
It's really called Lu Jun: "Eight years." ”

author:Single-disc doctrine

Hello everyone, I'm Lu Jun

I'm sorry, I broke my promise

That's true, and I apologize to everyone

Last year, around this time, I announced that June 2023 would be my last year of anniversary speeches

That's what I planned for a long time

But at this moment, there is one thing that I have to stand up again

Post a picture of the sea I saw this year, and then borrow a little time from everyone

It's really called Lu Jun: "Eight years." ”

This year, my world has been magical

It's not my job, it's because of my work, the people I go out to meet, and the things I talk about, which makes me feel the magic of the industry

Behind the magic, I feel the information cocoon

Each is trapped in its own logic, as if it can't see the reality of the industry

What the spire of the industry is talking about

What's really happening at the bottom of the industry?

When I saw that both of these sections were running in a self-contained cycle, I felt the need to stand up and tell you again

What's really going on in the industry


In May 2024, Yao Liangsong, chairman of Oppai Group, said in an interview that the key to the transformation of the home furnishing industry from "real estate transaction-driven" to "beautiful yearning-driven" is to transform the industry

The background of this statement is that in the past year, Oppai Group's net profit and cash flow have reached a record high

Watched such news

As a real estate person, I chewed these two sentences again

What a profound realization, what a painful realization

The parting of ways with real estate has become a new way out for many industries

And it's a very good way out

And what about the real estate itself

Recently, there was also a news related to real estate that swiped the screen on the mobile phone, about the news that Wang Jianlin and his son returned to the top ten on the wealth list

It's boring news, but it's positive news related to real estate

There is indeed too little positive news in this industry now

But when I went to check the so-called list, I found out

Except for Wang Jianlin and his son, who returned to the top ten, there are no real estate business owners in the top 50 of the entire list

Faces that we thought were once familiar

Now I don't see it anymore

Even in terms of wealth, society has nothing to do with real estate

Real estate is no longer a center of traffic, nor is it a center of wealth

It doesn't seem to be the core of the hub for the functioning of society

The deadliest

Regarding this industry, after the ups and downs of the past few years, this track has lost the attention of public opinion


So within the industry, what else can be shared

One of the most common things that the traders at the bottom have said to me recently is:

Just need to be gone

Yes, this group of people who are buying a house for the first time, who must buy a house, and who will buy a house sooner or later......

Now there are fewer and fewer of them

The disappearance of rigid demand not only means that it will be more and more difficult for a project to be demobilized in the future

It also means that in the past 20 years, the value of the vocational skills and industry experience we have trained around our customers has been instantly zeroed

On the other hand, the current performance of the second-hand housing market is also very delicate

With the introduction of the new policy, the market will of course pick up in the short term, but at the same time as the recovery of decentralization, the number of listings is increasing exponentially

This means that the more houses are sold, the more they are sold

Why do they sell more and more?

Obviously, as an ordinary individual, we have also begun to reach a consensus: products that are just needed are also eliminated production capacity, and they need to be quickly taken off

If you are still obsessed with rigid demand thinking, such a community may be eliminated by the market, and such practitioners may be eliminated by the industry

Of course, many people can choose to leave

But what remains

Now is the time for us to do something


At the same time, as the real estate industry itself does too

If there's only one word to describe it, it is

Caught in a heavy involution

Not only the involution of products, but also the volume at the end of marketing has become more and more obvious in the past two years

So everybody's focus is on finding customers online

Countless marketers regard online channels as their main battlefield


What is the end of this matter

Liang Ning once said that homogenization is the fertilizer of the third party, and the end of all homogenization is the achievement of the third party

Just look at Pinduoduo

When the product itself has no characteristics, Pinduoduo squeezes the profits of all suppliers by only refunding the three words

If all products can't solve the problem of homogenization, the harder they work on the marketing side, the more they will only make wedding dresses for third parties

So really so obsessed with online?


In the end, there was one thing that pushed me to stand up

Once I participated in a group training within a real estate company, and I was the second guest to share

Before me, the head of an MCN agency invited by the developer to come over and share how to do live streaming

When I saw this teacher talking to more than 100 marketing leaders about how to improve the audience time of the live broadcast with edge rubbing and soft pornography

I was a little discouraged

At that time, I thought, if all the marketing leaders in our industry focus on shooting videos and doing live broadcasts, then our industry is finished

It was at that moment that I made a decision

I guess I still need to stand up and say something

It's really happening in this industry

It should be much more important than channels, online customer acquisition, and live dancing


So, what is real

Every year, I go to dozens of cities to see hundreds of projects

There are many projects that rely on channels to solve the problem of decentralization

But there are more projects that are using brand play to solve marketing problems at a more advanced level

Now almost all projects have to be high-end

But in the eyes of the rich, the spire house they are buying at this time may not be what our real estate people are looking like now

Many people pay attention to the outside of the sales office for the sake of customer sources

But at this moment, in the case field, an ace career consultant, an offline activity, and a customer return visit...... These links, which were once defined as becoming more and more frivolous, are now amazingly powerful?

I've seen countless cases with my own eyes, and if I hadn't really been involved in them, I wouldn't have believed that these were the reality

But it is precisely because of my personal experience that I will feel that the world is promising

And because of that

This year's topic: Happening

It's really called Lu Jun: "Eight years." ”

It's like the slogan is happening

Only those vivid cases that are happening are truly unforgettable and can truly shake people's hearts

In this era, I have heard a lot of truths, but I rarely see the truth, and the most precious thing is nothing more than a sentence that is happening

I will believe it in the end

Everything is happening in the future, and it will become the consensus of the industry

On the evening of July 25th, I will stand on the stage, put on my shirt, and give you a 1510 face

And because of that

From now on, it's no longer an annual presentation for startups

It's a one-way case release conference for a content agency

In this era, we advocate single-disc doctrine, and we also have a complete communication with you about the projects that resonate with us emotionally

I believe

Although the case is like a starry wildfire, it will one day become the mainstream and become a vast galaxy


The only regret

I may need to scale it down this time

In previous years, there would be more than 2,000 people for his annual speeches called Lu Jun, but in the past eight years, it has been hard to find a vote every year

This is the only live speech in the real estate industry that can break 2,000 people so far

It is also an industry event that will definitely swipe the real estate circle of friends that day

Anyone who has participated will know how high the information energy density is at the scene

However, this year I am ready to cut the number of places by half

For no other reason

Because I changed venues

I suddenly wanted to find a movie theater to share these 2 hours with everyone

The cinema is a place I rely on a lot, and I spend two hours looking for it whenever I'm depressed or lost

Whether it's the movie itself or simply emptying, the cinema space has given me a lot of mental energy

So I hope the same will be true for this year's presentation

I found the biggest cinema in Shanghai and rented one of the largest screens in Shanghai

In this enclosed space, tell everyone a complete story

Deliver these 120 minutes to everyone like a movie, and create a 120 minutes worth remembering and remembering

But there are only 1,000 seats

One more place is gone

July 25th, Dolby Theatre, Shanghai Film City, 7 p.m

We won't be late

Waiting for the arrival of these 1,000 real estate people who love the industry


There are two ways to get tickets

We have prepared 500 available tickets priced at 200 yuan each, click on the card below to find the ticket purchase link

It's really called Lu Jun's back garden,,,

2024 The first real estate single-disc case release conference ticket purchase channel

It's really called Lu Jun: "Eight years." ”

Mini programs

If you want to come, you can hold on

Of course, the pricing is not for income, and we don't need such income for the time being, as is customary, we will donate all ticket proceeds as public welfare

Last year, we donated the proceeds from the ticket sales to the northern flood relief work, which was particularly serious at that time

Thank you to everyone for their participation and contribution to charity at that time

I haven't thought about it this year, but every money will go to his meaningful place now, thank you for your support

But no matter what, I guarantee that the $200 will be the most worthwhile purchase of the year

In addition, there are some customers who are invited by chance

We have prepared about 100 tickets, interested friends can click at the end of the article to read the original article, fill in the information to register

In previous years, the probability of success was about 10%, and we picked it randomly

Remember, the card link above the purchase ticket, and the original reading below the inviting customer

Okay, without further ado, I'm going to prepare the content

That's all for today

It seems difficult to decide how something ends up, but we can decide where it begins

The first single-disc case release conference is taking place, July 25th

Let's decide together that it begins

I'll leave it to you later

This year marks the first edition

I'll wait for you then

It's really called Lu Jun: "Eight years." ”

The above is the text, from the real name Lu Jun

This is the 5384th original article of the real Lu Jun public account