
She became famous at the age of 24, her husband was imprisoned at the age of 48, and her husband used all his net worth to treat cancer after suffering from cancer

author:Luna talks about life

In a small city in Jinzhong, Shanxi, a girl destined to be associated with music was born - Lu Xiumei. From an early age, she showed extraordinary musical talent, and her clear and beautiful singing voice often echoed in the village.

However, her singing was only a hobby until she was 15 years old, when the god of fate smiled at her. A music teacher named Li Qinglong was deeply moved by Lu Xiumei's pure voice.

He saw the potential of this girl from a mountain village and decided to teach her professional music knowledge for free. For Lu Xiumei, this is undoubtedly a life-changing opportunity. She cherished this hard-won learning opportunity and eagerly absorbed every musical technique taught by Ms. Li.

Under the careful guidance of Li Qinglong, Lu Xiumei's singing voice has become more and more proficient, and her singing skills have become more and more exquisite. Her hopeful eyes sparkle with a love for music and a vision for the future.

She became famous at the age of 24, her husband was imprisoned at the age of 48, and her husband used all his net worth to treat cancer after suffering from cancer

Every day, she is working hard for her musical dreams, believing that one day she will shine on the stage. Hard work pays off. At the age of 19, Lu Xiumei successfully entered the opera house with her outstanding performance, officially starting her professional music career.

In the opera house, she is like a fish in water, immersed in the sea of music every day. She carves every note with her heart and constantly improves her singing skills, laying a solid foundation for future success.

Lu Xiumei firmly believes that as long as she puts in enough effort, her dream will eventually come true. Her bright eyes are full of dedication to music and expectations for the future. At this time, she didn't know that her bright star journey was about to begin, and a song would completely change the trajectory of her life.

1981 was a turning point for 21-year-old Lu Xiumei. A song called "Di Li Di Li" came to the door and invited her to sing. At first, Lu Xiumei and the production team thought it was just an ordinary song, but they didn't expect it to be an opportunity to change their fate.

She became famous at the age of 24, her husband was imprisoned at the age of 48, and her husband used all his net worth to treat cancer after suffering from cancer

When Lu Xiumei performed this song with her unique voice, it was as if a magic was injected into it. Her warm and clear voice, coupled with her infectious interpretation, instantly gave the song a new lease of life.

As soon as "Dili Dili" was broadcast, it attracted widespread attention and became popular all over the country in a short period of time. The success of the song made the 24-year-old Lu Xiumei a household name overnight.

Her name began to appear frequently in major media outlets, and she was invited to participate in various music programs. Lu Xiumei's life has changed drastically as a result, but she has not been carried away by the sudden fame, but has worked harder to study music.

Subsequently, Lu Xiumei took this song to the stage of the Spring Festival Gala and transmitted her singing voice to the national audience. In that era when there was no Internet, the Spring Festival Gala was undoubtedly the biggest stage.

She became famous at the age of 24, her husband was imprisoned at the age of 48, and her husband used all his net worth to treat cancer after suffering from cancer

Standing in the spotlight, Lu Xiumei is confident and elegant, and her singing voice is full of love for life and expectations for the future. This performance not only cemented her stardom, but also brought her an unexpected marriage.

Taking advantage of the east wind of fame, Lu Xiumei successively launched classic songs such as "Ode to South Lake" and "I Want to Kiss". Each of them became popular and became a classic of the era. Her vocals are infectious and her lyrics are catchy and loved by listeners of all ages.

Lu Xiumei's efforts and talent have been recognized by the industry, and she was selected as one of the "Top Ten National Soprano Singers in China", standing at the pinnacle of Chinese music. This former girl from a mountain village, with her talent and hard work, has achieved a gorgeous turn from obscurity to fame.

However, Lu Xiumei did not rest on her laurels. She knows that in order to gain a foothold in the ever-changing entertainment industry, she needs to constantly improve herself. She still maintains her love and dedication to music, constantly trying new musical styles and striving to improve her singing skills.

She became famous at the age of 24, her husband was imprisoned at the age of 48, and her husband used all his net worth to treat cancer after suffering from cancer

It was this unremitting effort that kept her music career alive in the years that followed. The stage of the Spring Festival Gala in 1981 was not only an important milestone in Lu Xiumei's career, but also a turning point in her life.

On this stage of national celebration, Lu Xiumei met Zhao An, the director of the Spring Festival Gala, and started her romantic marriage. Zhao An was attracted by Lu Xiumei's talent and simplicity, and Lu Xiumei was moved by Zhao An's talent and gentleness.

The two fell in love at first sight and soon fell in love. In the eyes of outsiders, the combination of this golden boy and girl is simply a match made in heaven, envious of others. They appreciate each other, support each other, and their relationship heats up quickly.

It didn't take long for Lu Xiumei and Zhao An to enter the palace of marriage hand in hand. The sweetness of the newlywed Yan'er is beyond words, and they only have each other in their eyes, as if the whole world has become beautiful because of each other's existence.

She became famous at the age of 24, her husband was imprisoned at the age of 48, and her husband used all his net worth to treat cancer after suffering from cancer

Soon after, they ushered in the crystallization of love - a lovely daughter, adding infinite joy to this happy family. After marriage, Lu Xiumei's career is thriving, but she has not forgotten to give back to the society.

She often participates in various public welfare activities, and uses her singing voice to bring warmth and hope to those in need. Her kind heart and sincere smile let people see another side of the star that no one else knows.

Whether on stage or in life, Lu Xiumei has shown her kind nature. During this period, Lu Xiumei's life can be described as happy. She has made a name for herself in her career, and she has a loving husband and a lovely daughter in her family.

She often feels that she is a lucky person favored by God, and she is full of expectations for the future. However, just as Lu Xiumei was immersed in happiness, fate was secretly preparing a huge test.

She became famous at the age of 24, her husband was imprisoned at the age of 48, and her husband used all his net worth to treat cancer after suffering from cancer

Zhang Jun, a man who claimed to be a distant relative of Lu Xiumei, came to Beijing and took refuge with the kind-hearted couple. At first, Lu Xiumei and Zhao An accepted this "younger brother" out of kindness, but they did not know that this decision would bring great changes to their lives.

The love story of Lu Xiumei and Zhao An, from the sweet encounter to the formation of a happy family, seems to be a perfect fairy tale. However, life is always full of uncertainties.

The coming storm will test the feelings of this loving couple and will also reveal the power of true love. In 2002, 48-year-old Lu Xiumei was in the midst of her life, but a sudden storm broke the family's tranquility.

Zhang Junyi, a man who claimed to be a distant relative of Lu Xiumei, came to Beijing and took refuge in the kind-hearted couple. At first, Lu Xiumei and Zhao An accepted this "younger brother" out of kindness, but they did not know that this decision would bring great changes to their lives.

She became famous at the age of 24, her husband was imprisoned at the age of 48, and her husband used all his net worth to treat cancer after suffering from cancer

Zhang Junyi had a crooked idea and used Zhao An's identity as the director of the Spring Festival Gala to make his show appear on the Spring Festival Gala by bribery. He first gave Zhao An 50,000 yuan, and then gave a membership card full of money, and even gave away audio equipment worth 500,000 yuan.

This black-box operation went back and forth until it was finally revealed. In 2002, Zhang Junyi was arrested by the police and confessed all the details of his transaction with Zhao An in prison.

Subsequently, Zhao An was also arrested and imprisoned for taking bribes, and the originally happy family suddenly fell into trouble. After the news spread, Lu Xiumei seemed to fall from heaven to hell overnight.

Those who used to flatter her avoided her, and some even began to mock her behind her back. What saddened her even more was that many of the invitations to the show were cancelled and the performance fees were significantly reduced.

She became famous at the age of 24, her husband was imprisoned at the age of 48, and her husband used all his net worth to treat cancer after suffering from cancer

She had to live alone with her daughter, under tremendous financial and mental pressure. However, in the face of such a predicament, Lu Xiumei showed admirable strength and loyalty.

She did not choose to give up on her husband. Despite her inner torment, she insisted on taking her daughter to visit Zhao An in prison regularly. With each visit, she held back tears and tried to give her husband strength and hope with smiles and warm words.

Zhao An, who is in prison, has not given up hope. He worked hard to reform and fight for a commutation of his sentence. He knows that his mistakes have brought great harm to his family, so he cherishes Lu Xiumei's dedication and persistence even more.

In the end, he was released after serving only four years in prison. The past four years have undoubtedly been long and difficult for Lu Xiumei. She had to face the burden of life and endure criticism from the outside world.

She became famous at the age of 24, her husband was imprisoned at the age of 48, and her husband used all his net worth to treat cancer after suffering from cancer

In front of the public, she still maintains elegance and calmness; At home, she often cries alone to vent her inner pain. But no matter how difficult it was, she never gave up her love and support for her husband.

Lu Xiumei's persistence and dedication not only maintained the family, but also sublimated the relationship between her and Zhao An in the midst of hardship. She interprets the true meaning of "never leaving and never abandoning" with practical actions, showing a wife's unconditional support for her husband and a mother's strong protection of the family.

This experience, although difficult, also made Lu Xiumei and Zhao An cherish each other more. Their love was not only not broken in this trial, but became stronger.

However, fate doesn't seem to be intent on sparing the couple, and greater trials await them. After Zhao An was released from prison, Lu Xiumei worked with him to rebuild his life, hoping to start over.

She became famous at the age of 24, her husband was imprisoned at the age of 48, and her husband used all his net worth to treat cancer after suffering from cancer

However, fate once again presented the couple with a dilemma. At this moment, Lu Xiumei was diagnosed with rectal cancer, and the bad news was like a bolt from the blue, plunging the family that had just regained hope into despair again.

Zhao An resolutely used all the family's savings for Lu Xiumei's treatment. He accompanies his wife day and night, takes care of him, and gives him meticulous care.

Whenever Lu Xiumei tossed and turned because of pain, Zhao An always gently held her hand and comforted her with gentle words: "I'm here, let's get through it together." Still, cancer is relentlessly eroding Lu Xiumei's body.

Her once clear singing voice gradually became hoarse, but she still maintained her love of life. In the hospital bed, she often hummed the songs she once performed, as if to use her singing to dispel the disease.

She became famous at the age of 24, her husband was imprisoned at the age of 48, and her husband used all his net worth to treat cancer after suffering from cancer

In 2012, with her family by her side, 55-year-old Lu Xiumei left this world forever. At her funeral, Zhao An and her daughter were grief-stricken, and tears wet their clothes.

Zhao An hugged his wife's last photo tightly and whispered: "Don't worry, I will take good care of our daughter." "Lu Xiumei's departure is not only a huge loss to her family, but also a mourning for the entire music industry.

She has used her life to interpret her love for music, but also to show her strength and courage in the face of adversity. Even at the last moment of her life, she still warmed the people around her with her singing voice and sang her life song to the last note.

Looking back on Lu Xiumei's life, from a small city girl in Jinzhong, Shanxi Province to a famous singer, she has experienced the ups and downs of life. Her story is like a song of ups and downs, full of joys and sorrows, successes and setbacks.

She became famous at the age of 24, her husband was imprisoned at the age of 48, and her husband used all his net worth to treat cancer after suffering from cancer

Lu Xiumei touched countless people with her singing, and also interpreted the true meaning of love with her own life. From becoming famous at the age of 24, to her husband in prison at the age of 48, and then to her husband in the last stage of her life, she told us that success requires talent and hard work, and happiness needs to be cherished and persevered.

Her story reminds us that on the road of life, we must cherish the people in front of us and cherish the present, because no one knows what will happen in the next moment. Be strong in the face of adversity and humble in the face of success.

Although Lu Xiumei has been gone for many years, her singing voice still reverberates in the Chinese music scene, and her story still inspires countless people. She used her life to compose a touching song of life, leaving us to think deeply and be moved.