
Toilet horror! There was a snake hidden in the toilet at home, and when it was pulled out, it frantically "bites" the toilet

author:Light Emotion

### Toilet Horror! There was a snake hidden in the toilet at home, and when it was pulled out, it frantically "bites" the toilet

**Brief introduction**

My name is Zhang Ming, I am 32 years old, an ordinary office worker, working from 9 to 5 every day, living an ordinary life. I live in an old community in the city, although the house is not big, but it is full of organs, enough for my wife and me to live. My wife and I are both only children, and both parents are out of town, so we are usually the two of us at home.


Toilet horror! There was a snake hidden in the toilet at home, and when it was pulled out, it frantically "bites" the toilet

That night, I came home from work as usual, and as soon as I entered the door, I smelled a strange smell, a bit like something was rotting. I searched everywhere, but I couldn't find the source. I thought that maybe there was no garbage in any corner, or maybe my wife forgot to close something. So, I put down my bag and prepared to wash my hands and cook.

Walking into the bathroom, the strange smell seemed to be stronger. I looked around and my eyes fell on the toilet. Strange, how is the water in the toilet bowl cloudy? When I got closer, I was horrified that there was a snake in the toilet!

The snake was more than a meter long, with a thick body and a triangular head, and it was not a good kind at first glance. It swims around in the water and seems to be enjoying its "new home". I was so scared that I almost screamed, but reason told me not to alarm it.

I quietly exited the bathroom, closed the door, and took a few deep breaths in an effort to calm myself down. Then, I picked up my phone and called my wife. When my wife heard that there was a snake in the house, she was also frightened, but after all, she was calmer than me, and told me not to panic, and to call the police first.

After hanging up the phone, I hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to deal with it myself first. After all, it takes time for the police to come, and I don't want the neighbors to know that there is such an "uninvited guest" in the house.

Toilet horror! There was a snake hidden in the toilet at home, and when it was pulled out, it frantically "bites" the toilet

I rummaged through the cabinets and found a pair of thick rubber gloves, a plastic bag, and a clip. After taking precautions, I went into the bathroom again, ready to "please" the snake out.

I cautiously opened the toilet seat, and the snake immediately raised its head, spitting out letters, as if warning me not to approach. I took a deep breath, grabbed it seven inches with my clamp, and slowly pulled it out.

Unexpectedly, this snake was quite strong, and it struggled not to leave this "comfort zone". It took a lot of effort for me to finally pull it out. As soon as it landed on the ground, it writhed and tried to escape. I was quick and grabbed its head with a plastic bag.

I thought that this was the end of the matter, but I didn't expect the snake to writhe frantically in the bag, trying to bite through the bag and escape. I was so frightened that I quickly tied the mouth of the bag tightly and threw it outside the door.

At this time, my wife also returned. As soon as she entered, she saw the plastic bag on the ground and me in horror. After listening to my story, she was also frightened. We discussed it and decided to hand over the snake to the police.

Toilet horror! There was a snake hidden in the toilet at home, and when it was pulled out, it frantically "bites" the toilet

It didn't take long for the police to arrive. They carefully opened the bag and took the snake out. Upon examination, it was found that the snake was a non-venomous python that may have crawled into the house from a sewer. The police told us not to worry, they would take it to the wild and release it.

Although the "toilet horror" incident ended without danger, my wife and I were still apprehensive. We decided to make sure we regularly inspect our sewer and bathroom facilities in the future to prevent similar things from happening again.

This experience also made me deeply realize that life is full of accidents and surprises. Sometimes, these "surprises" can make us feel scared and uneasy. But as long as we stay calm, face it bravely, and ask for help and support, we will be able to get through it. At the same time, I also hope that this story can cause people to think about similar problems in their own lives - how to better prevent these potential risks and hidden dangers? Let's work together to create a safer and more comfortable living environment for ourselves and our families!

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