
China gets the lunar samples, and the United States wants a piece of the pie, and one clause becomes the key

author:Liu Zhenqi's view

Under the haze of technological blockade, China's aerospace headwind turned around, and Chang'e-6 successfully brought back soil samples from the far side of the moon, which was the first time in human history to set foot on the completely unknown territory of the far side of the moon, and China became a crab eater.

Seeing that China is still able to come up with one amazing result after another in the wall of round after round of technological blockade. This makes the United States both red-eyed and embarrassed.

Just some time ago, Campbell, the second-in-command of American diplomacy, just made a big move, directly saying that he did not want Chinese students to set foot in the field of American technology, which directly hit the rapid development of China's science and technology. His implication is to "decouple" from China in terms of talent and technology to curb China's excessively rapid development.

China gets the lunar samples, and the United States wants a piece of the pie, and one clause becomes the key

It's one thing in action, but the United States is actually very interested in China's achievements in the field of space. The rush to launch the Starliner and the repeated postponement of its return due to various accidents is a perfect example of this.

If the United States itself is not satisfied, it will make others unhappy. For many years, Wolff's terms have been impermeable to close the gaps in Sino-US space cooperation. The United States has also repeatedly used legislation to curb China's selfish motives in a vain attempt to cut off China's progress by using the blade of technological blockade.

However, the wishful thinking of the United States seems to have been miscalculated. Under the seemingly insoluble blockade, China's aerospace industry has risen at an astonishing speed, from Chang'e to the moon to Mars exploration, a number of milestone achievements, announcing that China's power cannot be underestimated.

China gets the lunar samples, and the United States wants a piece of the pie, and one clause becomes the key

The United States, on the one hand, racks its brains to "decouple", and on the other hand, it is salivating over the fruitful achievements of China's aerospace industry and wants to get a piece of the pie from China.

The China National Space Administration of the mainland gave the most hardcore response - self-reliance and self-improvement. We are well aware that core technologies cannot be bought or sought, so the United States should not be delusional.

The lunar soil of Chang'e-6 is not only a treasure of scientific research, but also a declaration by China to the world that the initiative of cooperation is now in China's hands.

China gets the lunar samples, and the United States wants a piece of the pie, and one clause becomes the key

It is not easy to take a ride, and the United States needs to put down its body. The continental space agency's response to the United States is that if it wants to catch the high-speed train of China's aerospace industry, it must first untie the shackles it has set itself and completely lift restrictions on China. The United States must not only open up its technology to China, but also change its mentality. First of all, the United States must first learn to bow its head, and secondly, cut off the root cause of obstacles to Sino-US space cooperation, that is, the Wolf Clause. That's what we want to see, and that's the only way we'll think about whether or not to give you a piece of the pie.

China gets the lunar samples, and the United States wants a piece of the pie, and one clause becomes the key

In my opinion, China is using the most impactful power to prove that China is fully capable of breaking the technological blockade of the United States. Moreover, Bian Zhigang, deputy director of the China National Space Administration of the mainland, has repudiated the Wolf clause to prove that China is trying to break through the various restrictions imposed by the United States on China one by one, and to force the United States to recognize China's superiority.

It can be seen that in the game of science and technology, China is no longer a passive response. If the United States continues to put obstacles in the way of scientific and technological cooperation, then China's space train will probably not easily stop for it. China, with a self-confident attitude of unremitting self-improvement, has embarked on a new process of space exploration that belongs to all mankind.

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