
The annual salary is 2.01 million! Huawei's "genius boy" has been debunked, wake up, where is there any genius

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The annual salary is 2.01 million! Huawei's "genius boy" has been debunked, wake up, where is there any genius
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The annual salary is 2.01 million! Huawei's "genius boy" has been debunked, wake up, where is there any genius

In 2020, the tech industry was detonated by a shocking news: Huawei announced that a young man named Zhang Ji joined the "Genius Youth" program with an annual salary of 2.01 million.

The news went viral on social media, sparking a lot of discussion. However, what is less known is that this young man, who was named "genius", experienced two failed college entrance examinations and ended up studying in a three-school college.

From an obscure ordinary student to a high-profile scientific and technological elite, Zhang Ji's counterattack has subverted people's inherent impression of "genius". What kind of experience made this "genius boy"? Let's unveil this saga together.

In 1993, Zhang Ji was born in an ordinary teacher's family in Tongshan, Hubei. Parents have high hopes for this bright child, hoping that he will become a well-rounded talent.

The annual salary is 2.01 million! Huawei's "genius boy" has been debunked, wake up, where is there any genius

Under such expectations, Zhang Ji showed extraordinary intelligence, completed his studies at an astonishing speed, and completed the 12-year study of ordinary people in only 8 years.

However, fate seems to have played a joke on this gifted teenager. 15-year-old Zhang Ji suffered a heavy blow in the first college entrance examination in his life, and his grades failed to touch the undergraduate score line.

This defeat was like a hammer, knocking Zhang Ji into the abyss of confusion. He began to question himself and wonder if his past efforts were meaningful.

In the face of setbacks, Zhang Ji chose to repeat the study. In one year, he completely changed the way he had ever learned. From morning to night, the library and classrooms became his second home.

The annual salary is 2.01 million! Huawei's "genius boy" has been debunked, wake up, where is there any genius

However, fate once again played a cruel joke on him. In the college entrance examination in the second year, Zhang Ji failed again.

Standing at the crossroads of life, 16-year-old Zhang Ji is full of confusion and struggle. Do you want to repeat your studies, or do you choose one of three colleges? At this moment, his father Zhang Qingshan's words woke him up: "No matter where you are, it is always you who really determines your fate."

The environment is important, but what is more important is your attitude and effort.

These words were like a beam of light, illuminating Zhang Ji's confused heart. He suddenly realized that he might have relied too much on talent in the past and neglected the importance of continuous effort.

The annual salary is 2.01 million! Huawei's "genius boy" has been debunked, wake up, where is there any genius

The failure of the college entrance examination is not the end, but a new starting point. With this awareness, Zhang Ji made a decision that surprised many people: he resolutely chose the electronic information major of Wuchang Institute of Technology and started his college career.

This decision marks Zhang Ji's metamorphosis. He is no longer the conceited "genius boy", but an ordinary student who knows how to be down-to-earth and constantly struggle.

He understands that real success does not lie in the starting point, but in the persistence and hard work in the process.

With this new understanding, Zhang Ji stepped onto the university campus. He secretly vowed to prove his father's words with practical actions: his fate is in his own hands. This former "genius boy" began his real growth path.

The annual salary is 2.01 million! Huawei's "genius boy" has been debunked, wake up, where is there any genius

The moment he stepped into Wuchang Institute of Technology, Zhang Ji set himself a clear goal: to stand out in this environment and pave the way for further study.

He is well aware that in order to achieve this goal in the three colleges, he must put in more effort than others.

With this determination, Zhang Ji developed a strict study plan. Every morning, while his roommates in the dormitory were still asleep, he had quietly gotten up and began to memorize English vocabulary and review professional knowledge.

In class, he is always the most serious student, sitting in the first row and listening attentively, thinking positively, writing down questions he doesn't understand, and asking the teacher for advice in time after class.

The annual salary is 2.01 million! Huawei's "genius boy" has been debunked, wake up, where is there any genius

After class, the library and computer room became Zhang Ji's second home. Often a professional book, a few pieces of scratch paper and a pen can make him spend the afternoon quietly.

His behavior seemed out of place among his classmates, and some people even ridiculed him for working too hard, thinking that he didn't need to work so hard in Sanben Academy. But Zhang Ji was never moved by this, he firmly believed that only practical efforts can change fate.

Zhang's efforts soon paid off. He not only stood out in the class with excellent results, but also successfully passed the English level 4 and 6 exams and the computer level 2 exam.

What's even more remarkable is that he has obtained the National ITAT Vocational Skills Competition Vocational Skills Qualification Certificate, which is extremely rare among the three institutions.

The annual salary is 2.01 million! Huawei's "genius boy" has been debunked, wake up, where is there any genius

During the four years of college, Zhang Ji used his actions to explain what true self-discipline and persistence are. In the end, his efforts were rewarded with fruitful results, not only won the honorary titles of "Outstanding Student" and "Outstanding Student Cadre" for many times, but also won the highest honor of the school - the first-class scholarship.

These honors are all witnesses of Zhang Ji's hard work. When the classmates marveled at his aura of "scholar", Zhang Ji just smiled indifferently: "I just remembered my father's words: play when it's time to play, and concentrate on learning when it's time to study."

There is no shortcut to success, only perseverance.

Zhang Ji's college career is not only a story of an ordinary student's counterattack, but also a vivid teaching material about self-discipline, perseverance and all-round development. He proved with practical actions that even if the starting point is not high, as long as there is the right method and persistent efforts, it can achieve extraordinary achievements in the ordinary.

The annual salary is 2.01 million! Huawei's "genius boy" has been debunked, wake up, where is there any genius

This experience laid a solid foundation for his future academic studies and career development.

With his outstanding performance at the undergraduate level, Zhang Ji was successfully admitted to the graduate program of Wuhan Research Institute of Posts and Telecommunications. Stepping into this higher level of scholarship, he found himself facing even greater challenges.

It brings together outstanding students from all over the country, including graduates from prestigious universities. However, this environment did not make Zhang Ji feel inferior or retreat, but instead inspired him to be more self-motivated.

The pace of learning at the graduate level is faster and more demanding, but Zhang Ji still maintains a high degree of self-discipline and focus. He knows that to excel in this competitive environment, you have to put in more effort than others.

The annual salary is 2.01 million! Huawei's "genius boy" has been debunked, wake up, where is there any genius

Day in and day out, he immerses himself in a sea of expertise, constantly exploring, thinking, and innovating.

After graduating from graduate school, Zhang Ji's desire for knowledge has not stopped. He chose to continue his studies and was successfully admitted to Huazhong University of Science and Technology to study for a doctorate. However, the academic path has not been easy.

His first academic paper was hit with five rejections. In the face of such a setback, Zhang Ji was not discouraged, but studied harder. Under the guidance of his supervisor Zhou Ke, he repeatedly revised his thesis and constantly improved his research methods and argumentation process.

Finally, after unremitting efforts, his paper was successfully published.

The annual salary is 2.01 million! Huawei's "genius boy" has been debunked, wake up, where is there any genius

This experience made Zhang Ji deeply realize that academic research requires not only talent, but also unremitting efforts and courage to face failure. With this belief, he has made one breakthrough after another in his academic career, and has published high-quality papers in many top international conferences and journals.

In October 2019, Ji Zhang ushered in another peak of his academic career when he was given the rare opportunity to visit the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University in the United States.

During the six-month visiting period, Zhang Ji was eager to absorb the world's cutting-edge academic knowledge. He has been involved in several high-level research projects and has further expanded his academic horizons as an associate researcher at the University of Amsterdam.

This overseas experience not only enriched Zhang Ji's research experience, but also allowed his academic achievements to be recognized by the international academic community. His research work has been highly praised by his peers and has laid a solid foundation for his future development in the field of science and technology.

The annual salary is 2.01 million! Huawei's "genius boy" has been debunked, wake up, where is there any genius

Zhang Ji's academic journey, from three universities to internationally renowned research institutes, shows the inspirational journey of an ordinary student to realize his academic dream through unremitting efforts. This experience not only honed his research ability, but also cultivated his tenacity in the face of challenges and overcame difficulties, which paved the way for him to join Huawei's "Talented Youth" program.

Zhang Ji's talent was quickly noticed by the industry. With the recommendation of his mentor Zhou Ke, he was given the valuable opportunity to intern at Tencent's head office. From 2015 to 2019, Zhang Ji spent four fulfilling and challenging years at the internet giant.

At Tencent, Zhang Ji has demonstrated excellent learning ability and innovative thinking. He is good at combining theoretical knowledge with practical application, and constantly explores new technical fields.

With this unremitting effort and innovative spirit, Zhang Ji has successfully applied for seven domestic and foreign patents in just four years, an achievement that is rare even for a technology company like Tencent.

The annual salary is 2.01 million! Huawei's "genius boy" has been debunked, wake up, where is there any genius

He has received numerous awards for his outstanding performance, including the Outstanding Contribution Award in 2016 and 2017.

As Zhang Ji's outstanding performance in academia and work gradually became known, major enterprises have extended olive branches to him. Some companies even offered an annual salary of up to 3.6 million yuan in an attempt to attract this young tech talent.

In the face of such an attractive offer, Zhang Ji always remained calm. He knows that choosing a job is not only for a high salary, but more importantly, to be able to realize his value and contribute to society.

Just as Zhang Ji was thinking deeply about his career choice, Huawei's "Genius Boy" program caught his attention. The program is designed to attract the world's top talent, attracting young talent with the most challenging projects and the highest salaries.

The annual salary is 2.01 million! Huawei's "genius boy" has been debunked, wake up, where is there any genius

A quote from Ren Zhengfei, the founder of Huawei: "Huawei will lead the world to progress!" Zhang Ji was deeply moved. This coincides with the ideals he has always pursued.

With a passion for scientific and technological innovation, Zhang Ji decided to participate in the selection of Huawei's "Talented Youth" program. This process is extremely rigorous, including resume screening, written exams, multiple rounds of interviews and other seven levels.

Each round is an all-round test of Zhang Ji's ability, involving professional knowledge, innovative thinking, problem-solving ability and other aspects.

In the face of many challenges, Zhang Ji showed extraordinary strength and a calm attitude. The interviewer was impressed by his solid expertise, innovative thinking, and outstanding performance.

The annual salary is 2.01 million! Huawei's "genius boy" has been debunked, wake up, where is there any genius

After layers of screening, Zhang Ji finally successfully passed all the assessments and became a member of the 2020 "Genius Youth" plan, and he is also the fourth "genius boy" in the world to receive the highest annual salary of 2.01 million yuan.

This result is not only an affirmation of Zhang Ji's years of hard work, but also marks an important milestone in his career. From an ordinary student in three colleges and universities to a core talent in a top technology company, Zhang Ji's experience once again proves that as long as there is a firm belief and unremitting efforts, ordinary people can achieve extraordinary careers.

Zhang Ji's story reveals a profound truth for us: the so-called "genius" is not predestined, but forged through continuous hard work and learning.

His experience tells us that failing the college entrance examination does not mean the end of life, the key is how to rise up in adversity and constantly break through oneself.

The annual salary is 2.01 million! Huawei's "genius boy" has been debunked, wake up, where is there any genius

Today, Zhang Ji continues his scientific research journey at Huawei's Shanghai Research Center. Despite his impressive achievements, he remains humble and unobtrusive.

While focusing on technological innovation, he also pays more attention to user needs and market dynamics, and strives to transform scientific research results into practical applications.

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