
The old Yetou, who forcibly asked to give up his seat, was detained for 7 days and expressed his dissatisfaction! There is nothing wrong with claiming that it is too wrong

author:CSR Kanyu


In this fast-paced urban jungle, the Beijing subway is like a never-ending artery, transporting the vitality of the city day after day.

In the carriage, seats have become a scarce resource, and each one may hide a silent battle of etiquette and rules.

Today, let's talk about such a thing, a story about an old leaf and a young woman, a small storm under the collision of ancient virtues and modern civilization.

The old Yetou, who forcibly asked to give up his seat, was detained for 7 days and expressed his dissatisfaction! There is nothing wrong with claiming that it is too wrong

Lao Yetou, an old man who is over the age of old, the years have carved deep traces on him, and his back pain and leg pain have become his daily companion.

Every day, he would drag that slightly heavy step, take his "third leg" - crutches, step into the subway, and start his daily "seat search journey".

The old Yetou, who forcibly asked to give up his seat, was detained for 7 days and expressed his dissatisfaction! There is nothing wrong with claiming that it is too wrong

And this time, his opponent is a young woman who looks dusty, a newcomer in the workplace, with tiredness in her eyes, obviously just returning from the battlefield of overtime, and her heart is full of longing for home.

On that day, the subway was crowded, and the air was filled with exhaustion and anxiety.

Lao Yetou aimed at the vacant seat next to the woman, and in an unquestionable tone, with a bit of majesty bestowed by the years, he asked the woman to give up his seat.

The old Yetou, who forcibly asked to give up his seat, was detained for 7 days and expressed his dissatisfaction! There is nothing wrong with claiming that it is too wrong

The woman looked up, a trace of hesitation flashed in her eyes, after all, she was also a "warrior" who had been standing for a day, but in the end, she still chose to shake her head and refuse, that expression seemed to say: "I'm also tired, aren't I?" ”

At this time, the style of the story changed abruptly, and Lao Yetou failed to show the kindness of the older generation, but made an unexpected move - he first tried to cover the woman's mouth with his hand, trying to solve the problem "quietly", and then gently "reminded" the woman with a cane.

The old Yetou, who forcibly asked to give up his seat, was detained for 7 days and expressed his dissatisfaction! There is nothing wrong with claiming that it is too wrong

This series of movements, like a symphony of dissonance, makes people frown.

Soon, the subway cops descend like supermen, and their appearance is like a cool breeze in summer, swift and professional.

After some investigation, they decided to give Lao Yetou 7 days of "deep thinking time" in accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Public Security Administration Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China".

The old Yetou, who forcibly asked to give up his seat, was detained for 7 days and expressed his dissatisfaction! There is nothing wrong with claiming that it is too wrong

In the face of this sudden "holiday", Lao Yetou's expression was like eating a sour fruit, which was complicated and indescribable.

The surrounding passengers were in an uproar, some sympathetic, some blamed, and everyone was playing out a different drama in their hearts.

In the past few days in the detention center, Lao Yetou seemed to have walked into a secret room of self-reflection, and his inner monologue kept echoing: "I just gently pulled twice, how did it become a big deal?" This cognitive bias made him feel that he was more wronged than Dou E.

The old Yetou, who forcibly asked to give up his seat, was detained for 7 days and expressed his dissatisfaction! There is nothing wrong with claiming that it is too wrong

And after he was released from prison, he recorded a video with great emotion, like a lit torch, illuminating every corner of the Internet.

The daughter of the old Yetou family, a straight-hearted legal beauty, as soon as she heard about her father's business, she was immediately like a kitten who had been stepped on by her tail, as if she had blown up, and her heart was full of indignation and doubts.

The old Yetou, who forcibly asked to give up his seat, was detained for 7 days and expressed his dissatisfaction! There is nothing wrong with claiming that it is too wrong

She stood up for her father, and the family instinct of "I will protect my old leaves", coupled with the subjective filter under the legal glasses, made her instantly become another shining "star" in the field of public opinion.

In the online world, this small storm caused by giving up seats is like a big stone thrown into a fish pond, stirring up a thousand waves.

The old Yetou, who forcibly asked to give up his seat, was detained for 7 days and expressed his dissatisfaction! There is nothing wrong with claiming that it is too wrong

Some netizens turned on the "Messenger of Justice" mode and criticized Lao Yetou's approach a bit too much; Others incarnated as "time judges" and raised question marks about the reasonableness of the seven-day detention; There is also a group of people who simply turned their attention to the lawyer's daughter who "protects her father" and talked about it.

The legal gods and editorial masters are naturally unwilling to be lonely, and have gone online one after another, throwing out professional opinions from the palace of the law, and showing their attitudes: respecting the elderly and caring for the young, this is of course a virtue, but it cannot become a "gold medal for exemption from punishment" that is rampant and ignores the rules.

The old Yetou, who forcibly asked to give up his seat, was detained for 7 days and expressed his dissatisfaction! There is nothing wrong with claiming that it is too wrong

The whole incident is like a steaming hot pot, and all kinds of ingredients - emotion, law, and morality - are thrown into it in one go, boiling, making people both lively and emotional.

In the final analysis, this reminds us that there are also university questions hidden in the daily little things, respecting the old and loving the young, but being reasonable and abiding by the rules is not less, after all, a harmonious society depends on everyone, isn't it?

The old Yetou, who forcibly asked to give up his seat, was detained for 7 days and expressed his dissatisfaction! There is nothing wrong with claiming that it is too wrong

In the final analysis, this thing is like a vivid stage play, teaching us a down-to-earth truth: in crowded public places, being able to speak well is more useful than any secret weapon.

Respecting the old and loving the young is the golden rule passed down from our ancestors, but if you want this virtue to flourish, you must first lay the foundation of mutual respect and understanding.

After all, the law is such a thing, you can't rub sand in your eyes, no matter how old you are, you have to admit it if you break the rules.

The old Yetou, who forcibly asked to give up his seat, was detained for 7 days and expressed his dissatisfaction! There is nothing wrong with claiming that it is too wrong

Each of us, in fact, is a little bee to build a harmonious society, buzzing and flying around, using our reason as a thread, tolerance as a needle, and weaving a warm net with a needle.

This net, if you don't catch birds or fish, just to catch those warm moments, let the flowers of virtue bloom brightly in it.

The old Yetou, who forcibly asked to give up his seat, was detained for 7 days and expressed his dissatisfaction! There is nothing wrong with claiming that it is too wrong

Imagine walking on the street, everyone smiles when they meet, small friction and misunderstanding, and a word of things disappears, how much fireworks and how humane it is!

The old Yetou, who forcibly asked to give up his seat, was detained for 7 days and expressed his dissatisfaction! There is nothing wrong with claiming that it is too wrong

So, it doesn't matter if you are an old naughty boy with a childlike heart or a young man who is not afraid of tigers, we all have to learn how to "swim" gracefully in the crowd, not hurting others, but also protecting ourselves.

In this way, the sea of society can be calm and full of warm small waves.

Each of us has become more interesting because of this, isn't it?

The old Yetou, who forcibly asked to give up his seat, was detained for 7 days and expressed his dissatisfaction! There is nothing wrong with claiming that it is too wrong


Remember, whether it's in a crowded subway or on the journey of life, a little more understanding and less impulsiveness can make our world a better place.

Although this turmoil is small, it is enough to make us reflect: how can we coexist gracefully on the fast-moving train of the times? The answer may lie in your hearts and mine.