
Internal mess! After exposing Obama's support for Biden, he privately said that Biden had no chance of winning

author:CSR Kanyu


In this American political arena that is more climactic than Hollywood blockbusters, a live debate not only detonated social media, but also put President Biden's approval rating on the Waterloo Express, which is simply "one minute of debate, one light year of fans".

Let's walk into this "wonderful" political drama and see how the "plastic friendship" and "Game of Thrones" are staged one after another within the Democratic Party.

Internal mess! After exposing Obama's support for Biden, he privately said that Biden had no chance of winning

The storm caused by the debate on live television

Imagine a sunny night with the nation sitting in front of the TV, looking forward to the Biden-Trump live televised debate in the "hottest showdown of the year."

The theme of the debate goes straight to the heart of the American people – economic recovery and national security.

Internal mess! After exposing Obama's support for Biden, he privately said that Biden had no chance of winning

Biden wanted to show his steadiness and experience, but unfortunately he was bombarded by Trump, the "king of mouth cannons".

At the debate, Biden tried to elaborate on his economic stimulus plan several times, but was sharply interrupted and sarcastic by Trump, as if every word of Biden was Trump's improvised cross talk material.

Internal mess! After exposing Obama's support for Biden, he privately said that Biden had no chance of winning

Biden's reaction was slightly sluggish, and he smiled awkwardly several times, as if to say: "I'm laughing so officially, you're always embarrassed to scare again, right?" Trump, however, is he the one to let go easily, saying, "Asleep, Joe?" "It made the audience nervous and funny, as if it was not a debate, but a talk show.

Before the debate, Biden's approval rating sat firmly on the throne of 45%, with a posture of "steady as an old dog".

Internal mess! After exposing Obama's support for Biden, he privately said that Biden had no chance of winning

However, the polls after the debate were like jumping off a building, plummeting to 33% in an instant, leaving supporters stunned.

This debate not only changed Biden's image from a "kind old man" to a "confused uncle", but also made the already wavering voters cast skeptical glances, as if to say: "Is this still the navigator we want?" ”

Internal mess! After exposing Obama's support for Biden, he privately said that Biden had no chance of winning

Divisions and contradictions within the Democratic Party

Within the Democratic Party, on the surface, it seems to be a harmonious mess, but in fact there is an undercurrent.

Aunt Pelosi, Obama, California Governor Gavin Newsom, these party bigwigs have stood up and shouted the slogan "Biden will win", but the flickering words in their eyes seem to say: "Come on, old man, although we know it's hard." ”

Behind the scenes, more and more party voices are quietly discussing, Biden's age, the weak performance of the debate, and those policy propositions that are not very down-to-earth have become lingering shadows in their hearts.

Internal mess! After exposing Obama's support for Biden, he privately said that Biden had no chance of winning

Pelosi still supports Biden in public, but in private she whispers to several congressmen: "Can this old man's energy really last four years?" And Obama, the partner who once stood alongside Biden, turned around at a private dinner and said in his trademark deep voice to his cronies at a private dinner point, "Joe's odds, well, you know." ”

Internal mess! After exposing Obama's support for Biden, he privately said that Biden had no chance of winning

Gavin Newsom, California's sunny governor, is young and charismatic, and is regarded as a "rising star" by many party insiders.

He supports Biden on the surface, but in fact, he is quietly laying out his presidential dream with his own little ninety-nine in his heart.

His impressive achievements in California's environmental and technology policies have led to speculation about whether he is already sharpening his knives for the general election in four years' time.

Internal mess! After exposing Obama's support for Biden, he privately said that Biden had no chance of winning

Obama is inconsistent

Obama and Biden, once golden partners, now seem to have become delicate.

Obama's political career can be described as an inspirational drama "from community organizer to owner of the White House".

The days when he fought side by side with Biden once made people feel that "this is the real brother in politics".

Internal mess! After exposing Obama's support for Biden, he privately said that Biden had no chance of winning

But as time passed, Obama's supportive remarks on social media were more like official courtesies to complete the task, and privately revealed to those around him that he was not optimistic about Biden's re-election prospects.

Obama's "duplicity" approach may stem from his thoughtful consideration of the party's future, or perhaps it may be motivated by the protection of his personal political legacy.

Internal mess! After exposing Obama's support for Biden, he privately said that Biden had no chance of winning

After all, if Biden continues to slide, Obama's legacy could be tarnished.

This kind of behavior has undoubtedly dropped a time bomb on the unity of the party, making the cracks within the Democratic Party bigger and bigger, and people can't help but sigh: "Plastic brotherhood, the norm in the political circle!" ”

Internal mess! After exposing Obama's support for Biden, he privately said that Biden had no chance of winning

Gavin Newsom's role and choices

Gavin Newsom, California's "star governor," is known as a reformer.

He has not only shown his strength in tackling climate change and promoting scientific and technological innovation, but also shown a bold and decisive side during the epidemic, earning him a reputation as a "man of action".

Newsom is seen as the best candidate in the party to oppose Biden's forces, not only because he is young and promising, but also because he represents a transformative force for a new generation of Democratic parties.

Internal mess! After exposing Obama's support for Biden, he privately said that Biden had no chance of winning

Newsom's cleverness lies in the fact that he is not in a hurry, but chooses to slowly build up strength behind the scenes and wait for the time to come.

He knows that instead of struggling in Biden's shadow, he should look beyond the horizon and prepare for the next presidential election.

This strategy of "retreating as advancing" not only avoids the current intra-party disputes, but also lays a more solid foundation for its own political path.

Internal mess! After exposing Obama's support for Biden, he privately said that Biden had no chance of winning

The impact of the internal turmoil in the Democratic Party

This chaos within the Democratic Party is like a family ethics drama, which makes the audience dizzy, and at the same time, it also greatly reduces the image of the Democratic Party itself.

Voters are beginning to question whether such a party with internal contradictions can really lead the United States to prosperity and stability. The intra-party strife not only distracted the external fighting firepower, but also allowed the Republican Party to seize the opportunity, especially Trump, who is gearing up to make a big fuss in the arena of public opinion.

Internal mess! After exposing Obama's support for Biden, he privately said that Biden had no chance of winning

For the Democratic Party, it is imperative to adjust the campaign strategy and repair the internal rifts as soon as possible, otherwise, the upcoming election could become a disaster.

The reshuffling of power within the party and factional struggles are inevitable, but how to find common ground in the chaos and unite against the Republican offensive will be the biggest test they face.

Internal mess! After exposing Obama's support for Biden, he privately said that Biden had no chance of winning


The drama of infighting among the Democratic Party is like a summer rainstorm, which is menacing, but it also brings an opportunity for baptism to the earth.

In this political storm, who will have the last laugh, who can ride the wind and waves, and lead the Democratic Party out of the predicament and regain the support of the people, everything is still unknown.

But for American politics, such a turbulent moment is both a crisis and a turning point, reminding all politicians that true leadership is not only reflected in the words on the stage, but also in the actions and solidarity off the stage.

Let's wait and see how the Democratic Party rebuilds its glory in the face of adversity, and also teaches a vivid "crisis management lesson" to political observers around the world.