
Sold out! The monthly sales of the 6 major new forces exceeded 20,000, and Huawei pulled BBA off the altar! 15 car companies sold 4.15 million units in half a year

author:Car stuff
Sold out! The monthly sales of the 6 major new forces exceeded 20,000, and Huawei pulled BBA off the altar! 15 car companies sold 4.15 million units in half a year

Car stuff (public account: chedongxi)

Author | Words

Editor | Zhihao

Just now, 15 car companies have delivered their half-year sales volumes.

Chexi reported on July 2 that a few days ago, a total of 15 car companies posted their June delivery data, with cumulative sales of more than 4.15 million units in the first half of 2024.

Sold out! The monthly sales of the 6 major new forces exceeded 20,000, and Huawei pulled BBA off the altar! 15 car companies sold 4.15 million units in half a year

Model sales of China's major domestic automakers in the first half of 2024

In the new car camp, the six major new car companies have monthly sales of more than 20,000 units, namely Ideal, Hongmeng Zhixing, Aion, Zeekr, Weilai, and Leap.

Among them, Hongmeng Zhixing and Ideal pulled the monthly sales performance to more than 40,000 units, and Hongmeng Zhixing's monthly sales broke the 40,000 mark for the first time this year, selling 194,000 cars in the first half of the year, winning the sales championship of China's new power brand in the first half of the year.

With an average price of 520,000 yuan, the sales of the Wenjie M9 hit a new high, selling 17,000 units in a month, becoming the king of model sales of more than 500,000 yuan and no other qualifications! Wenjie also surpassed BBA to become the best-selling model manufacturer of luxury cars.

Sold out! The monthly sales of the 6 major new forces exceeded 20,000, and Huawei pulled BBA off the altar! 15 car companies sold 4.15 million units in half a year

Ask the M9

With monthly sales of 47,800 units, Ideal won the sales championship of new forces in the Chinese market in June, but it sold 189,000 cars in the first half of the year, 5,200 units less than Wenjie, and only completed about 30% of the annual sales target.

The monthly sales of ZEEKR, NIO, and LEAP are in the range of 20,000 units, with sales exceeding 80,000 units in the first half of the year, and the annual sales target of 230,000 units for ZEEKR and NIO has been completed by 38%.

The monthly sales exceeded 10,000 units, including Xiaomi, Xiaopeng, and Nezha.

In the first half of the year, Xiaomi delivered about 26,000 cars, which is more than 74,000 units short of the guaranteed monthly sales of 100,000 units, which means that in the next 6 months, Xiaomi will achieve annual sales of 100,000 units, with an average of at least 12,400 units per month, of course, the main difficulties faced by Xiaomi still come from production capacity.

Xpeng and Nezha delivered 10,700 and 10,200 units respectively, but only sold 20% of the annual sales target in the first half of the year.

In terms of the top three private car manufacturers, BYD delivered 340,000 vehicles in June, and a total of 1.61 million vehicles were delivered in the first half of the year, 45% of the sales target of 3.6 million vehicles.

Geely and Great Wall delivered 166,000 and 98,000 units respectively in the same month, and a total of 956,000 and 560,000 units were delivered in the first half of the year, with annual sales targets of 50% and 29% achieved. Among the three companies, BYD and Geely all achieved month-on-month growth.

On the whole, although the sales volume of most car companies in the first half of the year did not reach half of the annual sales target, this is also related to the high annual sales target set by them. However, the sales of most automakers hit a new high in June, which also shows that China's own brand car market continues to explode.

1. Hongmeng Zhixing sold 190,000 cars in the first half of the year, with an average price of 520,000 yuan, and the M9 sold out

Monthly sales soared by 10,000 units! The monthly sales of Wenjie exceeded the 40,000 mark.

In June, Hongmeng Zhixing's monthly sales rushed to 46,100 vehicles. In the first half of the year, Hongmeng Zhixing has delivered a total of 194,200 vehicles, ranking first in the sales volume of China's new power brands in the first half of the year.

Sold out! The monthly sales of the 6 major new forces exceeded 20,000, and Huawei pulled BBA off the altar! 15 car companies sold 4.15 million units in half a year

HarmonyOS Zhixing's sales in June

The Wenjie brand delivered a total of about 42,800 units, with 17,241 units of the M9, 18,493 units of the M7, 7,046 units of the M5, and 2,995 units of the Zhijie S7.

Among them, the results of the M9 can be said to have touched the nerves of the industry, you must know that as a luxury car with an average price of more than 520,000 yuan, with the delivery of 15,900 units in May, it won the domestic automobile market of more than 500,000 yuan, and there is no other definition of the model sales king.

In June, the M9 hit a new high, selling 17,200 units, accounting for more than 4% of the sales of the Wenjie brand. Among the model brands, the highest-end models sell the best, which is also rare.

Sold out! The monthly sales of the 6 major new forces exceeded 20,000, and Huawei pulled BBA off the altar! 15 car companies sold 4.15 million units in half a year

Ask the M9

The hot sales of the M9 also prove that China's domestic high-end brands have changed consumers' perception of "luxury cars" to a certain extent, and in obvious contrast to the recent price reduction of BBA models, which fully shows that Chinese consumers are gradually disenchanting BBA.

Different from the situation of the M9, in June, Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi, which are traditionally "first-line luxury", began to reduce prices for many models, and some of them were directly cut in half, with a drop of 50%. For example, Mercedes-Benz EQE dropped by 210,000, and EQB was directly discounted by 5%; BMW X3 directly reduced the price by 90,000 yuan, and i3 reduced the price by 140,000 yuan; The price of the Audi A4L was reduced by 110,000 yuan, and the price of the Q5 was reduced by 120,000 yuan...... It gives the impression that the price of the model on sale is not the lowest, only lower.

Sold out! The monthly sales of the 6 major new forces exceeded 20,000, and Huawei pulled BBA off the altar! 15 car companies sold 4.15 million units in half a year

Comparison of the starting prices of some Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Audi models with reduced prices

The price reduction is actually for the promotion volume, which reflects that the traditional BBA luxury car market has been squeezed under the impact of domestic high-end new energy.

Second, the ideal is still the new force sales champion in June, and only 3 adult sales were achieved in the first half of the year

In June, the battle for sales in the ideal world was further intensified. Ideal sold 47,800 cars, a year-on-year increase of 46.7%, about 5,000 more cars than Wenjie, and 1,700 more than the entire Hongmeng Zhixing series.

Sold out! The monthly sales of the 6 major new forces exceeded 20,000, and Huawei pulled BBA off the altar! 15 car companies sold 4.15 million units in half a year

Li Auto delivered 47,800 units in June

As of the first half of this year, Hongmeng Zhixing sold 194,200 units, ranking first among China's new power brands in the first half of the year, while Ideal sold 189,000 units in the first half of the year, about 5,200 units less than Hongmeng Zhixing.

Looking back on the past six months, Ideal and Hongmeng Zhixing can be said to be mutually incompatible.

In the first three months of this year, the sales champion of new forces in the Chinese market has always belonged to the questioning world. In the first quarter, the sales volume of Wenjie automobiles was 85,800 units, while the ideal sales volume was 80,400 units, and Wenjie sold about 5,400 more units than the ideal.

Since April, the ideal has started a counterattack, although the ideal sales have not exceeded the total sales of Hongmeng Zhixing models, but the ideal with a sales gap of about 700 units has surpassed the world, and in May, the ideal has exceeded the total sales of the entire Hongmeng Zhixing series.

It is worth noting that in June, the monthly sales of Wenjie and Ideal are competing with more than 40,000 units, but the annual sales targets of both parties are not high.

Although Ideal lowered its sales target from 800,000 units to 56~640,000 units, the completion rate in the first half of the year was only 30%-34%.

According to the latest report from Late Auto, AITO Wenjie conveyed to upstream suppliers that the annual sales target for 2024 is 600,000 units, and the sales volume of the entire Hongmeng Zhixing series in the first half of the year is less than 1/3, which shows that these goals are extremely challenging.

However, the ideal and the question world are also ready.

In addition, in the second half of the year, Hongmeng Zhixing also has new cars such as S9, Zhijie R7, and M9 five-seater version, and Hongmeng Zhixing's product lineup will also be further improved, which will also play a role in the increase in sales.

Sold out! The monthly sales of the 6 major new forces exceeded 20,000, and Huawei pulled BBA off the altar! 15 car companies sold 4.15 million units in half a year

Enjoy the world S9

Although there is no new car launched in the second half of this year, the ideal L6 currently supports half of the sales of the ideal, and the sales of the ideal car still have great room for growth, and the battle for the ideal question in the second half of the year may be more intense.

3. Xiaomi sold 26,000 cars in three months and delivered more than 10,000 units in July

In addition to asking the world and ideals, the monthly sales of Xiaomi Auto, a new power car company, have also been hotly discussed in the car circle.

In June, Xiaomi's first delivery exceeded 10,000 units, which also marks that Xiaomi Auto has successfully passed the initial production capacity ramp-up and has now entered the stage of comprehensive production capacity acceleration.

Sold out! The monthly sales of the 6 major new forces exceeded 20,000, and Huawei pulled BBA off the altar! 15 car companies sold 4.15 million units in half a year

Officer Lei announced that Xiaomi delivered more than 10,000 in June and more than 10,000 in July

Combined with the sales volume of Xiaomi Auto in the past three months, Xiaomi Auto delivered nearly 26,000 units in the first half of the year.

Previously, Lei Jun said that Xiaomi will deliver 100,000 vehicles this year, and will go all out to impact 120,000 vehicles, which means that Xiaomi is still at least about 74,000 units away from the minimum annual sales target, and then sell an average of more than 12,400 cars per month to achieve the monthly sales target of 100,000 units.

At present, the completion of Xiaomi's annual sales target is about 21%-26%.

I have to say that Xiaomi Auto will face a big test in 2024.

The second and third cars of Xiaomi Auto are also being planned, and Xiaomi's second car is positioned as an SUV model, or it will be unveiled at the end of this year and will go on sale in 2025. In addition, Xiaomi's third car is priced at around 150,000 yuan, or there is a hybrid version, and it is expected to be officially launched in 2026.

In addition, it is also reported that the construction of Xiaomi's second phase of the Gigafactory is also continuing to advance, and it is scheduled to be completed in 2025.

But obviously, there is only one car that can be played by Xiaomi cars throughout this year, and stabilizing user orders and improving delivery speed is the top priority of Xiaomi cars.

However, judging from the growth rate of Xiaomi car sales, Xiaomi is still likely to achieve the goal of monthly sales of 100,000 units this year.

Fourth, Xiaopeng Nezha's monthly sales exceeded 10,000, and the monthly sales of ZEEKR exceeded 20,000

Ideal, Wenjie, and Xiaomi have all maintained great growth momentum, and the annual sales achievement rate of other players has also made mixed progress.

For ZEEKR, June is also worth celebrating, breaking through the monthly sales mark of 20,000 for the first time and delivering 20,100 units.

Sold out! The monthly sales of the 6 major new forces exceeded 20,000, and Huawei pulled BBA off the altar! 15 car companies sold 4.15 million units in half a year

ZEEKR's monthly sales exceeded 20,000 units for the first time this year

This also shows that the sales of hot-selling models ZEEKR 001 and ZEEKR 007 in June have grown rapidly, and the current sales of ZEEKR in the first half of the year reached 87,900 units, an increase of 106% over the same period last year.

Although the results are outstanding, there is still a big gap from the annual sales target of ZEEKR.

At the beginning of this year, Lin Jinwen, vice president of ZEEKR Intelligent Technology, said, "We set our sales target at 230,000 units this year." In the first half of the year, ZEEKR only completed 38% of its annual sales target.

However, in the second half of the year, ZEEKR will release two big moves, mid-size MPV ZEEKR MIX, mid-size SUV ZEEKR CX1E, the price range of both cars is in the range of 20-300,000 yuan, with the continuous improvement of the product lineup, ZEEKR is expected to achieve more monthly sales.

For the first time this year, Leapmotor's monthly sales exceeded 20,000, and Leapmotor delivered 20,100 vehicles, an increase of 52.3% year-on-year and 10.7% month-on-month, and 86,700 cars were sold in the first half of the year.

Sold out! The monthly sales of the 6 major new forces exceeded 20,000, and Huawei pulled BBA off the altar! 15 car companies sold 4.15 million units in half a year

Leapmotor delivered 20,100 units in June

NIO's monthly sales exceeded 20,000 units for the second time this year, and 21,200 units were delivered in June, a year-on-year increase of 98% and a record high. In the first half of 2024, NIO delivered a total of 87,400 new vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 60.2%. According to relevant media reports, NIO's target sales this year are 230,000 units, and the current target achievement rate is also 38%.

Sold out! The monthly sales of the 6 major new forces exceeded 20,000, and Huawei pulled BBA off the altar! 15 car companies sold 4.15 million units in half a year

NIO delivered 21,200 units in June

GAC Aion, which aims to sell 700,000 units in 2024, has sold a total of 177,000 units as of the end of June this year, with a target achievement rate of 25%.

As of the first half of this year, Nezha Automobile has sold a total of 54,000 vehicles, and the annual sales target achievement rate is only 18%.

Sold out! The monthly sales of the 6 major new forces exceeded 20,000, and Huawei pulled BBA off the altar! 15 car companies sold 4.15 million units in half a year

Nezha Automobile's annual sales target is set at 300,000 units

At the beginning of this year, He Xiaopeng put forward the sales target of 280,000 units, and as of the first half of the year, Xiaopeng had sold 52,000 vehicles, with a target achievement rate of 19%.

On the whole, the annual sales target achievement rate of most new power car companies is less than 4%, which also shows that most of the new energy vehicle market leaders are obviously concentrated, and the sales pressure of new cars is still very large.

5. BYD's monthly sales rose by another 10,000 units, and Geely raised its annual sales

The top three private independent cars, BYD is selling crazy! Sales exceeded 340,000 units in June, and 1.61 million units were sold in the first half of the year.

Sold out! The monthly sales of the 6 major new forces exceeded 20,000, and Huawei pulled BBA off the altar! 15 car companies sold 4.15 million units in half a year

BYD sold 341,700 units in June

The reason why the sales in the first half of the year were unbeatable is related to BYD's two newly listed nuclear weapons.

On May 28th, BYD Qin L and Seal 06 were officially launched, with ultra-high-performance attributes to the rim a little shock, the price of the new car is only 99,800 yuan, but its size has reached the level of a medium-sized car, equipped with BYD's fifth-generation DM-i technology, fuel consumption per 100 kilometers is only 2.9 liters, and the comprehensive cruising range can reach 2000km.

Sold out! The monthly sales of the 6 major new forces exceeded 20,000, and Huawei pulled BBA off the altar! 15 car companies sold 4.15 million units in half a year

The price of the BYD Qin L and the Seal 06

Thanks to these two new cars, according to relevant media, as of the 23rd, BYD's new orders in June exceeded 320,000. It is worth mentioning that Li Yunfei, general manager of BYD's public relations department, recently said in a live broadcast that there are a lot of orders for Qin L and Seal 06.

However, BYD also has the same predicament as Xiaomi Auto, although there is no shortage of orders, but the delivery capacity is limited.

Blogger Sun Shaojun said that because of the slow delivery, the overall order speed of BYD Qin L and Seal 06 began to slow down significantly.

Wang Chuanfu, chairman of BYD, said at the 2023 financial report investor communication meeting that sales in 2024 are expected to increase by at least 20% on the basis of 2023. In 2023, BYD will sell a total of 3,024,400 cars, that is, BYD will sell more than 3.6 million cars this year, and it is also reported that BYD's annual sales target may be 4 million.

Combined with the sales volume in the first half of the year, BYD's target achievement rate was 45%.

Although it will take time for BYD to deliver, it is undeniable that with the increase in production capacity and delivery of Wang Fried models, BYD's overall sales will also explode this year.

Geely's total sales in June were 166,000 units, an increase of about 24% year-on-year, with 960,000 vehicles sold in the first half of the year, and the annual sales target was 1.9 million units, with a target achievement rate of 50%. What's more interesting is that Geely Automobile even announced that it decided to raise the original annual sales target by about 5% to 2 million units, which can be said to be very arrogant.

Sold out! The monthly sales of the 6 major new forces exceeded 20,000, and Huawei pulled BBA off the altar! 15 car companies sold 4.15 million units in half a year

Geely's total sales in June were 166,000 units

Although Great Wall Motor's target sales in 2024 is also 1.9 million units, in the first half of this year, Great Wall Motors sold nearly 560,000 units, with an annual sales target achievement rate of 29%.

Sold out! The monthly sales of the 6 major new forces exceeded 20,000, and Huawei pulled BBA off the altar! 15 car companies sold 4.15 million units in half a year

Great Wall Motor sold 98,100 units in June

Conclusion: In the second half of the year, competition in the domestic auto market intensified

On the whole, among the 15 car companies, only BYD and Geely achieved more than 40% of their targets in the first half of the year, and the reasons are also very direct.

Although the competition in the auto market in the first half of the year has come to an end, and the battle situation of each independent brand is also very clear, in order to achieve the final sales target, car companies will definitely do their best, and we will continue to pay attention to the situation throughout the year.