
How to determine the starting point of the statute of limitations for the crime of abuse of power

author:Criminal lawyer Zhang Chun

How to determine the starting point of the statute of limitations for the crime of abuse of power

Author: Zhang Chun, a partner of Guangdong Zhiheng (Guangzhou) Law Firm, focusing on the defense of economic crime cases

Note: This article is original and may not be reproduced without permission

How to determine the starting point of the statute of limitations for the crime of abuse of power

In recent years, in the course of the "net clearing campaign" carried out by the public security organs, it has been discovered from time to time that some wanted persons have violated regulations by applying for identity cards in the process of household registration through the dereliction of duty of the relevant personnel of the public security organs, thus "bleaching" their identities and bringing great difficulties to the wanted work.

However, in such cases, there is often a long gap between the time when the ID card was handled in violation of regulations and the time when the wanted criminal was discovered during the "Clear the Net Operation", and how to grasp the statute of limitations for the crime of dereliction of duty has become a difficult issue.

According to the first paragraph of Article 89 of the Criminal Law, the time limit for prosecution is calculated from the date of the crime; Where the criminal conduct is continuous or continuous, it is calculated from the date on which the criminal conduct ends.

Regarding the meaning of "the date of the crime", in judicial practice, there are "the date on which the crime is established", "the date on which the criminal act is committed", "the date on which the criminal act occurs...", the date on which the criminal act is completed... the date on which the criminal act ceased".

1. There are two different opinions on the issue of the limitation period for prosecution:

The first opinion, that is, the opinion of the public prosecution organ, is that the statute of limitations for the crime of abuse of power should be calculated from the date on which the constitutive elements are met after the harmful result occurs or is presented, not from the date on which the act is committed. The time limit for prosecution shall be calculated from the date on which all the consequences of the crime of abuse of power arise, and in accordance with the provisions of the first paragraph of Criminal Law article 397, the crime of abuse of power is a consequential crime, that is, in addition to the criminal act, it should also cause major losses to public property and the interests of the state and the people before the consequences of this occurrence constitute a crime.

On the basis of article 6 of the "Supreme People's Court and Supreme People's Procuratorate Interpretation (1) on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Law in the Handling of Criminal Cases of Dereliction of Duty", the time limit for prosecution of crimes of dereliction of duty where the harmful outcome is conditional is calculated from the date on which the harmful result occurs; Where there are several harmful outcomes, it is calculated from the date on which the last harmful outcome occurs.

The second opinion, that is, the opinion of the courts of first and second instance, is that the "date of the crime" should be regarded as the date on which the crime is established, that is, the date on which the criminal act meets all the constituent elements.

The crime of abuse of power is a consequential crime, that is, in addition to the criminal act, the consequence of causing significant damage to public property, the interests of the state and the people should occur in order to constitute a crime.

On the basis of article 6 of the "Supreme People's Court and Supreme People's Procuratorate Interpretation (1) on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Law in the Handling of Criminal Cases of Dereliction of Duty", the time limit for prosecution of crimes of dereliction of duty where the harmful outcome is conditional is calculated from the date on which the harmful result occurs; Where there are several harmful outcomes, it is calculated from the date on which the last harmful outcome occurs.

2. The distinction between the concepts of continuing offenders and state offenders in criminal law theory

Continuing offenders, also known as continuing offenders, refer to crimes in which a criminal act acting on the same object is carried out from the beginning to the end of the act, and the criminal act and the illegal state are in an uninterrupted and continuous state for a certain period of time at the same time, such as the crime of illegal detention, the crime of harboring, and so on. Continuing to commit the following characteristics:

First, the perpetrator committed a criminal act with one intent.

Second, the criminal act must last for a certain period of time.

Thirdly, the contemporaneous continuation of the criminal act and the wrongful state caused by the crime are important characteristics of continuing the crime.

Often, once the criminal act is committed, the state of wrongfulness caused by the crime, that is, the state in which the object of the crime is violated, is already formed. The continuation of criminal acts means the continuation of criminal lawlessness.

A state offense, on the other hand, refers to a state of wrongfulness caused by a criminal act that has been committed, but has been committed. The typical characteristic of a state offender is that the criminal act that is a constituent element ends first, and the state of wrongfulness continues alone. Continuing offenders and state offenders, although both have the continuation of the state of lawlessness.

But the essential difference between the two is that the state of wrongfulness of continuing to commit the crime arises from the time the crime is committed; The state of wrongfulness arises from the end of the criminal act.

Continuing offense refers to the continuation of the act itself, and the continuation of the act leads to the continuation of the state of wrongfulness, that is, the infringement of legal interests by the continuing act continues, and the compliance of the constituent elements of the act continues;

However, after the state offender has committed the offense, the compliance with the constitutive elements of the act does not continue, but only the continuation of the unlawful state of the crime.

Therefore, Article 89 of the Criminal Law stipulates that where a criminal act is continuous or continuous, the time limit for prosecution shall be calculated from the date on which the criminal act ends.

In our view, the crime of abuse of power is a state offense, not a continuation of it.

After the criminal act of the crime of abuse of power is carried out, a state of illegality arises, that is, the result of the infringement, and although the result of the infringement has continued thereafter, the abuse of power itself has been carried out and has not continued, so the time limit for prosecution should still be counted from the date on which the result of the infringement caused by the abuse of power occurred, and cannot be calculated from the date on which the result of the infringement ended.

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Author: Zhang Chun, a partner of Guangdong Zhiheng (Guangzhou) Law Firm, focusing on the defense of economic crime cases