
Intelligent driving is safer! Tesla's million-kilometer accident rate continues to decrease

author:Car stuff
Intelligent driving is safer! Tesla's million-kilometer accident rate continues to decrease

Car stuff (public account: chedongxi)

Author | SR64

Editor | Zhihao

Che Dongxi reported on July 2 that according to foreign media insideevs, the data in Tesla's 2023 impact report shows that the number of collisions when using Tesla's FSD function in 2023 is significantly lower than in 2022.

According to the data in the report, in 2023, the average number of accidents occurred per 1.6 million kilometers of FSD was 0.21, which is about 32% lower than the 0.31 accidents in 2022.

Intelligent driving is safer! Tesla's million-kilometer accident rate continues to decrease

Tesla FSD function

First, the performance of FSD is similar to that of Autopilot, but drivers are more cautious in using it

Tesla also pointed out in the report that Tesla's Autopilot advanced driver assistance system is also becoming safer, so which is more safe, Tesla's Autopilot or FSD?

The figures in the report show that the accident rate when using the Autopilot function is 0.18 per 1.6 million kilometers, while the accident rate when using the FSD function is only about 17% higher than when using the Autopilot function.

It is important to note that both of these features, although they are currently required to be used under driver supervision, are not directly comparable. Because under normal circumstances, the driver will be more cautious to turn on the FSD function due to weather or road conditions.

Intelligent driving is safer! Tesla's million-kilometer accident rate continues to decrease

Tesla FSD function

2. Rapid development Autonomous driving brings a lower accident rate

Data shows that the average accident rate in the United States is 1.49 per 1.6 million kilometers, which is higher than when Tesla turned on Autopilot or FSD. For the promotion of autonomous driving, this data will be a good support point.

Intelligent driving is safer! Tesla's million-kilometer accident rate continues to decrease

Tesla FSD function

Tesla also reported that in U.S. road traffic, the accident rate of vehicles without active safety features increased by 19% from last year, from 0.68 to 0.81 per 1.6 million kilometers.

The above results can preliminarily indicate that once true fully autonomous driving is widely available, the incidence of traffic accidents may decrease.

With the controversy brought about by the recent rapid development of autonomous driving, the statistics released by Tesla may become a strong data support in the debate between humans and machines in terms of driving safety.

Conclusion: Autonomous driving will revolutionize driving safety

With the continuous advancement and optimization of autonomous driving technology, Tesla's FSD system has shown a positive trend in safety performance. Although the current accident rate of FSD is slightly higher than that of Autopilot, both are well below the average accident rate in the United States, showing the potential of autonomous driving technology.

With the further maturity and popularization of autonomous driving technology, we have reason to believe that autonomous driving will bring revolutionary progress to driving safety.

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