
It's so cute, what Qian'er said, Dong Yuhui has to be able to understand it instantly!

author:Mushroom heads

The tacit understanding between Qian'er and Dong Yuhui was instant, and the rabbit legs were empty in seconds! Walking with Hui, a double feast of Chongqing's night view and food

Oh, dear friends, do you know? Tonight's live broadcast room staged a super loving tacit drama! Qian'er and Dong Yuhui, the golden pair, once again used their tacit understanding and wit to bring everyone full of joy and surprises!

It's so cute, what Qian'er said, Dong Yuhui has to be able to understand it instantly!

At that time, fragrant rabbit legs were placed in the live broadcast room, and Qian'er casually said "try it". This can make the Chuanxi next to him completely blind, and he thought that Qian'er was letting him continue to eat, so he picked up the rabbit leg and prepared to feast. But at this moment, Dong Yuhui suddenly interjected: "You have to be obedient to the alto, Qian'er said to try it, there is something in this!" ”

It's so cute, what Qian'er said, Dong Yuhui has to be able to understand it instantly!

Haha, this reminder, Chuanxi suddenly realized, it turned out that Qian'er wanted him to taste this delicious rabbit leg too! So he hurriedly handed the rabbit leg to Qian'er, and the two looked at each other and smiled, and the live broadcast room was suddenly full of warmth and joy.

It's so cute, what Qian'er said, Dong Yuhui has to be able to understand it instantly!

I have to say that the tacit understanding between Qian'er and Dong Yuhui is really no one! This tacit understanding between them is not only reflected in the language, but also in the understanding and care for each other. This tacit understanding made their live broadcast more vivid and interesting, and also made the audience feel the sincere friendship between them.

It's so cute, what Qian'er said, Dong Yuhui has to be able to understand it instantly!

And tonight's live broadcast room is even more popular! That rabbit leg is in short supply! In just a short period of time, 40,000 single rabbit legs were snapped up! This speed is faster than a rocket! The friends who walked with Hui were really amazing, they sold the products while talking and laughing, and brought everyone the night view of Chongqing by the way, which was a visual feast!

It's so cute, what Qian'er said, Dong Yuhui has to be able to understand it instantly!

Imagine tasting a delicious rabbit leg while enjoying the enchanting night view of Chongqing, it's amazing! The night view of Chongqing, with its brilliant lights, is beautiful, as if the whole city is covered with a veil of mystery. And under this beautiful night view, the friends who walked with Hui used their enthusiasm and talent to bring everyone an unforgettable live broadcast experience.

It's so cute, what Qian'er said, Dong Yuhui has to be able to understand it instantly!

So, dear friends, if you haven't paid attention to Qian'er and Dong Yuhui's live broadcast room, you really missed 100 million! Their tacit understanding, talent, and enthusiasm will surely make you fall in love with their live streams! Come and join us and feel the joy and surprise together!

(The author has opened the whole network to protect rights, and the first article refuses to carry plagiarism, and violators will be investigated!) )

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