
Jack Ma's dream lover, who went to Japan 6 times to fulfill her dream, do you know what her dream is


First, Jack Ma stands at a crossroads in his life. The blow of the second failure in the college entrance examination left the young man in a deep confusion.

One ordinary afternoon, he wandered aimlessly through the streets, his eyes empty and his heart full of questions: Where is my future? Am I really a good fit for college? At this moment, the Japanese drama "Volleyball Girl" playing in the window of an electrical appliance store attracted his attention.

In the picture, a girl named Junko Koga is fighting the court. Her eyes are firm, her movements are vigorous, and her indomitable spirit seems to penetrate the screen and hit Jack Ma's heart.

Ma Yun was so attracted that he didn't even have time to think, he ran home like a demon, sat in front of the TV, and watched this Japanese drama episode after episode. As the plot progresses, Ma Yun's understanding of Junko Xiaolu becomes deeper and deeper.

He was surprised to find that he was in a similar situation to the fictional character: the same dreams, the same setbacks. But Junko Koga always maintains a sunny smile and persistently pursues her goals.

Jack Ma's dream lover, who went to Japan 6 times to fulfill her dream, do you know what her dream is

Second, in the following year, Jack Ma's heart changed dramatically. Junko Oga's spirit was like a ray of sunshine, dispelling the haze in his heart. He rekindled his hope for the future and was determined to challenge the college entrance examination again.

This time, he went all out and devoted himself to preparing for the exam with the fighting spirit of Junko Koga. The hard work paid off, and Ma Yun finally achieved the desired results in the third college entrance examination and entered the university as he wished.

This success not only changed the trajectory of his life, but also made him deeply realize the importance of perseverance and perseverance. Junko Xiaolu, this virtual character, has become the enlightenment teacher of Ma Yun's life, and has also become the eternal dream lover in his heart.

Her image is deeply imprinted in Jack Ma's mind, inspiring him to keep moving forward on the road of life in the future and bravely pursue his dreams. This experience made Jack Ma understand that sometimes, inspiration and strength can come from unexpected places.

Jack Ma's dream lover, who went to Japan 6 times to fulfill her dream, do you know what her dream is

A TV series, a fictional character, can affect a person's life so profoundly. Since then, Ma Yun has planted a wish in his heart: one day, he will meet the actor who portrays the role of Junko Koga and express his gratitude to her in person.

Third, in 1994, Ma Yun, who had a successful career, finally had the opportunity to realize his childhood dream - to see the actor Junko Koga in "Volleyball Girl" with his own eyes. With enthusiasm and anticipation, he set foot on Japanese soil, and his heart was full of excitement and longing.

However, reality has given Jack Ma a slap in the face. In Japan, this classic series that has become a household name in China has gone unexpectedly. What's even more surprising is that "Volleyball Girl" is just the translation of the show's name in China, and its original name in Japan was "The Fire of Youth".

This discovery put Jack Ma in a predicament, and with this information alone, it is like looking for a needle in a haystack to find an actor who has been incognito. But Jack Ma was not discouraged.

Jack Ma's dream lover, who went to Japan 6 times to fulfill her dream, do you know what her dream is

He knows that just as Junko Oga never gives up on the court, he can't give up on his dreams easily. So, he began a six-year search. In the past six years, Ma Yun has traveled back and forth between China and Japan many times, using every possible opportunity to find clues to Junko Oga.

He visited Japanese TV stations, asked many people in the entertainment industry, and even tried to find clues through various social channels. Every time he was disappointed, he strengthened his determination to find it.

In this process, Ma Yun showed the same tenacity and perseverance as Junko Xiaolu. He often thinks back to the teenager who sat in front of the TV and was inspired by the characters in the play, and this memory gave him the motivation to keep looking.

Fourth, every time he sets foot on Japanese soil, he can feel that his inner attachment to his dreams is constantly increasing. Finally, on my sixth visit to Japan, the opportunity came. A Japanese friend of Jack Ma's helped him find the contact information of Yumiko Araki, who played Junko Oga, with his connections in the entertainment industry.

Jack Ma's dream lover, who went to Japan 6 times to fulfill her dream, do you know what her dream is

When he learned that Yumiko had already retired from the entertainment industry and chose an ordinary family life, Ma Yun had mixed feelings in his heart. He was both excited that he had finally found the clue, but also a little regretful that he had missed out on so many years.

But it's more about respect and understanding of Yumiko's choice. Jack Ma realizes that, just as he followed his dreams, Yumiko has also chosen the lifestyle she wants.

The six-year search journey is not only the pursuit of childhood dreams, but also a great test of Jack Ma's personal perseverance and perseverance. It proves that as long as you have a dream in your heart and work tirelessly to achieve it, you will eventually achieve results.

Jack Ma knows that he is one step closer to his dream. Next, how he will connect with Yumiko and how to express his gratitude over the years will be a new challenge.

Jack Ma's dream lover, who went to Japan 6 times to fulfill her dream, do you know what her dream is

Fifth, but at this moment, Jack Ma is ready to meet this challenge. After getting Yumiko Araki's contact information, Ma Yun was extremely excited. He cautiously dialed the phone, fearing that it would be a dream.

When Yumiko's gentle voice came from the other end of the phone, Ma Yun felt as if he had returned to the boyhood when he was deeply moved by "Volleyball Girl". Jack Ma tells Yumiko about his search for the years and the significant impact the character of Junko Oga has had on his life.

His voice trembled slightly with excitement, and his words were filled with sincere gratitude. Yumiko listened quietly, sometimes in amazement, sometimes softly echoing. When Jack Ma mentioned the Alibaba company he founded and the impact of this company on Chinese youth innovation and entrepreneurship, Yumiko said in surprise: "It turns out that China has undergone such earth-shaking changes, and I didn't expect that this small role I played can inspire generations of young people to move forward positively."

Jack Ma sincerely invited Yumiko to visit China, hoping to discuss with her in detail how to shape the character of "Junko Oshika" through perseverance. He said, "Miss Yumiko, your portrayal of Junko Oga has not only changed my life, but also inspired countless young people in China.

Jack Ma's dream lover, who went to Japan 6 times to fulfill her dream, do you know what her dream is

Sixth, I sincerely invite you to come to China and let's explore the story behind this character. Yumiko was moved by Jack Ma's sincerity and gladly accepted the invitation. "Mr. Jack Ma, I am honored to hear that my work has such a profound impact on others," she said.

It's not just a trip, it's a great opportunity to learn and learn about the world of another culture. I'm looking forward to seeing the changes in China firsthand. After hanging up the phone, Ma Yun couldn't calm down for a long time.

He was filled with emotion, but he didn't expect that his boyhood dream would come true many years later. At this moment, he firmly believes that as long as he has a dream and remains persistent, one day his dream will become a reality.

Mr. Ma began to prepare for Yumiko's arrival, hoping to show her how China is developing and let her see firsthand the impact of his character on the land.

Jack Ma's dream lover, who went to Japan 6 times to fulfill her dream, do you know what her dream is

At the same time, he is also looking forward to hearing more behind-the-scenes stories about Junko Oshika's character from Yumiko. This encounter across time and space is not only the realization of Jack Ma's personal dream, but also the collision and exchange between the two cultures.

Jack Ma believes that this meeting will be an unforgettable experience, with special significance not only for himself, but also for Yumiko, and even for the younger generation in China as a whole.

At an airport in China, 44-year-old Yumiko Araki set foot on the land that had made her curious for a long time. When she walked out of the airport hall and saw Jack Ma, both of them couldn't help but burst into tears.

Seventh, Ma Yun stepped forward quickly and hugged this lady who was no longer young, but still full of vitality. In Yumiko's gentle smile, Ma Yun seemed to see the figure of the inspirational girl when she was young.

Jack Ma's dream lover, who went to Japan 6 times to fulfill her dream, do you know what her dream is

He said excitedly, "Yumiko-sama, welcome to China. Did you know? Junko Koga, whom you portrayed, changed my life. After hearing this, Yumiko's eyes flashed with tears of emotion, and she said softly, "Mr. Jack Ma, I feel very honored to know that my work has such a profound impact on others.

In the ensuing exchange, Yumiko shared with Jack Ma the efforts she made to play Junko Koga. She described: "For this role, I did six months of acting and volleyball training.

From a newcomer who doesn't know anything about volleyball to being able to play a professional athlete perfectly in front of the camera, the process is really hard. Yumiko recalls that during training, she had blisters on her palms and legs, and she endured great pain every day.

But she never thought of giving up, because she deeply loved the character of Junko Koga and wanted to interpret her perfectly. Hearing this, Ma Yun couldn't help but sigh: "It turns out that you are more brave and tenacious than Junko Xiaolu in the play."

Jack Ma's dream lover, who went to Japan 6 times to fulfill her dream, do you know what her dream is

Eighth, your dedication and persistence have achieved a role that inspires countless people. Yumiko smiled and said, "I am very pleased to be able to help so many confused young people find the motivation to struggle."

Thank you for giving me this opportunity to learn about the impact of this role. Jack Ma continued: "Miss Yumiko, your Junko Xiaolu is not just a character, she is the spiritual pillar of countless young Chinese people.

Your efforts have shaped the idol of an era. After hearing this, Yumiko's eyes were full of emotion and pride. She said: "Mr. Jack Ma, when I heard your story, I really understood the meaning of the profession of actor.

It turns out that the characters we create can transcend time and space and influence the lives of others. This reunion not only fulfilled Jack Ma's dream for many years, but also allowed Yumiko to rediscover the value of her career.

Jack Ma's dream lover, who went to Japan 6 times to fulfill her dream, do you know what her dream is

Nine, the encounter between the two is like confidants across time and space, and they both see the power of sticking to their dreams from each other. In the days that followed, Jack Ma took Yumiko on a tour of Alibaba, showing her the booming Chinese internet industry.

Yumiko marveled at the progress of China's science and technology, and admired Jack Ma's entrepreneurial experience. Jack Ma told Yumiko about his entrepreneurial journey, from initial failure to later success.

"Whenever I have a setback, I always think of Junko Koga's never-give-up spirit on the court," he said. It was this character that you created that gave me the courage to keep going.

When Yumiko heard this, tears glistened in her eyes. She said: "Mr. Jack Ma, when I heard your story, I really understood the meaning of the profession of actor. It turns out that the characters we create can transcend time and space and influence the lives of others.

Jack Ma's dream lover, who went to Japan 6 times to fulfill her dream, do you know what her dream is

Ma Yun nodded in agreement: "Yes, Miss Yumiko." Your deer Junko is not just a character, she is the spiritual pillar of countless young people in China. Your efforts have shaped the idol of an era.

Yumiko sighed, "Seeing you grow from a confused youth to a wizard in the business world, I seem to have found the true value of my acting career." It turns out that our work can impact the world in this way.

Ma Yun said with deep feeling: "The most wonderful thing in life is the resonance between people in time and space. Just as Junko Koga's spirit sustains you, there are countless hearts in this world waiting to be inspired.

Ten, "Through this exchange, both Jack Ma and Yumiko have a new understanding of the value of their lives. They understand that whether it is entrepreneurship or acting, the most important thing is to be able to transmit positive energy and inspire others to move forward.

Jack Ma's dream lover, who went to Japan 6 times to fulfill her dream, do you know what her dream is

Yumiko said: "Mr. Jack Ma, your success has allowed me to see the continuation of Junko Koga's spirit. Not only have you achieved your dreams, but you have also helped countless young people chase their dreams.

This is very gratifying to me. Jack Ma responded: "Miss Yumiko, it is precisely because of an actor like you that you can create an inspiring character. Your dedication has lit up the light of hope for countless people.

This mutually inspiring exchange made both Jack Ma and Yumiko re-examine their own life values. They realize that each person's efforts can have a profound impact on others, and that this impact can be transmitted to more people across the boundaries of time and space.

On the last day of Yumiko's visit to China, Jack Ma had an in-depth conversation with her. The two shared their life insights and also gave advice for each other's futures.

Jack Ma's dream lover, who went to Japan 6 times to fulfill her dream, do you know what her dream is

Eleven, Ma Yun sighed: "Miss Yumiko, your arrival has made me re-appreciate the enthusiasm and fighting spirit when I was young. We should always have a heart that is as eager to grow as we were when we were young.

Yumiko nodded in agreement: "Yes, Mr. Jack Ma." I'm also inspired to see what you've accomplished. We should cherish every opportunity to influence others and spread positive energy.

The two agreed that no matter how old they are, they should maintain their attachment to their dreams and love of life. "Our story proves that as long as you have a dream in your heart, it's never too late," Ma said.

Yumiko adds, "And we never know how our actions will affect others. Just as Junko Oga has influenced you, you have influenced countless young people in China.

Jack Ma's dream lover, who went to Japan 6 times to fulfill her dream, do you know what her dream is

At the time of parting, Ma Yun gave Yumiko a message: "I hope we can all be a light to others." Yumiko replied, "May we always maintain our love and pursuit of our dreams."

This encounter across time and space not only fulfilled Jack Ma's dream for many years, but also made Yumiko re-understand the value of her career. More importantly, their stories convey an important message to the world: the power of dreams is infinite, and it can transcend the barriers of time and space and affect generations of people.

Twelve, the experience of Jack Ma and Yumiko tells us that whether it is entrepreneurship or acting, the most important thing is to be able to transmit positive energy and inspire others to move forward. Their stories encourage everyone to be brave enough to pursue their dreams, because you never know how your actions will affect the lives of others.

Finally, this story is a reminder to cherish the people and things in our lives that inspire and empower us, because it is these seemingly small influences that may one day be a key factor in changing the course of our lives.

Jack Ma's dream lover, who went to Japan 6 times to fulfill her dream, do you know what her dream is

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