
Today, Xiaobei is very outstanding, and his outfield ability is indeed very strong, and he is worthy of being a CCTV location host

author:Mushroom heads

Today, Xiaobei shines all over the field, and the charm of the outfield is unstoppable!

Today, our Xiaobei is on fire! I have to say that this outfield ability is really not covered, and at a glance, I know that it is a big coffee from CCTV location host. Every time Xiaobei appears, that aura and demeanor are simply eye-catching.

Today, Xiaobei is very outstanding, and his outfield ability is indeed very strong, and he is worthy of being a CCTV location host

No, today Xiaobei has conquered the hearts of countless audiences with her unique charm. She not only talks and behaves in a down-to-earth manner, but also has something to say, and can talk about the topic vividly and interestingly every time. Who doesn't like such an anchor?

Today, Xiaobei is very outstanding, and his outfield ability is indeed very strong, and he is worthy of being a CCTV location host

Moreover, Xiaobei's clothing today is also a highlight. The lively and elegant skirt is simply tailor-made for her. It seems that the Chongqing Xingyuhui team is really working hard to train the two young anchors Xiaobei and Chuanxi!

Today, Xiaobei is very outstanding, and his outfield ability is indeed very strong, and he is worthy of being a CCTV location host

Speaking of this skirt, some netizens joked: "Xiaobei's skirt today, is it the polka dot skirt when Erdan was a child?" "Haha, this imagination is too rich! But if you look closely, it really looks a little bit like it!

Today, Xiaobei is very outstanding, and his outfield ability is indeed very strong, and he is worthy of being a CCTV location host

Having said that, Xiaobei's outfield ability is not achieved overnight. The hard work and sweat behind her is probably only known to herself. But it is this persistence and hard work that has made her go further and further in the hosting industry and become a goddess in everyone's minds.

Every appearance of Xiaobei has brought us surprises and joy. Her smile, her voice, and her demeanor all make people want to look at it and listen to it more. Who can not love such an anchor?

Today, Xiaobei is very outstanding, and his outfield ability is indeed very strong, and he is worthy of being a CCTV location host

Finally, we also have to give a thumbs up to the Chongqing Xingyuhui team! They not only excavated excellent anchors like Xiaobei, but also cultivated and trained them with their hearts, so that they could shine in the hosting industry. Such a team is worthy of our expectation of more wonderful works!

Today, Xiaobei is very outstanding, and his outfield ability is indeed very strong, and he is worthy of being a CCTV location host

Well, that's all for today's sharing! If you also like Xiaobei, then hurry up and follow her! I believe that she will definitely bring us more surprises and joys in the future!

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