
Story: The mother-in-law is reluctant to take the baby, and the daughter-in-law does not want to support the elderly

author:Zhitong writes stories

The mobile phone on the table rang, and I looked through the messages sent by Huanhuan, and Huanhuan sent 5 messages in a row, all of which were dissatisfied with her mother-in-law.

Huanhuan is a generous and uncaring person, she can't bear her mother-in-law's behavior, Huanhuan will often buy clothes, supplements, jewelry, etc. for her mother-in-law when she first got married, and her mother-in-law will also cook some good dishes and soup to thank Huanhuan.

Since the birth of her daughter, her mother-in-law's attitude towards Huanhuan has changed a lot, and she is impatient and prickly in her speech.

Huanhuan grew up beside her parents since she was a child, only when she was busy with farming, her mother would send Huanhuan to live at her grandmother's house, and before Huanhuan was 3 years old, her father often carried her back to work in the fields, and in the summer the field was very sunny, and her father's back was very tanned, and her father's back was also soaked, and in winter, Huanhuan was cold and shivering in the wind on her father's back.

When Huanhuan grew up, she knew that her parents were very tired from working, and she had to take care of Huanhuan, and Huanhuan began to help her parents work after she was 8 years old.

Huanhuan was in the age of love, a classmate pursued Huanhuan for 3 years, Huanhuan has never dared to agree, just because the male classmate only has a father and no mother, Huanhuan is worried that after getting married, there will be no mother-in-law to help take care of the children, and life will be as bitter as when he was a child.

Story: The mother-in-law is reluctant to take the baby, and the daughter-in-law does not want to support the elderly

Huanhuan came to Shenzhen to work, and his colleague introduced Huanhuan to a local boy, and after falling in love for three months, Huanhuan learned that the boy's parents had an accident when he was a child, and if he got married, there was no old man to help, and Huanhuan ended the relationship again.

Until I met Xiaotian, a new colleague from the company, Xiaotian and Huanhuan's house were separated by 1,500 kilometers, and Huanhuan's first time I went to Xiaotian's house, my mother-in-law was holding Huanhuan's hand, like a mother talking to her daughter, and she was very concerned about all kinds of greetings.

Huanhuan was pregnant and got married, and her mother-in-law also came to Shenzhen to take care of Huanhuan, and there were more and more conflicts between her mother-in-law and Huanhuan who lived together, after the birth of her daughter.

My mother-in-law often said to Huanhuan: "I have lived in the countryside all my life, I am not used to living in the city, my children are also raised by myself, I have worked hard all my life, and I want to rest when I am old. ”

Mother-in-law is taking the baby, the heart is not in the baby, once the daughter was sick and diarrhea fever and vomiting, waiting for the baby to fall asleep at night, asked the mother-in-law to rest, Huanhuan went to take a bath, just half of the baby cried again, the crying is getting worse and worse, the mother-in-law can not fall asleep so quickly when she enters the room, and the mother-in-law does not come out to coax when the baby cries, just as if she didn't hear it.

The baby is one year old and 2 months old to learn to walk, the mother-in-law rarely let the baby play on the ground, and has been letting the baby sit on the trolley when going out, let the baby sit at home, or hold it, the main mother-in-law is to save trouble, and the baby walks slowly and bends over hard.

Until the baby is one year old and five months old, he can only walk on his own, and he can't walk independently.

The baby loves to play with paper towels, loves to rummage through drawers, and her mother-in-law has no patience to guide her, so she beats and scolds the baby every time.

Story: The mother-in-law is reluctant to take the baby, and the daughter-in-law does not want to support the elderly

The mother-in-law is also very slow to do things, obviously only 55 years old, and she acts like a 70-year-old man when she works with a baby.

The mother-in-law showed impatience and reluctance with the baby, as if she was forced to be helpless.

Huanhuan was sent to early education after the baby turned 2 years old, and let her mother-in-law return to her hometown.

Huanhuan thought that her mother-in-law was very unhappy with the baby, and she always scolded the baby, as if she vented her daughter-in-law's anger on the baby.

Mother-in-law doesn't have to take care of the baby, Huanhuan wants her mother-in-law to go back to her hometown, and she doesn't need to provide for her when she gets old in the future, so that everyone doesn't owe each other.

Story: The mother-in-law is reluctant to take the baby, and the daughter-in-law does not want to support the elderly

In this way, the mother-in-law is old, and Huanhuan has an excuse not to go back to her hometown to take care of her.

In the fifth year of my mother-in-law's return to her hometown, there were temporary tea pickers in the village before the Qingming Festival, and my mother-in-law followed her up the mountain to pick tea, and the salary was calculated according to how much the tea was weighed.

The mother-in-law asked Huanhuan to go back to take care of her, but Huanhuan refused to go back because she was busy with work and had to take care of her daughter.

The people in the village were concerned that Huanhuan didn't go back to take care of her mother-in-law, and pointed out that her daughter-in-law was unfilial, and the conversation turned to Xiaotian, and Xiaotian often quarreled with Huanhuan.

Huanhuan originally wanted to find a family with a mother-in-law who could help take care of the children, but her mother-in-law was reluctant to take them; As soon as Huanhuan talked about this, many people laughed at Huanhuan and stupid, and the families without mothers-in-law in this era are the happiest.