
Chen Hongmei: When she was popular, she married her husband outside the circle, and at the age of 65, she was still a volunteer, and her old age life was rich and colorful


First, Chen Hongmei was born in an ordinary family in Shanghai. Since childhood, she has had a keen interest in cinema. In her young heart, the profession of an actor is an ideal profession to travel around, not only to do the job she likes, but also to make money.

With this simple "movie dream", Chen Hongmei worked as a broadcaster when she was in school, deliberately practicing her Mandarin, and silently preparing for the dreams that may come true in the future.

At the age of 17, the god of fate favored this girl with a dream. The Shanghai Film Studio Actors' Troupe is preparing to recruit a group of new students from factories and rural areas. Chen Hongmei participated in the selection with the mentality of giving it a try, but she didn't expect to be selected.

When she learned that she had been admitted, Chen Hongmei was so excited that she couldn't help herself, as if she saw that her movie dream was about to come true. However, in addition to the joy, she is also faced with a difficult choice - at the same time, she is also favored by civil aviation and wants to train her to be a flight attendant.

Chen Hongmei: When she was popular, she married her husband outside the circle, and at the age of 65, she was still a volunteer, and her old age life was rich and colorful

Both are good choices, both of which can satisfy her desire to "travel the mountains and rivers". Faced with this crossroads, the young Chen Hongmei fell into deep thought. Her eyes flashed with a vision for the future, but with a hint of confusion.

Second, after careful consideration, Chen Hongmei finally chose the path of being an actor and became a student at the same time as Chen Chong, Guo Kaimin, Chen Ye, Lu Qing, Zhang Zhihua and others. In 1977, 19-year-old Chen Hongmei was officially transferred to Shanghai Film Studio and became a film actor.

Standing at a new starting point in life, the young Chen Hongmei is full of expectations and looks forward to the bright stars of the future. Her face was full of youthful vitality, and her eyes flashed with love for acting.

However, she didn't know that what awaited her was a wonderful life journey full of challenges and growth, far more difficult and exciting than she imagined to be "playing in the mountains and rivers".

Chen Hongmei: When she was popular, she married her husband outside the circle, and at the age of 65, she was still a volunteer, and her old age life was rich and colorful

With the passage of time, Chen Hongmei's acting career is like a flower that bloomed in the 80s. Her first film was "Desert Camel Bell", in which she played the role of Liang Ying, a geologist.

However, when she came to the location of the northwest with the film crew, the endless Gobi and difficult conditions in front of her were far from the "sightseeing and playing" she imagined.

This experience made Chen Hongmei deeply realize that an excellent film actor is not made by playing in the mountains and rivers, behind those glamorous and glamorous things are the hard work and sweat that ordinary people can't see.

Third, despite the difficult conditions, Chen Hongmei did not flinch. She takes every role seriously and works hard to study her acting skills. This dedication quickly paid off. Chen Hongmei has starred in many excellent movies such as "The Flying Son-in-law", "Female College Student Dormitory", "The Strange Case of Rose Fragrance", "Outlander", "Smile in the Candlelight" and many other excellent movies, each of which left a deep impression on the audience.

Chen Hongmei: When she was popular, she married her husband outside the circle, and at the age of 65, she was still a volunteer, and her old age life was rich and colorful

Chen Hongmei's acting skills and charm have been widely recognized, and she is known as the master of Shanghai Film Studio along with Zhang Yu, Gong Xue, Wu Haiyan, Zhao Jing and others. In "Popular Magazine", the photo of her with Hong Xuemin and Yan Zhengan is even more impressive, and her bright smile seems to be able to penetrate the paper and infect everyone who sees the photo.

However, fame did not make Chen Hongmei lose herself. She has always maintained her love and awe for her acting career. As she said: "In an actor's life, the years of true creativity are short, so if you look left and right on the road of creation, you will only end up wasting your time and being frustrated."

Chen Hongmei in this period has a confident glint in her eyes, and she exudes the charm of a star in every move. But she was not carried away by fame and fortune, but focused more on honing her acting skills and shaping her role.

She knows very well that no hard work, no gain. She clearly realizes that an excellent actor must speak with his works and characters, and the birth of every role is inseparable from the creation of actors.

Chen Hongmei: When she was popular, she married her husband outside the circle, and at the age of 65, she was still a volunteer, and her old age life was rich and colorful

Fourth, compared with some actors in the same period, Chen Hongmei is not a big hit, but she is highly recognizable and has good acting skills, and the audience who has watched her play is extremely impressed by her. This attitude of focusing on art itself rather than chasing fame and fortune has won Chen Hongmei wide respect in the entertainment industry and laid a solid foundation for her future career development.

When her career was in full swing, Chen Hongmei met her true destiny. To the surprise of many, her husband is an outsider. At that time, this marriage was not optimistic, and many people thought that Chen Hongmei's "marriage" would affect her career development.

Some people commented that her move was unwise, believing that her husband was an ordinary person, not only would it not help her in her career, but would also affect her development. However, Chen Hongmei has her own ideas.

She said: "Choosing the other half should not only look at how he is at the moment, but also take a long-term view and choose a 'potential stock'. In her eyes, love is not a pile of materials, but the meeting of two souls.

Chen Hongmei: When she was popular, she married her husband outside the circle, and at the age of 65, she was still a volunteer, and her old age life was rich and colorful

What she values is the quality of the other person and the potential for future development. Chen Hongmei understands what she is pursuing, and she believes that no matter how successful a woman is, she also needs to have the warmth of a family, and her husband and daughter are the most important thing to her.

Fifth, shortly after marriage, Chen Hongmei gave birth to a daughter Liuliu. In order to take care of the family, she took the initiative to reduce her workload and devote more energy to the family business. But that doesn't mean she's given up on acting.

She still plays important roles in some film and television dramas, and also participates in dramas. Chen Hongmei strives to find a balance between career and family, and when her family needs her, she will not hesitate to choose a family.

For Chen Hongmei, she regards acting as an ordinary profession, and she is fully engaged in her work, not caring about fame and fortune. This attitude has allowed her to better balance her career and family life.

Chen Hongmei: When she was popular, she married her husband outside the circle, and at the age of 65, she was still a volunteer, and her old age life was rich and colorful

In family life, Chen Hongmei has more tenderness in her eyes and often has a happy smile on her face. She is no longer the radiant star, but a warm wife and mother.

But she still retains her love for acting in her heart, just in a new way to balance all aspects of her life. Chen Hongmei's story tells us that marriage and career are not an either/or choice, the key is to find a balance that suits you.

As she grew older, Chen Hongmei's role also changed. She gradually moved from a leading role to a supporting role and a cameo role. But this did not affect her love and dedication to acting.

Chen Hongmei knows that the growth of an actor is not only reflected in the halo of the protagonist, but also in the careful shaping of each role. In "The Legend of Daiyu", Mrs. Xing played by Chen Hongmei was full of aura as soon as she appeared, leaving a deep impression on the audience.

Chen Hongmei: When she was popular, she married her husband outside the circle, and at the age of 65, she was still a volunteer, and her old age life was rich and colorful

Sixth, in "Angel Comes Tonight", her role as Peng Jiajia's mother has also been well received by the audience. In addition, in "Little Parents", she also brilliantly interpreted the role of a simple mother.

Even in small roles, she can always shine with her excellent acting skills. For the change of roles, Chen Hongmei has her own philosophy. She regards being an actor as an ordinary profession, and she is fully committed to her work, not caring about fame and fortune.

She often said: "An excellent actor must speak with his work and his character." This professional attitude allows her to find a shining point in every role, whether it is the lead or the supporting role.

At this stage, Chen Hongmei has more precipitation in her eyes, and her gestures reveal the charm of a mature woman. She no longer pursues to be the protagonist of the limelight, but pays more attention to the meticulous craftsmanship of each character.

Chen Hongmei: When she was popular, she married her husband outside the circle, and at the age of 65, she was still a volunteer, and her old age life was rich and colorful

In her opinion, whether it is the protagonist or the supporting role, as long as she can create a character full of vitality, it is the greatest respect for the audience and herself. Even at the age of 65, Chen Hongmei's temperament is still in good condition and she still looks radiant.

Even if she is photographed with actors of the same period, such as Wu Haiyan and others, she can be recognized at a glance. This is not only due to her self-discipline as an actress, but also due to her happy married life and positive attitude towards life.

This attitude has earned Chen Hongmei wide respect in the entertainment industry. She proved with her actions that a really good actor is not defined by the size of the role, but by the careful interpretation of each role.

Seventh, Chen Hongmei's acting career shows the beautiful transformation of an actor from youth to maturity, and also explains what true professionalism is. In 2020, the new crown epidemic swept the world, and Shanghai was not immune.

Chen Hongmei: When she was popular, she married her husband outside the circle, and at the age of 65, she was still a volunteer, and her old age life was rich and colorful

In this special period, Chen Hongmei, who is 65 years old, has made an admirable decision - she wants to become a volunteer. Although she herself suffers from severe arthritis, she is still resolutely committed to the front line of the fight against the epidemic.

This decision worries my friends. After all, Chen Hongmei is no longer young, and she is still physically unwell. But her husband gave her full support and only told her to protect herself.

This understanding and support once again proves the strength of their marriage. Chen Hongmei's husband told her that only by protecting herself can she better serve others. Wearing "big white" protective clothing, Chen Hongmei and the young volunteers traveled between residential buildings every day, distributing supplies and cleaning up garbage.

Eighth, sometimes busy until more than two o'clock in the morning, her legs and feet hurt so much that she couldn't sleep, but she never cried out bitterly. She recalled that one day they were busy dividing vegetables and cleaning up garbage until more than two o'clock in the morning, and none of the young people who worked with her complained or complained about being bitter and tired, which deeply touched her.

Chen Hongmei: When she was popular, she married her husband outside the circle, and at the age of 65, she was still a volunteer, and her old age life was rich and colorful

During the volunteer service, Chen Hongmei insisted on not writing her name on the protective suit, nor did she mention her identity as a Shanghai Actors Troupe. She said: "Wearing this clothes and going to the 'front line', who can take care of whom."

This low-key and humble character shows her noble character. As a wife, Chen Hongmei also pays special attention to protecting her husband. Because her husband has an underlying disease, she insists on not drinking water or going to the toilet every day after putting on the "big white" suit, and she is worried that she will bring the virus home.

This kind of care and thoughtfulness makes people feel her tenderness as a wife. At this time, Chen Hongmei's eyes flashed with determination, and although there was tiredness on her face, she was more satisfied and relieved.

She knows that she is using practical actions to transmit positive energy and influence the people around her. Many of the young people who fought with her in those days had seen her plays and were inspired by her to actively participate.

Chen Hongmei: When she was popular, she married her husband outside the circle, and at the age of 65, she was still a volunteer, and her old age life was rich and colorful

Nine, this made Chen Hongmei feel that as a public figure, she really played the positive energy of an actor. This kind of dedication made her feel the responsibility and value of being a public figure.

Chen Hongmei often said: "I am an actor, but also a small candle, I hope to use my weak light to influence a group of people and exert positive energy." This sentence sums up her philosophy of life and also reflects her deep understanding of her social responsibility.

As an actor, Chen Hongmei has not only created many popular roles on the screen, but also set an example in life and convey positive energy. She is enthusiastic about public welfare, not afraid of difficulties, and is still willing to rush to the front line of the fight against the epidemic at the age of 65.

This spirit is infectious to many people, especially the younger generation. She used her actions to interpret what a real "national first-class actor" is. When it comes to balancing career, family and social responsibility, Chen Hongmei has set an example.

Chen Hongmei: When she was popular, she married her husband outside the circle, and at the age of 65, she was still a volunteer, and her old age life was rich and colorful

She has had an outstanding career, running a happy family, and is actively involved in social welfare. This multifaceted achievement shows her comprehensive grasp of life.

Now Chen Hongmei has a glint of wisdom in her eyes and a warm smile on her face. She no longer pursues to be a dazzling star, but is willing to be a small candle that burns silently, using her own light and heat to warm and illuminate others.

10. Looking back on Chen Hongmei's career as an actor, whether in front of the stage or behind the scenes, she has shown a positive and enthusiastic attitude. She is not only a good actor, but also a good person. She leads by example, actively transmitting positive energy and influencing more people around her.

As a wife, she cares for her husband, loves her family, cares for her daughter, and runs her small family happily. What's even more rare is that she chased her dreams all the way and lived as she liked.

Chen Hongmei: When she was popular, she married her husband outside the circle, and at the age of 65, she was still a volunteer, and her old age life was rich and colorful

Chen Hongmei's story tells us that the value of life lies not only in personal achievements, but also in contributions to others and society. As she shows, no matter how old or young, we can all be the little candle that warms others and adds a little light to the world.

Her attitude and pursuit of life are undoubtedly a positive role model for our time.

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