
Zhao Zhongxiang's secret fetish? Rao Ying has been physically and mentally injured in her relationship for many years

author:F Peninsula lunch box


The entanglement between Rao Ying and Zhao Zhongxiang has always been a hot topic in the entertainment industry. She claimed to have maintained a relationship with Zhao Zhongxiang for many years and revealed that the other party had special fetishes, which caused her great physical and mental damage. What secrets are hidden behind this relationship?

Zhao Zhongxiang's secret fetish? Rao Ying has been physically and mentally injured in her relationship for many years

The search for the truth behind the revelations

When an ordinary person's voice is amplified through the Internet, and a scandal is reported, the public's eyes instantly condense like a spotlight. This is not only a turmoil about individuals, but also a collision of social concepts and a discussion of legal boundaries.

Zhao Zhongxiang's secret fetish? Rao Ying has been physically and mentally injured in her relationship for many years

Rao Ying, an ordinary physiotherapist name, became the focus because of a so-called seven-year relationship with the famous CCTV host Zhao Zhongxiang.

In a corner of the Internet, Rao Ying cried about her suffering as Zhao Zhongxiang's lover in the form of a serial diary, accusing the other party of having special habits and traumatizing herself physically and mentally.

Zhao Zhongxiang's secret fetish? Rao Ying has been physically and mentally injured in her relationship for many years

With the release of one revelation after another, the evidence photos and recordings on the Internet are like opening Pandora's box, and public opinion is boiling for a while, and Zhao Zhongxiang, a once familiar name, has been pushed to the forefront.

Zhao Zhongxiang's secret fetish? Rao Ying has been physically and mentally injured in her relationship for many years

In this huge public opinion trial, have we forgotten to seek verification and rationality? In the age of the Internet, it is difficult to distinguish the truth of information at a glance, and emotional statements often obscure the truth of the facts.

Zhao Zhongxiang's secret fetish? Rao Ying has been physically and mentally injured in her relationship for many years

As Rao Ying said, the story of her and Zhao Zhongxiang began in 1998 with a chance encounter in the Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University. Since then, the relationship between the two has been like a raging storm, with irresistible passion and the pain that comes with it.

Zhao Zhongxiang's secret fetish? Rao Ying has been physically and mentally injured in her relationship for many years

The Zhao Zhongxiang she describes is a person with a special fetish, a person who uses sweet words and material temptations to maintain relationships. And Zhao Zhongxiang's categorical denial made this turmoil even more confusing.

Zhao Zhongxiang's secret fetish? Rao Ying has been physically and mentally injured in her relationship for many years

Power and vulnerability in emotional entanglements

In Rao Ying's narrative, Zhao Zhongxiang is not only a well-known TV character, but also a man who is very seductive in the emotional world.

Zhao Zhongxiang's secret fetish? Rao Ying has been physically and mentally injured in her relationship for many years

According to Rao Ying, the relationship between the two began with a chance encounter, when Rao Ying was a physiotherapist at the Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University, and Zhao Zhongxiang was a patient who came for treatment because of a foot injury. After going back and forth, the relationship between the two quickly warmed up, and Rao Ying said that she was moved by Zhao Zhongxiang's sweet words.

Zhao Zhongxiang's secret fetish? Rao Ying has been physically and mentally injured in her relationship for many years

She recalled that Mr. Zhao had promised her a divorce and lured her with various expensive gifts, including real estate, luxury cars and jewelry. As time passed, Rao Ying discovered that Zhao Zhongxiang did not leave his wife, and he fell deeper and deeper. This relationship not only caused her great emotional distress, but also caused deep mental trauma.

Zhao Zhongxiang's secret fetish? Rao Ying has been physically and mentally injured in her relationship for many years

In 2004, Rao Ying claimed that Zhao Zhongxiang had abruptly ended his relationship with her, which made her extremely disappointed and angry. In her quest for justice, she decided to make the relationship public.

Zhao Zhongxiang's secret fetish? Rao Ying has been physically and mentally injured in her relationship for many years

On the Internet, Rao Ying released a series of so-called "lover recordings" in an attempt to prove her relationship with Zhao Zhongxiang. The recordings contain intimate conversations between the two men, as well as what Ms. Rao described as Zhao Zhongxiang's abuse and threats against her.

Zhao Zhongxiang's secret fetish? Rao Ying has been physically and mentally injured in her relationship for many years

He categorically denied this. He responded to Rao's accusations for the first time in his book promotion campaign. He admitted that he had indeed received physiotherapy at the Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University, and that Rao Ying was the physiotherapist at the time, but Zhao Zhongxiang denied all the other accusations made by Rao Ying.

Zhao Zhongxiang's secret fetish? Rao Ying has been physically and mentally injured in her relationship for many years

He insisted that he was a loyal family person and had never had any intentions or actions towards Rao Ying that went beyond the doctor-patient relationship.

Zhao Zhongxiang's secret fetish? Rao Ying has been physically and mentally injured in her relationship for many years

The weighing pan of law and social justice

As the conflict escalated, Zhao Zhongxiang and his wife Zhang Meizhu decided to use legal means to protect their reputation. They sued Rao for defamation and invasion of privacy, and the case went to justice. In court, Rao Ying insisted that her relationship with Zhao Zhongxiang was real, but failed to provide conclusive evidence. The evidence of the recordings she submitted was vehemently denied by Mr. Zhao, who pointed out that the recordings were forged.

Zhao Zhongxiang's secret fetish? Rao Ying has been physically and mentally injured in her relationship for many years

In order to ascertain the truth, the court invited a number of experts to conduct an examination. The results showed that the recordings did show traces of post-patchwork and computer synthesis. The discovery dealt a major blow to Rao's case.

Zhao Zhongxiang's secret fetish? Rao Ying has been physically and mentally injured in her relationship for many years

After several months of trial, the Beijing court ruled that Rao Ying was convicted of defamation and invasion of privacy, and that Zhao Zhongxiang's family should be paid 100,000 yuan per person for moral damages. In addition, the litigation costs of the case amounted to more than 4 million yuan.

Zhao Zhongxiang's secret fetish? Rao Ying has been physically and mentally injured in her relationship for many years

Rao Ying was dissatisfied with the first-instance verdict and appealed to the High Court. After trial, the High Court upheld the original verdict and increased the amount of compensation for defamation to $200,000. This verdict not only imposes a heavy financial burden on Rao, but more importantly, it sends a clear message to society: the law does not allow anyone to damage the reputation of others by defamation and invasion of privacy.

Zhao Zhongxiang's secret fetish? Rao Ying has been physically and mentally injured in her relationship for many years

This lawsuit is not only a personal feud between Zhao Zhongxiang and Rao Ying, but also a deep reflection of the public on the privacy and personal reputation protection of celebrities. In today's increasingly flooded network information, how to find a balance between protecting individual rights and interests and safeguarding the public's right to know has become an urgent problem to be solved.

Zhao Zhongxiang's secret fetish? Rao Ying has been physically and mentally injured in her relationship for many years

The art of balancing celebrity privacy with public scrutiny

This lawsuit between Zhao Zhongxiang and Rao Ying is not only a celebrity scandal, but also a profound test of the current society's treatment of celebrities' privacy and personal reputation protection. Celebrities tend to receive more attention for their words and deeds as public figures, but this does not mean that their personal privacy should be exposed and violated at will.

Zhao Zhongxiang's secret fetish? Rao Ying has been physically and mentally injured in her relationship for many years

In this case, we see how an ordinary person tries to damage a celebrity's reputation by defaming and falsifying evidence and tries to profit from it. Such acts not only cause great moral damage and reputational damage to the victims, but also expose the shortcomings of society in dealing with such incidents.

Zhao Zhongxiang's secret fetish? Rao Ying has been physically and mentally injured in her relationship for many years

We need to pay more attention to the protection of the privacy of public figures, so that they are not subjected to unfair treatment because of false accusations. On the other hand, the public should also cultivate a more rational and civilized attitude of supervision, and should not believe unconfirmed news, let alone participate in unprovoked attacks on celebrities.

Zhao Zhongxiang's secret fetish? Rao Ying has been physically and mentally injured in her relationship for many years

This case also reminds us that in the Internet age, it is difficult to distinguish the authenticity of information at a glance, and the public should remain calm and rational in the face of various explosive news.

Zhao Zhongxiang's secret fetish? Rao Ying has been physically and mentally injured in her relationship for many years

In the pursuit of truth, we must not ignore the boundaries of the law and allow the rights of individuals to be violated for no reason. In the end, whether it is a celebrity or an ordinary person, they should solve the problem within the framework of the law and use legal means to protect their rights and interests.

Zhao Zhongxiang's secret fetish? Rao Ying has been physically and mentally injured in her relationship for many years

Although the verdict in this case cannot fully compensate for the harm suffered by the victims, it at least shows the firm position of the law on safeguarding the rights to reputation and privacy.

Zhao Zhongxiang's secret fetish? Rao Ying has been physically and mentally injured in her relationship for many years

Society should learn from this and work together to build a healthier and more rational public opinion environment, so that the dignity of the law and social justice can be reflected.

Zhao Zhongxiang's secret fetish? Rao Ying has been physically and mentally injured in her relationship for many years