
Father and Son Delivering Food: What is the Meaning of Hard Work and Reading?

author:Passion fruit

In today's society, there is such a thought-provoking situation: the father is busy all day long, running around on the way to deliver takeaways, working tirelessly, just to maintain the family's livelihood; After his son graduated from college, surprisingly, he also chose a career as a food delivery.

This can't help but make people wonder: what is the meaning of my father's hard work? My son has been studying for many years, what is the meaning of it?

Father and Son Delivering Food: What is the Meaning of Hard Work and Reading?

The father is not afraid of wind and rain, braves the scorching sun, shuttles to all corners of the city, just to create a better living environment for his family, so that his children can receive education, so that they have the possibility of changing their fate.

His hardships show his responsibility to his family and his deep expectations for the future of his children.

Father and Son Delivering Food: What is the Meaning of Hard Work and Reading?

However, when the son finished college, he also stepped into the ranks of food delivery, which seemed to be very different from the outcome that his father had worked hard for for many years.

The son's years of hard study, the mountains of books, and the countless days and nights of hard work for the exam, have all lost their value?

Father and Son Delivering Food: What is the Meaning of Hard Work and Reading?

Is it that a university education fails to provide ample career options and development opportunities for his son?

Or is it that social changes have made the advantages of traditional qualifications no longer significant? Or is there a deviation in my son's personal career plan?

Reading should be a way to expand horizons, enhance abilities, enrich thoughts, and be a bridge to a broader stage of life.

But when our sons who graduated from college are working hard in the same career field as their fathers, we have to ask: Does this mean a waste of educational resources?

How much of a role can the knowledge and literacy given by reading play in a job like food delivery?

Maybe food delivery is just a temporary choice for his son, maybe he has his own thoughts and plans in the process. But in any case, such a phenomenon is really worthy of our in-depth consideration.

With the hard work of the father and the study years of the son, how can we find a more valuable belonging in real life and realize the true meaning of life?

It's not just a family puzzle,

We look forward to finding the answer, so that every effort can reap excess returns, so that every period of study can create a bright future.

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