
Zhao Liying was nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award, and the studio shouted: Love is like a hot pot, hot and pure

author:Hobbies and entertainment

Zhao Liying was nominated for Best Supporting Actress at the Hundred Flowers Awards, and the studio issued a strong support


On the day of July 2, the lake in the entertainment industry rippled again, and this time the protagonist is the familiar "Yingbao" - Zhao Liying. That's right, it is the gentle and beautiful woman who came out of the costume drama, and now she is a powerful actor who has emerged in the film industry. With her role as Hao Xiuping in the movie "Article 20", she was successfully nominated for Best Supporting Actress at the 37th Popular Film Hundred Flowers Awards. As soon as the news came out, fans blew up one after another, and the big words "Zhao Liying Hundred Flowers Award Nomination" on Weibo hot search hung high, and the popularity continued to rise.

Zhao Liying was nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award, and the studio shouted: Love is like a hot pot, hot and pure

The story behind the movie "Article 20".

Zhao Liying was nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award, and the studio shouted: Love is like a hot pot, hot and pure

Speaking of "Article 20", this is not an ordinary movie. It delves into the delicate relationship between law and human nature from a unique perspective. Hao Xiuping, played by Zhao Liying, is an indispensable part of this story. It is said that for this role, Zhao Liying has put a lot of effort into it. She not only studied the script repeatedly, but also deliberately experienced the life of the character, starting from the subtleties, and striving to perfectly restore Hao Xiuping's inner world. This kind of professionalism has impressed many people in the industry.

Zhao Liying was nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award, and the studio shouted: Love is like a hot pot, hot and pure
Zhao Liying was nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award, and the studio shouted: Love is like a hot pot, hot and pure

The studio's warm message opened the minds of netizens

Zhao Liying was nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award, and the studio shouted: Love is like a hot pot, hot and pure

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Liying's studio couldn't hold back its excitement and posted a message to support its own artists: "Silence also has the power of ten thousand jun, actor Zhao Liying will continue to pursue the purity of light and shadow screen with a hot heart of love." As soon as this sentence came out, it immediately caused heated discussions on the Internet. Netizens have turned into jokers and started their own creation contests.

Zhao Liying was nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award, and the studio shouted: Love is like a hot pot, hot and pure

"Silence is better than sound, Yingbao's acting skills are so powerful! I felt as if I could hear the roar of her inner universe! ”

Zhao Liying was nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award, and the studio shouted: Love is like a hot pot, hot and pure
Zhao Liying was nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award, and the studio shouted: Love is like a hot pot, hot and pure

"Hot love? It can't be at the level of hot pot base? Zhao Liying, this is going to turn the entire film circle upside down! ”

Zhao Liying was nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award, and the studio shouted: Love is like a hot pot, hot and pure
Zhao Liying was nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award, and the studio shouted: Love is like a hot pot, hot and pure
Zhao Liying was nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award, and the studio shouted: Love is like a hot pot, hot and pure

"In pursuit of the purity of light and shadow? I think she wants to be the brightest light bulb and light up the whole screen! ”

Although these comments are full of ridicule, it is not difficult to see that everyone's recognition and support for Zhao Liying is from the heart.

Zhao Liying was nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award, and the studio shouted: Love is like a hot pot, hot and pure
Zhao Liying was nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award, and the studio shouted: Love is like a hot pot, hot and pure

The hard work behind the nomination

However, behind the honor is always inseparable from hard work. It is no accident that Zhao Liying was able to receive this nomination. Since her debut, she has proved her strength step by step and with one work after another. From the small bones in "Flower Thousand Bone" to Minglan in "Do You Know If You Should Be Green, Fat, Red and Thin", and then to Hao Xiuping in "Article 20", every role is impressive. With her hard work and sweat, she has won the love and respect of the audience.

Zhao Liying was nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award, and the studio shouted: Love is like a hot pot, hot and pure

Controversial topic: the collision of traffic and power

However, when it comes to Zhao Liying, the word "traffic" must inevitably be mentioned. In this era where traffic is king, Zhao Liying is undoubtedly one of the best. But at the same time, some people question whether her acting skills and strength are worthy of these honors and praises. In this regard, I would like to say that traffic is not the original sin, it is just a label given by the times. What really matters is whether Zhao Liying can use her works and strength to break these prejudices and doubts.

Zhao Liying was nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award, and the studio shouted: Love is like a hot pot, hot and pure

And the nomination of the Hundred Flowers Award this time is undoubtedly a strong proof of her strength. It tells us that no matter how noisy the outside world is, as long as we maintain our love and pursuit of performance, we will one day reap our own light.

Conclusion: Looking forward to more surprises

Zhao Liying was nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award, and the studio shouted: Love is like a hot pot, hot and pure

Therefore, let's look forward to Zhao Liying being able to bring us more excellent works and roles in the future. Whether it is a gentle beauty in costume dramas, an independent woman in a modern drama, or a complex character in a movie, I believe that she can control it freely and show a different charm. At the same time, I also hope that more actors like Zhao Liying who have both traffic and strength will emerge in the entertainment industry to jointly promote the development of China's film and television industry. After all, in this colorful world, we need more stories and characters to enrich our spiritual world.

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