
China and Russia decisively stepped on the brakes and temporarily closed the BRICS door, and NATO's script must not be repeated in the Asia-Pacific region

author:Liu Zhenqi's view

Friends who usually watch international news should know that the original founding members of the BRICS are: China, Russia, India, Brazil, to 2011 South Africa joined the BRICS, with the development of the global situation, this year Egypt, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Iran, so far, from the original BRIC 4 countries to the BRICS 10 countries.

China and Russia decisively stepped on the brakes and temporarily closed the BRICS door, and NATO's script must not be repeated in the Asia-Pacific region

The enlarged BRICS group has a total population of about 3.5 billion, accounting for 45% of the world's population, and its share of the global economy has risen to about 37% of global GDP, surpassing the G7 group's 30.3% and the EU's 14.5%. This is enough to prove that the BRICS organization is getting stronger and more influential. With the expansion of influence, the number of countries queuing to apply for membership has also increased, including Turkey, Pakistan and many other countries.

However, when it comes to Turkey's accession, I believe that everyone, like me, will feel a little "worried". First of all, Turkey is a member of "NATO" and is also applying to join the "European Union" and is an ally of the United States. Moreover, Turkey's various practices are not friendly to China, such as the recent announcement by the United States that it will impose a 40% import tariff on Chinese car exports. To put it far away, when the mainland's first aircraft carrier "Liaoning" passed through the Turkish Strait, it was also extorted by Turkey with a toll of $1 billion, and was only released by Greece's guarantee, and the aircraft carrier, which was originally planned to sail back to China in 60 days, was obstructed by Turkey and Egypt, and it took 627 days to reach China.

China and Russia decisively stepped on the brakes and temporarily closed the BRICS door, and NATO's script must not be repeated in the Asia-Pacific region

Judging from Turkey's various behaviors, if it is allowed to join the BRICS, it will be like "NATO" has planted a chess piece in the BRICS, which is not only not conducive to the unity of the BRICS, but may even dilute China's influence. So in such a situation, China and Russia have joined forces to do a big thing, according to relevant reports, under the leadership of China and Russia, the BRICS group has voted to temporarily close the door, stop admitting new members, and focus on integrating the recently joined member states, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov announced the explosion during his visit to Minsk.

China and Russia decisively stepped on the brakes and temporarily closed the BRICS door, and NATO's script must not be repeated in the Asia-Pacific region

I think this is really a sensible move, certainly not just for Turkey, why do you say that? Looking at international organizations in the world today, there are many names, and there are countless of them. However, there are not many organizations that can truly have strong cohesion in the international community and can solve practical problems, because the member states of the organization are making small calculations for their own interests, and even act at the expense of the interests of other countries, and do not have a sense of the overall situation.

For example, back then, it was because American companies helped Greece make false accounts and got him into the European Union, which directly ignited the later European debt crisis. Therefore, China and Russia decisively stepped on the brakes this time, and they did not want NATO to mess up the EU's script and play it out in the Asia-Pacific region. The BRICS must be integrated within the organization, rather than blindly expanded, in order to better promote the development of the BRICS countries.

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