
The son scored 231 points in the college entrance examination, the mother broke down and cried, and the son sneered disdainfully: Tsinghua University and Peking University are casual!

author:Light Emotion

### Headline Tweets

#### Title: With a score of 231 in the college entrance examination, the mother broke down and cried, but the son sneered: "Tsinghua University and Peking University are casual!" ”

#### Description:

In this hot summer, the moment the college entrance examination results are announced, it is destined to be a mixture of joy and sorrow for countless families. Today, we are going to talk about the emotional storm caused by a family's college entrance examination scores. The mother broke down and cried after learning that her son only scored 231 points, but the son sneered and claimed that "Tsinghua University and Peking University are casual", what kind of truth is hidden in this?

The son scored 231 points in the college entrance examination, the mother broke down and cried, and the son sneered disdainfully: Tsinghua University and Peking University are casual!

#### Body:

My name is Zhang Ming, I am 18 years old this year, and I was born in an ordinary small city family. My parents are ordinary workers, and they always expected me to change my fate through the college entrance examination, get out of this small town, and go to the big city. And I've been working hard to live up to their expectations.

After the college entrance examination, I confidently waited for the results to be announced. However, when I saw that dazzling 231 points, my heart suddenly fell into an ice cellar. This score is far from my usual mock test scores, let alone applying for my favorite Tsinghua University and Peking University.

I went home and handed my report card to my mother. She glanced at it, and her face instantly turned pale. Then, she covered her mouth and tears welled up in her eyes. She cried and asked me, "Why did you do so badly?" Didn't you always say that you wanted to be admitted to Peking University? ”

I was speechless, and could only silently bear my mother's scolding and disappointment. However, at this moment, I suddenly sneered and said, "Tsinghua University and Peking University casually!" ”

When my mother heard my words, she was stunned. She looked up and looked at me in disbelief. I knew my words might have made her feel even more sad and confused, but I really couldn't control my emotions.

The son scored 231 points in the college entrance examination, the mother broke down and cried, and the son sneered disdainfully: Tsinghua University and Peking University are casual!

Actually, I always had a secret that I didn't tell anyone. A month before the college entrance examination, I unexpectedly learned that I was suffering from a rare disease. Although this disease is not fatal, it will seriously affect my study and life. I know that even if I try my best to revise, it will be difficult for me to do well in the college entrance examination.

However, I didn't want my parents to worry and disappoint, so I chose to keep it a secret. I told myself that if I worked hard enough, I would be able to overcome the disease and get good grades. However, the reality is cruel, my physical condition is not improving, but getting worse.

On the day of the college entrance examination, I almost walked into the examination room with illness. My mind was so confused that I couldn't concentrate on answering the questions. I knew I didn't do well, but I really did my best.

Now, in the face of my mother's scolding and disappointment, I really can't remain silent anymore. I told her about my illness and my inner struggles. When she heard this, she was stunned, then hugged me tightly, and tears flowed down again.

"Son, I'm sorry, I didn't know you had endured so much." The mother choked up and said, "I shouldn't just focus on your grades and ignore your feelings. ”

Hearing my mother's words swelled up in my heart. I know that no matter what my grades are, my mother will always love me and support me. And I should cherish this family affection and love even more.

The son scored 231 points in the college entrance examination, the mother broke down and cried, and the son sneered disdainfully: Tsinghua University and Peking University are casual!

Since then, I have been positive about my illness and my future life. I know that the college entrance examination is just a stage in my life, and it will not determine my fate. As long as I maintain a positive attitude and the spirit of hard work, I will definitely be able to create a wonderful life of my own.

And my mother became more understanding and supportive of me. She was no longer overly concerned about my grades and rankings, but more concerned about my physical and mental health. "No matter where you go, what you do, what you achieve, you are my pride and pride," she told me. ”

Looking back now, although the summer of 231 points in the college entrance examination was full of pain and loss, it also made me more deeply appreciate the warmth and strength of family affection. It has taught me to cherish and be grateful, and it has also made me more determined to pursue my dreams and future.


Everyone's path to growth is full of unknowns and challenges. Sometimes we may encounter setbacks and failures for various reasons, but as long as we maintain a positive attitude and the spirit of hard work, we will be able to overcome difficulties and meet a better future. At the same time, we should also learn to cherish and be grateful to those who have always been by our side, because they are our most solid backing and source of strength.

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