
Summer study|2024 Guihai Beilin "Cultural and Museum Little Expert" Career Experience Camp is officially recruited!

author:Guilin Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism
Summer study|2024 Guihai Beilin "Cultural and Museum Little Expert" Career Experience Camp is officially recruited!
Summer study|2024 Guihai Beilin "Cultural and Museum Little Expert" Career Experience Camp is officially recruited!

Guihai Stele Forest

Little expert in cultural museums

Career experience

2024 Guihai Forest of Steles Museum Summer Activities

Museum Career Experience Camp

It's time for class!

Summer study|2024 Guihai Beilin "Cultural and Museum Little Expert" Career Experience Camp is officially recruited!
Summer study|2024 Guihai Beilin "Cultural and Museum Little Expert" Career Experience Camp is officially recruited!

How to register: Call for registration details

(Only 24 people will be recruited for this event, while stocks last)

Guihai Forest of Steles Museum Summer Study:

Visiting the Museum's "Little Museum Expert"

The museum career experience camp is recruiting!


Guihai Forest of Steles Museum

Course Background:

Summer study|2024 Guihai Beilin "Cultural and Museum Little Expert" Career Experience Camp is officially recruited!
Summer study|2024 Guihai Beilin "Cultural and Museum Little Expert" Career Experience Camp is officially recruited!

▲ Summer vacation activity highlights

Summer study|2024 Guihai Beilin "Cultural and Museum Little Expert" Career Experience Camp is officially recruited!

Guihai Forest of Steles Museum is a special museum engaged in the protection, research, display and publicity of stone carvings in Guilin. During the summer vacation of 2024, the Guihai Forest of Steles Museum will rely on the Longyin Rock Longyin Cave with "cliffs all over and no stones on the walls" and the permanent exhibition "Mountains and Rivers Have Clear Sounds" Guilin Stone Carving Culture Exhibition, and open a 6-day "Cultural and Museum Little Expert" Museum Career Experience Camp for a week!

Let's take a closer look at the museum and discover the mysterious charm of the museum!

Summer study|2024 Guihai Beilin "Cultural and Museum Little Expert" Career Experience Camp is officially recruited!

A glimpse of past events


Guihai Forest of Steles Museum

Course Description:

Q1: What is the process of a cultural relic from being unearthed to meeting the world?

Q2: What are the interesting stories behind the work of the museum?

During the July holiday, come and participate in the "Little Expert in Cultural Museums" museum career experience camp held by Guihai Stele Forest Museum, let us unveil the mystery of the museum together!

Registration period: July 1 to July 8

Class time: July 15 to July 20 9:30-12:00

Recruitment: Children and adolescents aged 8 to 12 years

The original price is 1280 yuan / person

Before July 8

Three-person group price: 880 yuan/person

Before July 5

Early bird price for single course: 980 yuan/person


Guihai Forest of Steles Museum

Course Schedule

Summer study|2024 Guihai Beilin "Cultural and Museum Little Expert" Career Experience Camp is officially recruited!

Curriculum at a glance

Career experience 1: Non-genetic extension expert

Summer study|2024 Guihai Beilin "Cultural and Museum Little Expert" Career Experience Camp is officially recruited!

Instructor Profile

Bao Gang graduated from Guangxi Normal University in 2012 with a master's degree in ancient Chinese history. In 2012, he entered the Guihai Forest of Steles Museum, engaged in the collection, sorting, research and display of Guilin stone carvings, and is currently the director of the display research department, and in 2021, he was awarded the deputy research librarian of the museum. He is the representative inheritor of the representative project of Guilin's municipal intangible cultural heritage, "Guilin Stone Carving Skills".

Stone carving is an ancient and precious art, which is not only a record and inheritance of history, but also a respect and promotion of traditional Chinese culture. "Guilin Stone Carving Skills" has become an intangible cultural heritage project at the autonomous region level.

In this experience camp, students will learn about and experience this intangible cultural heritage project from zero distance under the explanation and guidance of the museum's professional staff.

Intangible cultural heritage extension technology theory knowledge class

Students have a hands-on experience

Students present their work

Career experience 2: Little cultural relics restorer

Summer study|2024 Guihai Beilin "Cultural and Museum Little Expert" Career Experience Camp is officially recruited!

Instructor Profile

Wei Kexiang, a stone carving technician in Guihai Forest of Steles Museum, and a representative inheritor of Guilin stone carving skills of an autonomous region-level intangible cultural heritage project, has been engaged in the protection of Guilin stone carvings for a long time, and has completed the collection of more than 9,000 pieces of rubbing materials for the protection of cliff stone carvings in Guilin and even Guangxi. In 2020, he was hired by the National Center for the Protection of Ancient Books as a tutor of the National Center for the Protection of Ancient Books (Guilin Institute), and in 2024, he was awarded the honorary title of "Guangxi Craftsman" by the Federation of Trade Unions of the Autonomous Region.

During the opening of the Little Cultural Restorer Course, we will invite Mr. Wei Kexiang, the inheritor of intangible cultural heritage of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, to teach the students the intangible cultural heritage extension skills, demonstrate the restoration skills of Guilin cliff stone carvings, and let the students practice on the spot to experience the restoration process of stone carvings.

Summer study|2024 Guihai Beilin "Cultural and Museum Little Expert" Career Experience Camp is officially recruited!

Learn about the intangible cultural heritage tools of the art of extension

Summer study|2024 Guihai Beilin "Cultural and Museum Little Expert" Career Experience Camp is officially recruited!

Learn about the rubbing and restoration of non-genetic rubbing techniques

Summer study|2024 Guihai Beilin "Cultural and Museum Little Expert" Career Experience Camp is officially recruited!
Summer study|2024 Guihai Beilin "Cultural and Museum Little Expert" Career Experience Camp is officially recruited!

The students carried out the restoration of cultural relics under the guidance of the inheritors

Career Experience 3: Little Collection Keeper

Summer study|2024 Guihai Beilin "Cultural and Museum Little Expert" Career Experience Camp is officially recruited!

Instructor Profile

Li Hui, a member of the Communist Party of China, is an associate research librarian and holds a master's degree in education. Since August 2003, he has 16 years of experience in social education and 6 years of experience in collection storage, and is currently the director of the collection preservation department. He has published a number of academic papers: "A Brief Discussion on Li Shizhong's Persuasion of Agricultural Affairs" Tablet", "The Application of Postmodern Education Theory in the Practice of Explaining Stone Carvings and Cultural Relics", etc.

Q1: How are historical artifacts preserved?

Q2: What is the process of storing the collection?

Come to the "Little Cultural Expert" Career Experience Camp of the Museum in the summer to find out!

The Little Collection Keeper course is one of the most mysterious series of content of this course. In this link, the Guihai Stele Forest Museum will open the door of the cultural relics warehouse, allowing all our students to walk into the cultural relics warehouse, follow the staff of the collection department to learn the knowledge of cultural relics collection preservation and storage, and understand the scientific management methods of the collection. One experience, more knowledge!

The mysterious cultural relics storehouse is revealed

The lecturer shows the process of storing cultural relics

Little Collection Keeper Experience

Career experience 4: prehistoric archaeology expert

The site is a representative site of the early Neolithic period in South China, and belongs to the national key cultural relics protection unit.

Summer study|2024 Guihai Beilin "Cultural and Museum Little Expert" Career Experience Camp is officially recruited!

In this experience camp, students will go to the Zongpiyan Ruins Exhibition Hall to observe and understand the human beings and various extinct paleontologies in ancient Guilin, and experience interesting projects such as simulated archaeology, archery, leaf printing and dyeing painting.

Summer study|2024 Guihai Beilin "Cultural and Museum Little Expert" Career Experience Camp is officially recruited!

Archaeology Lessons

Experience a simulated archaeological excavation

Summer study|2024 Guihai Beilin "Cultural and Museum Little Expert" Career Experience Camp is officially recruited!

Experience primitive hunting

Image courtesy of Gunpiyan National Archaeological Park

Career experience 5: cultural relics safety guard

Summer study|2024 Guihai Beilin "Cultural and Museum Little Expert" Career Experience Camp is officially recruited!

Instructor Profile

Xiao Jin, Director of the Safety and Security Department of the Guihai Stele Forest Museum, has rich experience in cultural relics safety and cultural relics protection projects. He mainly participated in important cultural relics protection projects such as the Guihai Stele Forest Expansion Project, the Guilin Stone Carvings-Longyin Rock Longyin Cave Stone Carvings Rescue and Reinforcement Project, participated in the National Museum Safety Technology Management Training Course of the Chinese Museums Association, and won the title of Advanced Individual and Outstanding Communist Party Member on the Propaganda and Ideological Front.

The series of cultural relics safety guard courses will be carried out with practical courses, including museum fire safety drills, cultural relics protection knowledge, and stone carving special museum key stone carving stele cleaning and preservation methods.

Summer study|2024 Guihai Beilin "Cultural and Museum Little Expert" Career Experience Camp is officially recruited!

The students listened carefully to the lecture on the safety of cultural relics

Summer study|2024 Guihai Beilin "Cultural and Museum Little Expert" Career Experience Camp is officially recruited!
Summer study|2024 Guihai Beilin "Cultural and Museum Little Expert" Career Experience Camp is officially recruited!

Cultural relics safety drill site

Summer study|2024 Guihai Beilin "Cultural and Museum Little Expert" Career Experience Camp is officially recruited!

Group photo of the trainees of the fire safety drill

Through hands-on learning experience, students can obtain a certificate of volunteer service (recording the volunteer service time) and a social practice certificate, which can not only master safety skills but also improve cultural relics protection knowledge. Choosing to come to the museum career experience camp this summer is really rewarding and rewarding!


Guihai Forest of Steles Museum

Teaching environment

Multimedia classrooms

Longyin Rock Cliff Carving Group

Summer study|2024 Guihai Beilin "Cultural and Museum Little Expert" Career Experience Camp is officially recruited!

"Mountains and Rivers Have Clear Sounds" Guilin Stone Carving Culture Exhibition

"Expanding the Green Mountains" Guilin Stone Carving Transmission and Extension Skills Exhibition

A glimpse of past events


Guihai Forest of Steles Museum

Course Harvest

Students who participated in this course,

There is a chance to get a very valuable one

Social Practice Research Certificate Package:


Cultural and creative gift package (1 per person)


Certificate in Social Practice (Certificate of Volunteer Service Hours)


Proof of volunteer service (including recognition of service hours)


Outstanding Student Trophy


Collection Keeper (Certificate + Medal)


Pioneer (Certificate + Medal)


Cultural Relics Restoration Expert (Certificate + Medal)


Fire Safety Expert (Certificate + Medal)


Museum Star (Certificate + Medal)


Archaeological Excavation Expert (Certificate + Medal)

Exquisite cultural and creative gift packages for previous events


Guihai Forest of Steles Museum

How to register

Registration period: July 1 to July 8

This course is a fee-based course, you can also enjoy the early bird price discount when you sign up now, please call 0773-5814464 to make an appointment for registration, the first course only recruits 24 students (small class teaching), through the registration will have staff to contact you and inform the specific payment method, everyone hurry up and sign up!

【Registration Procedure】:

1. Call 0773-5814464 to make an appointment for registration, dialing time: 9:00-17:00

2. Scan the QR code to pay the fee after the registration is passed (note: student's name + contact number)

【Course Guarantee】:

1. This course will equip students with learning stationery;

2. Purchase personal accident insurance for course participants;

3. Assign teaching assistants to the course students;

4. Equipped with security personnel to patrol the whole process.

A glimpse of past events

The camp was praised by the official media


Guihai Forest of Steles Museum


Transportation routes

Take bus 14/33/204 to Longyinqiao Station

Location of the event

Take bus 14/33/204 to Longyinqiao Station

Event reservations

Call 0773-5814464 (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.)


The final interpretation right of this activity belongs to the Guihai Forest of Steles Museum

Source: Guihai Forest of Steles Museum

Summer study|2024 Guihai Beilin "Cultural and Museum Little Expert" Career Experience Camp is officially recruited!

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Summer study|2024 Guihai Beilin "Cultural and Museum Little Expert" Career Experience Camp is officially recruited!

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