
Dong Yuhui is also "planted"! There are times when words are poor

author:Mushroom heads

Dong Yuhui is also "planted"! Wulong was born with Mihashi, who was so beautiful that he was short of words

Dear friends, do you know? Recently, the teacher Dong Yuhui we are familiar with has also been "planted"! Not in teaching, nor in the live broadcast, but when enjoying a beautiful scenery - Wulong Tiansheng Three Bridges. This teacher, who usually has witty words and full of words, stood in front of the magnificent natural three bridges, and bluntly said that he was "poor in words"!

Dong Yuhui is also "planted"! There are times when words are poor

Imagine that picture, Mr. Dong Yuhui stood at the head of the bridge, looking at the layers of the majestic bridge, his eyes were full of amazement, but his mouth could only make out the admiration of "so beautiful", and even couldn't help shouting "Oh oh!" into the distance! "Does this scene make you feel particularly down-to-earth, as if you see what you look like when you face the beautiful scenery?

Dong Yuhui is also "planted"! There are times when words are poor

Haha, do you think Mr. Dong Yuhui also has such a cute side? He is not like some "experts", who obviously don't understand but have to hold on, and he has to use some lofty words to describe it. Mr. Dong is sincere, and if he can't think of it, he will tell everyone directly, this kind of sincerity is really likable!

Dong Yuhui is also "planted"! There are times when words are poor

Having said that, how beautiful is this Wulong Born Three Bridges? can make Mr. Dong Yuhui run out of words! In fact, the natural three bridges are a masterpiece of nature, spanning the canyon and consisting of three naturally formed stone bridges, each with its own unique characteristics and different shapes. Standing on the bridge, you can overlook the babbling streams and trees in the depths of the canyon, and feel the magic and charm of nature.

Dong Yuhui is also "planted"! There are times when words are poor

Teacher Dong Yuhui's "poor words" is actually the highest praise for this beautiful scenery. In his own way, he tells us that sometimes, in the face of the magnificence and beauty of nature, we really don't need to say much, we just need to feel and experience it with our hearts.

Dong Yuhui is also "planted"! There are times when words are poor

So, dear friends, if you also want to feel the beautiful scenery that makes Mr. Dong Yuhui exhausted, then hurry up to Wulong Tiansheng Three Bridges to have a look! Perhaps, like Mr. Dong, you will stand at the head of the bridge, sigh at the magic and beauty of nature, and then can't help but shout "Oh oh oh!" into the distance! "What!

Dong Yuhui is also "planted"! There are times when words are poor

Finally, I want to say that Mr. Dong Yuhui's "word poverty" not only allows us to see his truth and loveliness, but also makes us understand a truth: in the face of the beauty and magnificence of nature, we don't need too many words, we just need to feel and experience with our hearts.

Dong Yuhui is also "planted"! There are times when words are poor

So, are you ready to feel the beauty and magnificence? Come to Wulong Tiansheng Three Bridges and feel the charm of nature with Mr. Dong Yuhui!

(The author has opened the whole network to protect rights, and the first article refuses to carry plagiarism, and violators will be investigated!) )

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