
Are Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won really together? From deleting Ins in seconds to CP fans' crazy brain supplements, the secret is revealed

author:Egg tart edge 8855

Korean media suddenly made a difficulty: Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's love farce

Recently, the news in the Korean entertainment industry can be described in one word, that is, "fried". Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won, the star CP, were hyped by the media, which really made netizens feel mixed. The incident was caused by the sudden appearance of a photo related to Kim Ji-won on Kim so-hyun's Instagram account, which was then quickly deleted. It's like saying, "Hey, I really have something to do with Kim Ji Won, but I don't want you guys to know." The Korean media also quickly seized this weather vane and began to dig deep into the relationship between the two.


Brokerage companies avoid the important and trivial: a silent posture

When reporters tried to get more information from Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's agencies, they found that both companies adopted a "silence is golden" attitude. Their response was "neither denial, nor confirmation, nor response." This attitude made fans speculate, and some netizens ridiculed: "This is a typical 'face slap trilogy', first ignoring, then avoiding it, and finally letting everyone make up the plot by themselves." This attitude of the brokerage company made everyone more curious about the relationship between the two. Someone said in the comment area: "This is basically playing 'hide and seek' to see who can find the truth between them!" ”

Are Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won really together? From deleting Ins in seconds to CP fans' crazy brain supplements, the secret is revealed

Netizens discussed enthusiastically: the comparison of the peak of appearance

When discussing the relationship between Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won, many netizens can't help but recall their demeanor at the peak of their appearance. Kim so-hyun used to be an absolutely handsome guy in the Korean drama industry, and Kim Ji-won was also a goddess-level figure in the TV series. Now that both of them have passed the glorious years of the year, many netizens expressed their regrets in the comment area. Some netizens commented: "If Kim so-hyun during the "Star You" period and Kim Ji-won are together, how beautiful the picture would be! Some people are imagining what the two look like when they are together now: "Now they may no longer be at the peak of their appearance, but the relationship is really the most important thing, isn't it?" ”

Are Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won really together? From deleting Ins in seconds to CP fans' crazy brain supplements, the secret is revealed

The interaction in "Queen of Tears" sparks speculation

"Queen of Tears" is a TV series co-starring Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won, and their interaction in the play is naturally intimate. In the eyes of fans, this kind of interaction is like sprinkling a handful of salt of "love and coquettishness", which greatly mobilizes the emotions of the audience. Some netizens reviewed the drama and said: "Their rivalry is really feeling, I don't know if it's because the relationship in reality has developed to this extent." Someone even joked: "The director must know that the two of them have a play, so he will arrange them together!" This view sparked a lot of discussion in the comment area, and some people said: "This is not the mastery of the screenwriter, it is really the emotional outpouring of two people." ”

Are Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won really together? From deleting Ins in seconds to CP fans' crazy brain supplements, the secret is revealed

Kim so-hyun deleted ins in seconds: The truth or a cover-up?

Kim so-hyun's move to delete content related to Kim Ji-won on Instagram has sparked various interpretations. Some people think that it may be because of some reason that they don't want to be known to the public, while others think that it is just a protection measure for celebrities to protect their private lives. Some netizens ridiculed in the comment area: "Does second deletion mean second love? Or is it a second breakup? Another netizen proposed: "Maybe Kim so-hyun is afraid that fans will find out some secrets, there must be a reason for doing this." These various interpretations have led to a heated discussion in the comment area, forming a lot of predictions of the future development trend of the "guessing emperor".

Are Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won really together? From deleting Ins in seconds to CP fans' crazy brain supplements, the secret is revealed

Rumor-mongered: Fans' worries about the future

After Kim so-hyun was photographed having a possible relationship with Kim Ji-won, there was a lot of speculation about their future on the Internet. Some fans are worried that this relationship will become the material that will be constantly discussed in the future, and some netizens sighed in the comment area: "If Kim so-hyun doesn't post ins in the future because of this incident, then we will really break the defense!" This concern has sparked a large number of fans to discuss the future, and everyone has expressed their opinions in the comment section. "It's a really worrying situation, and hopefully it won't affect their careers," one said. ”

Are Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won really together? From deleting Ins in seconds to CP fans' crazy brain supplements, the secret is revealed

The "non-response" stance sparks heated debate: truth or lie?

Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's brokerage company said "no response" to the outside world, and this position also sparked heated discussions. Some netizens raised an interesting question in the comment area: "Is not responding a response?" Are they hinting at something? This attitude of "playing Tai Chi" made everyone start a heated discussion in the comment area. Some netizens jokingly said: "This non-response simply provides us with infinite brain holes, and everyone can use their imagination." ”

Are Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won really together? From deleting Ins in seconds to CP fans' crazy brain supplements, the secret is revealed

Controversial Summary: Media Hype or Accident?

To sum up, the relationship between Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won was hyped by the media, and the discussion among fans and netizens was also in full swing. The brokerage company avoided talking about it, Kim so-hyun deleted his ins in seconds, and all kinds of signs made people full of curiosity about this relationship. Some people think that this may just be media hype, while others think that it is the result of a real relationship being exposed. Whether this farce is a commercial operation of the media or an accidental revelation of the truth is left with endless discussion and speculation. As one netizen said in the comments: "We can treat this as a gossip story in the entertainment industry, and we don't have to take it too seriously." This romance about Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won eventually became the talk of netizens after dinner, and everyone got a lot of fun from it.

Are Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won really together? From deleting Ins in seconds to CP fans' crazy brain supplements, the secret is revealed

What do you think? Do you think Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's romance is real? Or is it just media hype for the sake of heat? Leave your thoughts in the comments section!

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