
Actor An Wen: Her husband died of cancer, and she insisted on paying off her debts in the first half of her life, but now it's too late to regret it


First, An Wen, formerly known as Zhang Jinglin, was born in 1968 in a family with a strong cultural atmosphere. He showed extraordinary talent since he was a child, and at the age of 10, he entered the Peking Opera Department of the Central Academy of Drama with the first place in it.

Under the personal guidance of Peking Opera master Zhang Junqiu, An Wen's talent was fully utilized and she was known as "a rare Peking Opera genius in several lifetimes". In 1985, 17-year-old An Wen ushered in an important turning point in her life.

She played a supporting role for the first time in the TV series "Four Worlds in the Same Hall" and officially stepped into the showbiz. Although it is only a small role, An Wen's performance has made the director full of praise, and even predicts that she will shine in the entertainment industry.

This prophecy was soon fulfilled. In the second year, An Wen passed layers of selection and successfully won the role of Qingwen in the high-profile TV series "Dream of Red Mansions". On the filming site of "Dream of Red Mansions", An Wen showed professionalism and amazing talent far beyond her peers.

Actor An Wen: Her husband died of cancer, and she insisted on paying off her debts in the first half of her life, but now it's too late to regret it

Her performance was excellent and she never made mistakes, which amazed the entire crew. Director Wang Fulin was full of praise for her: "Qingwen's performance in our group is impeccable, and she has never made a mistake.

Director Wang even made a special provision that except for An Wen, who can leave the crew, all the other actors must stay. This special treatment shows An Wen's important position in the crew.

Just when An Wen was immersed in the joy of the rapid development of her acting career, fate gave her a heavy blow. Her mother suddenly fell seriously ill and was dying. This sudden blow plunged young Anwen into unprecedented pain.

Second, she was originally named "Zhang Jinglin", which means "family peace", but unfortunately the good times did not last long. In order to pray for peace and happiness, she changed her name to "Anwen". Faced with her mother's condition, An Wen felt helpless and hopeless.

Actor An Wen: Her husband died of cancer, and she insisted on paying off her debts in the first half of her life, but now it's too late to regret it

She began to question her career choices and pondered whether she should give up acting to take care of her mother. This difficult choice kept her awake at night, and she often cried alone until dawn.

However, it was in such a trough that a life-changing relationship quietly came, bringing an unexpected turn to the trajectory of her life. At the trough of her life, a love that crossed the age gap quietly sprouted in An Wen's heart.

In the late 80s of the 20th century, in order to seek inner solace, An Wen participated in an amateur singer competition. She only spent 5 yuan on the registration fee, but she didn't expect that this decision would completely change the trajectory of her life.

Third, Su Yue, chairman of the jury, is 13 years older than An Wen and is already a musician with a successful career. When An Wen stood on the stage and began to sing, Su Yue's heartbeat seemed to stall. He was deeply attracted to An Wen the moment she spoke, and fell in love with her at first sight.

Actor An Wen: Her husband died of cancer, and she insisted on paying off her debts in the first half of her life, but now it's too late to regret it

After the game, Su Yue took the initiative to ask for An Wen's contact information, and the two began frequent exchanges. Su Yue invited An Wen many times and took her to visit her studio to show the results of her hard work.

Despite the age difference, Su Yue's mature and steady personality and love for music deeply attracted An Wen. He was always able to give emotional support to An Wen when she was most vulnerable, making her feel the warmth of being cared for.

When An Wen returned to the hotel late at night from filming, Su Yue would always wait at the door, hand over hot tea, and care about her day's work. These subtle actions made An Wen gradually unload her guard and fall into this relationship that spans ages.

In 1987, Su Yue decided to go abroad for further study. Although An Wen was reluctant, she fully supported his decision. However, in the days after the separation, she felt lonely and lonely. In the end, An Wen made a decision that surprised everyone - to give up her acting career, which was on the rise, and resolutely decided to follow in the footsteps of love and go abroad to accompany Su Yue.

Actor An Wen: Her husband died of cancer, and she insisted on paying off her debts in the first half of her life, but now it's too late to regret it

When they first arrived in a foreign country, the two of them were not wealthy. They were confined to a small room of six square meters, without even a bed, and had to sleep on mattresses on the floor. This is undoubtedly a huge downgrade for An Wen, who once enjoyed a good life.

Four, but in order to be with her beloved, she chose to endure without hesitation. Su Yue is also working hard to improve the lives of the two. Attend classes during the day and work at night, trying to earn money so that Anwen can live a more decent life.

In order to please An Wen's appetite, Su Yue put a lot of effort into learning the cooking methods of various Chinese dishes. He hopes that An Wen will adapt to foreign life as soon as possible and feel the warmth of home at all times.

Finally, in 1991, Su Yue graduated with a master's degree, and the two officially registered their marriage abroad. Although the wedding night was not luxurious, the two made a romantic pact to celebrate their deep friendship with a wedding every ten years.

Actor An Wen: Her husband died of cancer, and she insisted on paying off her debts in the first half of her life, but now it's too late to regret it

This agreement made An Wen feel extremely happy, and she believed that she had found the love of her life, and the future would be even better. After returning to China, Su Yue quickly founded his own music company with the experience and contacts he had accumulated abroad.

The company is developing rapidly and its business is thriving. An Wen also lived a rich and comfortable life because of this, and everything was as she expected. She secretly congratulated herself in her heart for her original choice, and felt that it was worth giving up her career for love.

In these years, Su Yue has taken care of almost all the chores at home, from laundry and cooking to cleaning, and has cared about An Wen's daily life. An Wen lived a carefree life, and was cared for by Su Yue in the palm of her hand.

She never asked Su Yue about her finances, and trusted her husband wholeheartedly. However, the good times were short-lived. By 2006, Su Yue's company was gradually showing signs of business difficulties.

Actor An Wen: Her husband died of cancer, and she insisted on paying off her debts in the first half of her life, but now it's too late to regret it

Fifth, he has invested heavily in the film and television industry and the real estate industry, hoping to get rich in one fell swoop, but the results have all ended in failure. For a time, the company lost tens of millions of dollars and was on the verge of collapse.

Faced with huge economic pressure and the pain of failure, Su Yue began to take desperate measures. He forged contracts and falsely reported performance, and defrauded nearly 57 million public funds.

Although this act temporarily filled the hole in the company, it planted a curse. In March 2010, fate struck the couple in the head. Su Yue's lies were revealed, and he was taken away by the police and subsequently sentenced to life imprisonment.

Overnight, An Wen's life fell from heaven to hell. She couldn't believe that the lover she thought of as her life was in prison for fraud. A series of changes made An Wen almost collapse.

Actor An Wen: Her husband died of cancer, and she insisted on paying off her debts in the first half of her life, but now it's too late to regret it

The career she had built up with great difficulty collapsed overnight, and she could only wait for Su Yue's return at home. At the same time, she also has to face a debt of 11 million owed by Su Yue. This is undoubtedly an astronomical amount, which made An Wen at a loss for a while.

An Wen fell into deep self-blame and despair. She lost more than a dozen pounds, cried all day and night, and didn't know how to face this sudden change. Fortunately, her marriage to Su Yue was not registered in China.

Sixth, in order not to implicate An Wen, Su Yue lied in court that the two had divorced, claiming that the 11 million debt should be borne by him. However, even in the face of such a predicament, An Wen still chose to be strong.

She decided to face all this alone and began the long and arduous road of paying off her debts. In the face of this great change, An Wen fell into an unprecedented painful and desperate situation. However, she did not give up because of this, but chose to face it all alone.

Actor An Wen: Her husband died of cancer, and she insisted on paying off her debts in the first half of her life, but now it's too late to regret it

In order to pay off her debts, An Wen made a series of distressing decisions. She cut off her cherished long hair, moved into the cheapest rental house, and began to run around filming, acting, and singing to earn money.

An Wen received notices to make money as soon as she had the opportunity, and even sang in nightclubs, just to pay off her debts as soon as possible. She let go of her pride and accepted a variety of job opportunities.

Over the next 9 years, Anwen traveled from city to city, and the stage and hotel became her second home. Lying alone in a hotel room in a strange city in the dead of night, Anwen often falls into deep self-doubt.

Seven, she would think, if she hadn't met Su Yue at the beginning, if she hadn't given up her acting career, if she hadn't chosen to take on this huge debt, what would her life be like? But whenever these thoughts come to her, she immediately cuts them off and forces herself to focus on the work at hand.

Actor An Wen: Her husband died of cancer, and she insisted on paying off her debts in the first half of her life, but now it's too late to regret it

An Wen often tells herself: "Others can't save you, they can't defeat you, only you can save yourself, so never give up on yourself." This sentence became a source of strength for her to sustain herself in difficult years.

Fortunately, her positive and optimistic personality and superb acting skills have made her gain a certain popularity, and she has also earned a considerable income. But paying off the debt of 11 million is not an easy task, and An Wen still needs to work constantly and race against time to make money.

An Wen's persistence and hard work have finally paid off. In 2018, with her unremitting efforts, all the 11 million debts owed by Su Yue were finally paid off. At this time, Su Yue had been sentenced to 15 years in prison.

When Anwen finally put the last money into the creditor's account, she felt an indescribable sense of relief. Nine years of hardship and dedication finally brought this moment of ease.

Actor An Wen: Her husband died of cancer, and she insisted on paying off her debts in the first half of her life, but now it's too late to regret it

Eighth, she was ecstatic, as if she saw the dawn of hope, and felt that her life and Su Yue's life had finally ushered in a turning point. An Wen began to look forward to the future, and she imagined the life they could start again after Su Yue was released from prison.

She believes that after going through so many hardships, their relationship will definitely be deeper and their lives will become better. However, Anwen didn't know that fate had once again prepared a cruel turn for her.

Just as she wept tears of joy as she struck off her debts, an even more heartbreaking news awaited her, ready to give her another blow to the head. Just when An Wen was ecstatic to pay off her debts, fate dealt her a heavy blow again.

She received the heartbreaking news that Su Yue had been diagnosed with advanced gallbladder cancer. This bad news was like a thunderbolt from the sky, pushing An Wen, who had just seen hope, into the abyss of despair again.

Actor An Wen: Her husband died of cancer, and she insisted on paying off her debts in the first half of her life, but now it's too late to regret it

An Wen couldn't accept this cruel truth. She asked Su Yue angrily: "Why did you torture yourself like this?" In order to help Su Yue get rid of the crime, An Wen did not hesitate to give up everything and endured humiliation to pay off the debt of the heavenly number.

However, in the end, she got the news of the ruthless death of her loved one. For a while, resentment, grievance, and despair filled her heart, and she almost collapsed. If she had known today's outcome, how could she have repaid the 11 million yuan debt alone? Faced with An Wen's questioning, the dying Su Yue simply replied "I'm sorry".

Nine, this is tantamount to a slap in the face, which severely crushed An Wen's fragile heart. She once regarded her as a life, but now she has ruthlessly taken her life because of illness. Anwen fell into an unprecedented depression, and she began to question whether her efforts over the past nine years were worth it, and began to regret her choice.

Every time in the dead of night, An Wen will recall the bits and pieces of her and Su Yue's acquaintance and love. From the heartbeat of the first meeting, to giving up his career for love and going to a foreign country, to the short happy time after returning to China, and finally the hard work of the past nine years.

Actor An Wen: Her husband died of cancer, and she insisted on paying off her debts in the first half of her life, but now it's too late to regret it

All the memories became bitter at this moment. An Wen felt as if she was being teased by fate. She paid her youth, career and nearly ten years of hardship, but in exchange for such a cruel ending.

She began to doubt the meaning of life and even lost hope for the future. Despite such a heavy blow, An Wen was not crushed by fate. With strong willpower, she finally came out of the shadow of pain.

Now An Wen has learned to heal herself, she no longer complains, but is inspired to become the master of changing her fate. She constantly reminds herself: "Only you can save yourself, only you can break yourself, so never give up on yourself."

This painful life experience has become the most valuable treasure in Anwen's memory. It was these unfortunate encounters that sharpened her and enabled her to gain courage and perseverance that ordinary people could not match.

Actor An Wen: Her husband died of cancer, and she insisted on paying off her debts in the first half of her life, but now it's too late to regret it

10. Today, she has learned to face setbacks and injustices, and is always alert to potential risks. She lives bravely in the moment and enjoys her hard-won life with relief.

We are heartily glad for Anwen's steadfastness and believe that one day, she will rediscover the joy and hope of life. Anwen's story teaches us that even if life hits us hard, we must keep hope and face it strongly.

Her experience proves that as long as you don't give up on yourself, you can always find the strength to get back on your feet.

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