
Forest Beixin's endorsement results are not optimistic! 25 likes in 5 hours, the comment area is all about official canvassing!

author:Wonderful big fish

Wang Feng's girlfriend Lin Lin North received an endorsement, and the results came out in a few days! On the first day, it only received 25 likes in the past 5 hours, which is equivalent to an average of 5 likes in an hour, and these 5 likes are also involved in the official account, which shows how dismal the results are.

Forest Beixin's endorsement results are not optimistic! 25 likes in 5 hours, the comment area is all about official canvassing!

On the fifth day, I watched this video again and found that there was finally a small outburst, with more than 4,000 likes. There are 620 comments, which is average, but it is already very good compared to the first one.

Forest Beixin's endorsement results are not optimistic! 25 likes in 5 hours, the comment area is all about official canvassing!

However, when I clicked on the 620 comments, I found that most of them were official canvassing and invited an Internet celebrity to endorse them, but in the end, it was still up to the organizer to promote, and this endorsement fee was wronged!

Forest Beixin's endorsement results are not optimistic! 25 likes in 5 hours, the comment area is all about official canvassing!
Forest Beixin's endorsement results are not optimistic! 25 likes in 5 hours, the comment area is all about official canvassing!

In the comment area, it is difficult to see bad comments about Forest North, all of them are praising her for her beauty, good voice, temperament, and good eloquence, which is completely different from the comment area of Forest North's own account. can't help but make people think that these comments are not invited by the water army, how can they all praise her for being good, no one says that the car is good, and the poor officials go to publicize and canvass one by one.

Forest Beixin's endorsement results are not optimistic! 25 likes in 5 hours, the comment area is all about official canvassing!
Forest Beixin's endorsement results are not optimistic! 25 likes in 5 hours, the comment area is all about official canvassing!
Forest Beixin's endorsement results are not optimistic! 25 likes in 5 hours, the comment area is all about official canvassing!

It's obviously in the propaganda car and Xinjiang, and in the end, the comment area is praising the appearance of Forest North, and those who don't know think that these are Forest North's fan groups!

Forest Beixin's endorsement results are not optimistic! 25 likes in 5 hours, the comment area is all about official canvassing!
Forest Beixin's endorsement results are not optimistic! 25 likes in 5 hours, the comment area is all about official canvassing!
Forest Beixin's endorsement results are not optimistic! 25 likes in 5 hours, the comment area is all about official canvassing!
Forest Beixin's endorsement results are not optimistic! 25 likes in 5 hours, the comment area is all about official canvassing!

On July 1st, I went to take a look again, and found that the official account of Trumpchi New Energy reposted the promotional video of Forest North again, this time it was much better than the 28th, and it received 360 likes in at least one day, but the comments were pitiful, only 26.

Forest Beixin's endorsement results are not optimistic! 25 likes in 5 hours, the comment area is all about official canvassing!

When I opened the comment area, I was dumbfounded again! There are only 26 comments, almost most of which are promoted by official accounts, and the comments are all "good places are so beautiful", is this the Xinjiang locals themselves commenting? It has nothing to do with the car, this wave of endorsements, I can't help but ask what benefits Trumpchi New Energy has gained?

Forest Beixin's endorsement results are not optimistic! 25 likes in 5 hours, the comment area is all about official canvassing!

opened the account video of Trumpchi New Energy, and found a total of 109 works, and there are only two more likes in Forest North, it seems that it is not that Forest North is not popular, but that no one has seen the official account itself!

Forest Beixin's endorsement results are not optimistic! 25 likes in 5 hours, the comment area is all about official canvassing!

When filming this promotional video, Lin Lin Bei was also encountered by many netizens, and she has more male fans. Judging from the photos, Forest North is quite tall, a head taller than netizens, but for some reason she looks short in her video. Not to mention that the facial features are really good, they are very dazzling among everyone.

Forest Beixin's endorsement results are not optimistic! 25 likes in 5 hours, the comment area is all about official canvassing!