
Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor revealed the truth about his death; No wonder he chose to die in the United States

author:If only I could do it all over again
Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor revealed the truth about his death; No wonder he chose to die in the United States

Remember Li Yong's iconic opening line?

But in the blink of an eye, he has been away from us for five years, and he has gone to the United States and will never come back.

The news of his death on October 25, 2018 was shocking and heartbreaking.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor revealed the truth about his death; No wonder he chose to die in the United States

When he left his job to go to the United States, it caused a lot of speculation and criticism, and everyone misunderstood him.

But in fact, it was his helpless move to fight the disease.

Now that the truth is revealed, his strength and love for his family are touching.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor revealed the truth about his death; No wonder he chose to die in the United States

He chose to stay in the United States for burial, not to betray, but to protect his daughter.

Stop pitying and questioning him, he left us with joy and emotion.

Let's dive into the story behind this!

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor revealed the truth about his death; No wonder he chose to die in the United States

Li Yong's death is undoubtedly a huge blow to those who are familiar with him.

During his lifetime, few people knew that he was silently battling cancer.

For treatment, he chose to go to the United States for medical treatment, a decision that was not understood and supported by everyone at the time.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor revealed the truth about his death; No wonder he chose to die in the United States

Many people wonder why a public figure would choose to undergo medical treatment abroad or even rest in the United States after his death.

These questions and puzzles have gradually been answered with the passage of time.

According to the information that was later exposed, Li Yong chose to be treated in the United States because the medical technology there is more advanced in some fields and can provide better treatment options.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor revealed the truth about his death; No wonder he chose to die in the United States

In the face of the invasion of the disease, he did not give up, but actively sought the best treatment, which is not only responsible for his own life, but also a commitment to his family.

During his treatment in the United States, Li Yong showed extraordinary courage and strength, not only suffering from illness, but also facing all kinds of speculation and pressure from the outside world.

But he has always maintained an optimistic attitude and explained what a true warrior is with practical actions.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor revealed the truth about his death; No wonder he chose to die in the United States

As for why he chose to be buried in the United States, there are also profound reasons behind this.

Li Yong's wife, Ha Wen, once revealed on social media that the reason why they made such a decision was to avoid plunging relatives and friends in China into grief again.

In traditional Chinese culture, funerals are often accompanied by a series of rituals and customs, which is both an emotional catharsis and a heavy burden for bereaved families.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor revealed the truth about his death; No wonder he chose to die in the United States

With this in mind, in order to allow his parents and other relatives to face his departure with a calmer mind, Li Yong and his wife finally made the decision to bury him in the United States.

This is a deep love, meticulous care for the family, reflecting Li Yong's sense of responsibility for the family and deep feelings for his relatives.

As the truth is gradually revealed, more and more people begin to understand and respect Li Yong's choice.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor revealed the truth about his death; No wonder he chose to die in the United States

The voices that had questioned his decision to go to the United States for treatment and burial gradually turned into understanding and respect.

People realize that everyone has their own considerations when facing life and death decisions, and Li Yong's choice is precisely his best interpretation of the dignity of life and family responsibility.

Now, although Li Yong has left us for five years, the joy and emotion he left behind are still deeply engraved in people's hearts.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor revealed the truth about his death; No wonder he chose to die in the United States

He is not only an excellent host, but also an ordinary person who bravely faces the challenges of life.

Li Yong's story reminds us that in the face of illness and difficulties, we should remain optimistic and strong, and cherish every moment we spend with our families, because every moment in life is precious.

In Li Yong's body, we see the best side of human nature - respect for life, love for family, and perseverance in the face of adversity.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor revealed the truth about his death; No wonder he chose to die in the United States

His story teaches us that even in the last moments of life, we should maintain dignity and calm, and use our actions to convey love and hope.

Although Li Yong is gone, his spirit will always remain in our hearts, inspiring everyone to move forward bravely on the road of life.

No matter how many difficulties and obstacles you encounter, you must maintain an optimistic heart, cherish the people around you, and live a wonderful life of your own.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor revealed the truth about his death; No wonder he chose to die in the United States

Before his death, Li Yong once said: "I am a lucky person because I have you." ”

This sentence not only expresses his gratitude to the audience, but also reflects his attitude towards life.

Even in the face of illness, he did not forget to be grateful and did not forget to bring positive energy to the people around him.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor revealed the truth about his death; No wonder he chose to die in the United States

This optimistic spirit is the greatest gift he has given to his family and society in difficult times.

Li Yong's family, especially his wife Hawen and daughter Fatuma, become an integral part of this story.

During her husband's illness, Harvin silently took on the responsibility of taking care of the family, and her strength and dedication made people see the power of love and affection.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor revealed the truth about his death; No wonder he chose to die in the United States

Under the influence of her father, her daughter Fatuma has grown into an independent and confident woman, who has inherited her father's optimism and continues to convey love and hope in her own way.

Li Yong's story allows us to see the fragility and preciousness of life.

It reminds everyone that the meaning of life is not only about length, but also about width and depth.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor revealed the truth about his death; No wonder he chose to die in the United States

In the limited time, how to live your own value and how to treat everyone around you are all questions worth pondering.

Li Yong gave the answer with his own actions, that is: cherish the moment, love life, feel every breath with your heart, and warm every corner with love.

Nowadays, whenever Li Yong is mentioned, people no longer only regret his early death, but also feel more about the good memories he left to the world.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor revealed the truth about his death; No wonder he chose to die in the United States

His life, though short, was full of color and light.

As he once said: "Life is like a journey, you don't care about the destination, you care about the scenery along the way and the mood of seeing the scenery." ”

Li Yong used his life to interpret the true meaning of this sentence.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor revealed the truth about his death; No wonder he chose to die in the United States

Li Yong's story is a story of love, courage and hope.

It tells us that even at the end of life, the brightest light can bloom.

Let us remember this person who has brought us countless laughter and touches, inspire ourselves with his spirit, bravely face every challenge in life, and cherish every moment and every second with family and friends, because this is the truest portrayal of life.

Don't pity Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor revealed the truth about his death; No wonder he chose to die in the United States
【Copyright Notice】The content and pictures described in this article are all from the Internet, aiming to convey positive social energy, and there is no vulgar or bad guidance.

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