
A handful of leisurely, quietly watching the flowers fall; A gentle eye, watching the smoke and rain; A curtain of acacia, silent

author:Half a paper of beautiful text
A handful of leisurely, quietly watching the flowers fall; A gentle eye, watching the smoke and rain; A curtain of acacia, silent

In midsummer, the lake is shining, the new lotus is swaying, the flowers are slender, the smoke and rain are light, and the breeze is gently blowing.

Sitting quietly under the shade of a tree, a cup of tea, savoring the tranquility of the years, the heat wave in front of you is rolling, but the heart is cool. Listen to a song of mountains and rivers without harm, stroll on the country road, the moonlit night is like a poem, and the mood is unsettled. The whisper disturbed the silence of the stars in the sky.

Verdant covers the earth, and the flower stream flows. The small bridge flows, the dusk is getting thicker, I stop by the side of time, feel the poetry of the countryside. Mo on the flowers, fragrant grass, one stroke at a time, the joy is written into the old dream, the acacia is painted between the eyebrows, between the ink, the charm flows.

There is always a psalm that speaks of your tenderness; There is always such a tree, hanging upside down with summer acacia. Borrow a wisp of breeze, drunk in the prosperity of red dust, spread thousands of miles of ink paintings, and wash the poetry of 100,000 smoke and rain. Flick two fingers, the lines of poetry flow, boil a pot of bright moon, keep a cool summer, chant the flow of the year, sigh the flowing water and red dust.

In this midsummer, there is always a meeting that warms each other's hearts; There is always a fate, so that time is intoxicated in tenderness. Refers to the time, listening to the rain and falling asleep, the scenery is infinite, and the flowers are swaying. The rain dances lightly in your eyes, you groan softly in your heart, turn over every past, rejoice with time, drunk joy, and drunk sorrow.

A handful of leisurely, quietly watching the flowers fall; A gentle eye, watching the smoke and rain; A curtain of acacia, silent

If you only meet one person in this life and only love one relationship, I don't know if it is the regret of fate or the most beautiful arrangement. One flower, one grass, one world, one book and one fragrance first-class year. I sit quietly in front of the window, you chant the psalms, through the loneliness of autumn and winter, waiting for the return of spring.

Take a handful of leisurely and watch the poetic falling flowers; Ying Yiyi is gentle, looking at the red dust and smoke and rain; Pick up a curtain of acacia, the lights are at the gate. There is always one person who is the joy of your heart; There is always a line of poetry with endless thoughts. The drizzle knocked on the bamboo leaves, and the remnants of red were scattered on the mo. A cup of tea, exuding a faint aroma, a handful of leisurely, watching the flowers fall silently.

Standing in the mountains, overlooking the low sky and clouds, watching the wind and clouds change, sleeping in the green shade, the wind is a fan, the clouds are a quilt, like idle clouds and wild cranes. May you meet your loved ones on the road in the summer; May you put pen to paper like poetry on every page. May you be in the poetry of this fireworks world; May the mountains and rivers be safe and warm every year.

Midsummer, referring to the time, listening to the rain to sleep, a handful of leisurely, watching the flowers fall; A gentle eye, watching the smoke and rain; A curtain of acacia, silent. You come with the wind and weave beauty; I took the galaxy into my arms and wrote my feelings. May you walk in the world and live up to your love; May you live up to the summer and pursue your dreams.

A handful of leisurely, quietly watching the flowers fall; A gentle eye, watching the smoke and rain; A curtain of acacia, silent