport of table tennis.

Shalala: After restricting the development of national table tennis and forcing Liu Guoliang to retire, his future was ruined due to embezzlement of 20 million

These measures, which seemed to be aimed at promoting the development of table tennis, brought unprecedented challenges to the Chinese table tennis team that was in full swing at that time.

Shalala's first big move was to change the size of the table tennis balls. He changed the original 38 mm diameter ball to 40 mm. This may seem like a trivial 2mm change, but it had a profound impact on the game.

The lightness and agility that Chinese athletes have always prided themselves on has been greatly diminished, and has been replaced by higher requirements for the strength and quality of athletes. This change gave the Europeans, who excelled at power matchups, a clear advantage in an instant.

In the face of this sudden change, the Chinese team was in a predicament for a while, and the overall competitive level showed a temporary decline. However, the Chinese team did not give in.

Shalala: After restricting the development of national table tennis and forcing Liu Guoliang to retire, his future was ruined due to embezzlement of 20 million

They quickly adapted to the new ball with amazing perseverance and hard training. At the 46th World Table Tennis Championships, the Chinese team proved their strength and adaptability to the world with the championship of the men's team event.

Seeing that her first move didn't work as expected, Shalala didn't stop there. He soon introduced a second major reform: changing the best-of-three system of 21 balls to a best-of-five system of 11 balls.

This change has greatly increased the pace of the game, shortened the time of the single match, and given more opportunities for players from other countries. The Chinese team's original tactics of using the first 10 balls to understand the opponent and exert their strength in the second half were forced to change, and they had to give it their all from the beginning.

Subsequently, Shalala introduced a series of reform measures, including "uncovered serve reform", "doubles to change team" and "rubber ban". All of these reforms are aimed at the advantages of the Chinese team.

Shalala: After restricting the development of national table tennis and forcing Liu Guoliang to retire, his future was ruined due to embezzlement of 20 million

Among them, the implementation of the "uncovered serve" dealt a huge blow to the skilled Liu Guoliang. Liu Guoliang's long-standing pride in blocking the serve has lost its usefulness.

In 2002, the legend of Chinese table tennis tearfully announced his retirement. Soon after, due to the lack of a suitable partner, Kong Linghui, who had been with Liu Guoliang for many years, had to make the same choice.

Shalala's "reforms" also extend to the talent pool. He introduced the "Overseas Corps" restriction order, which stipulates that players over the age of 21 who change their nationality are not allowed to participate in international competitions.

This regulation has a direct impact on the talent training strategy of Chinese table tennis. Many young players who have potential but have not yet stood out in the domestic team have lost the opportunity to participate in international competitions by changing nationalities and have to give up their table tennis dreams.

Shalala: After restricting the development of national table tennis and forcing Liu Guoliang to retire, his future was ruined due to embezzlement of 20 million

In the face of these successive challenges, the Chinese table tennis team has shown remarkable resilience and adaptability. They are constantly adapting their tactics and trying to adapt to the new rules, and they remain very competitive on the field.

Every reform is like a hammer, constantly testing the bottom line of Chinese table tennis.

These moves by Shalala have sparked widespread controversy. Proponents argue that the reforms are beneficial to the global development of table tennis, while critics say that the measures are clearly aimed at the Chinese team and are unfair.

In any case, this series of reforms has undoubtedly brought huge impacts and challenges to the world table tennis world, especially the Chinese table tennis team.

Shalala: After restricting the development of national table tennis and forcing Liu Guoliang to retire, his future was ruined due to embezzlement of 20 million

Table tennis' relationship with China can be traced back to the early 20th century. In 1904, a Shanghai stationery merchant named Wang Daoping imported several sets of table tennis equipment from Japan.

No one could have imagined that this small ball would be closely linked to China's destiny in the coming century.

In order to promote this novel sport, Wang Dao usually shows his skills in the store. His virtuosity attracted many customers, and table tennis quietly took root in Shanghai.

However, in that war-torn era, the development of table tennis was not smooth. The turbulent social environment and frequent wars have made it difficult for this small-ball sport to get the attention it deserves.

Shalala: After restricting the development of national table tennis and forcing Liu Guoliang to retire, his future was ruined due to embezzlement of 20 million

It was not until the founding of the People's Republic of China that table tennis ushered in a real spring. With the strong support of the government, table tennis is booming in China. The rise of the national fitness movement has provided fertile ground for the popularization of table tennis.

Soon, the sport became a household name in China and became a form of pastime for all ages.

In the early 70s, the development of table tennis in China ushered in an important turning point. China's skillful use of "ping-pong diplomacy" has promoted a breakthrough in China-US relations.

The small table tennis ball has become a key factor in changing the political pattern of the world. This event not only shows the unique charm of table tennis, but also shows the world China's strength in this sport.

Shalala: After restricting the development of national table tennis and forcing Liu Guoliang to retire, his future was ruined due to embezzlement of 20 million

With the deepening of reform and opening up, China's sports industry has ushered in new development opportunities. In the 80s and 90s, the Chinese table tennis team began to make a name for itself on the international stage.

They surpassed other countries at an astonishing rate, and finally stood proudly on top of the world. Liu Guoliang, Kong Linghui and other famous generals have created a brilliant record of "unrivaled", so that the three words "table tennis" and "China" are closely linked.

It is against this backdrop that Shalala has witnessed the rise of table tennis in China. Perhaps out of consideration for balancing the strength of the international table tennis world, or perhaps out of jealousy, he began a series of "reforms" against the Chinese team.

However, he underestimated the resilience and adaptability of Chinese table tennis.

Shalala: After restricting the development of national table tennis and forcing Liu Guoliang to retire, his future was ruined due to embezzlement of 20 million

Even in the face of many difficulties, the Chinese players still write their own legends on the field. Table tennis has long been not only a sport, but also a spiritual symbol of the Chinese people's unremitting self-improvement and courage to challenge.

It has witnessed China's journey from poverty and weakness to prosperity and strength, and carries the dreams and pride of generations of Chinese.

This century-long relationship has given table tennis a unique position in China. It is not only a sport, but also a microcosm of the unity and continuous progress of the Chinese people.

No matter what challenges it faces, Chinese table tennis will continue to move forward and write a new glorious chapter.

Shalala: After restricting the development of national table tennis and forcing Liu Guoliang to retire, his future was ruined due to embezzlement of 20 million

In 2013, a sudden storm swept the international table tennis world. The European Table Tennis Federation began to expose Shalala's misdeeds, and a series of shocking facts gradually emerged.

The high-ranking president of the International Table Tennis Federation actually took advantage of his position to seek personal gain and carry out large-scale commercial bribery.

After an in-depth investigation, Shalala's corruption was finally exposed. The results of the investigation showed that the leader, who once vowed to reform the table tennis world, accepted bribes of a staggering 20 million US dollars, equivalent to more than 1 yuan, during his tenure. 300 million yuan! This figure shocked the entire table tennis community.

Faced with a mountain of irrefutable accusations, Shalala could no longer quibble. His high-sounding arguments for reform pale in the shadow of huge bribes. In 2014, under huge pressure from public opinion, Shalala was forced to resign as president of the ITTF.

Shalala: After restricting the development of national table tennis and forcing Liu Guoliang to retire, his future was ruined due to embezzlement of 20 million

The table tennis giants who once called for wind and rain left the scene in disgrace and disgrace.

The outbreak of this scandal has also made people start to re-examine what Shalala has done in the past. Are those "reforms" against the Chinese team really out of love for table tennis? Or is there something else going on? In any case, Shalala's fall put an ironic end to his "reforms".

This scandal is not only a personal tragedy for Shalala, but also a heavy blow to the entire international table tennis world. It exposes loopholes in the management of international sports organizations and makes people rethink how to build a fairer and more transparent sports management system.

Shalala's downfall has cast a shadow over his various measures against the Chinese table tennis team. This former "reformer" eventually became synonymous with corruption in the international sports world, and his actions became a wake-up call for future generations.

Shalala: After restricting the development of national table tennis and forcing Liu Guoliang to retire, his future was ruined due to embezzlement of 20 million

Shalala's departure did not stop Chinese table tennis from moving forward. On the contrary, after going through these challenges, the Chinese team has become more resilient and stronger.

After retiring, Liu Guoliang switched to coaching positions and showed extraordinary coaching talent. He has poured his years of experience and deep understanding of table tennis into the training of a new generation of players.

Under his guidance, a group of young faces have emerged on the international stage and shown a new style.

The Chinese table tennis team has proved with practical actions that no external pressure can stop them from pursuing excellence. In the face of new rules and challenges, they continue to innovate technology, improve their strength, and continue to write a brilliant chapter in the world table tennis arena.

Shalala: After restricting the development of national table tennis and forcing Liu Guoliang to retire, his future was ruined due to embezzlement of 20 million

Today's Chinese table tennis team not only maintains a leading position in technology, but also shows stronger resilience in spirit. Shalala's various obstacles have instead made a stronger and more resilient Chinese table tennis team.

They have grown up in the face of adversity and risen in the face of challenges, demonstrating the indomitable spirit of Chinese sports.

This story tells us that the truly strong will not be defeated by difficulties, but will continue to surpass themselves in challenges. The future of Chinese table tennis will be more dazzling and continue to add luster to China's sports industry.

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