
Don't want the ship to sink and retreat? The commander of the US military shouted at China, and the Ministry of Defense responded with a quote from an instructor

author:Liu Zhenqi's view
Don't want the ship to sink and retreat? The commander of the US military shouted at China, and the Ministry of Defense responded with a quote from an instructor

With the escalation of the game between China and the United States, the United States' methods against China have gradually been revealed, which can be summed up as "soft and hard". The US military is responsible for saying "soft words" and emphasizing cooperation in Sino-US relations, while the US military is responsible for saying "hard words" and emphasizing the strength of the US military and regarding China as a "thorn in the side." No, a recent decision made by the US military and Japan was once again hyped up by the United States.

Some time ago, Japan's Kyodo News Agency revealed that the US Marine Corps stationed in Okinawa will start the work of moving to Guam. According to the US plan, starting in December this year, the US military began to gradually transfer one-third of its personnel from Okinawa to Guam and Hawaii. As a result, the number of U.S. troops stationed in Japan on Okinawa will be reduced by nearly 10,000.

Don't want the ship to sink and retreat? The commander of the US military shouted at China, and the Ministry of Defense responded with a quote from an instructor

At present, the U.S. garrison in Japan is about 35,000 troops, including about 2,500 in the U.S. Army, about 3,700 in the U.S. Navy's Seventh Fleet, about 12,400 in the U.S. Fifth Air Force, and about 17,000 in the U.S. Marine Corps' Third Expeditionary Force. And this evacuation mainly involves the US Marine Corps. According to US Marine Corps Commander Smith, they will deploy a "littoral combat group" in Guam.

It has been learned that the deployment of the "Marine Corps Littoral Combat Group" is not an isolated operation, but is closely linked to the relocation of Okinawa's Futenma Airport and the readjustment of the command and control framework of the US forces stationed in Japan. Although the "Littoral Combat Group" is not large, its main target is the People's Liberation Army. According to the commander of the U.S. military, the unit can not only quickly deploy to the Philippines, Japan, remote islands and other places in the event of a conflict, but also provide long-range detection and firepower strikes for U.S. allies such as Japan and the Philippines, and if China attacks these countries, the Americans can use mobile missiles to attack Chinese naval ships from land.

Don't want the ship to sink and retreat? The commander of the US military shouted at China, and the Ministry of Defense responded with a quote from an instructor

For this reason, the commander of the US Marine Corps directly shouted to China: "If China does not want the ships to be sunk, then retreat, such measures are enough to stop them." If they attack Japan and the Philippines, etc., it will be a tragic day". Don't want the ship to sink and retreat? Look, the tone of this naval commander is really not small, do you really think that a force of only 2,000 people can win the PLA when the conflict breaks out? The U.S. military has withdrawn from the first island chain in great strides, and the second island chain must be carefully constructed?

For this reason, many netizens ridiculed: Is it really so powerful, did you win the Houthis? Unlike the ridicule of netizens, the mainland Ministry of Defense directly quoted the teacher's classic quotations in response. Senior Colonel Wu Qian, spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense, said in an interview with reporters that Chinese people do not cause trouble but are not afraid of it; they have always "offended me if people do not offend me, I will not offend others, and if people offend me, I will offend others." Obviously, the United States wants to intimidate China, but China does not accept this set.

Don't want the ship to sink and retreat? The commander of the US military shouted at China, and the Ministry of Defense responded with a quote from an instructor

While the Americans were evacuating from Okinawa, they said that they would protect Japan and the Philippines on Guam. To be honest, if it were more than ten years ago, we would never have seen this kind of scene. It is estimated that the US military contraction in East Asia will probably leave a mess for itself in the future. And the essence of this move by the US military happens to be a manifestation of the decline of US strength. At present, the first island chain can no longer contain the PLA, and it is only a matter of time before the second island chain is broken through......

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