
3 science fiction texts from the permanent collection of the National Library!


Dead on Mars

Author: Tianrui said

Story background: The novel is set in a futuristic world, the earth explodes for unknown reasons, and the protagonist Tang Yue, as an astronaut on Mars, becomes the last survivor on Earth.

3 science fiction texts from the permanent collection of the National Library!

Protagonist Introduction: Tang Yue is an astronaut on a mission on Mars, and after the explosion of the Earth, he must face the challenges of loneliness and survival.

Survival Challenge: The novel details how Tang Yue searches for food, water, and oxygen on Mars, as well as how he copes with the harsh environment of Mars.

Psychological description: As the sole survivor, Tang Yue's mental activity is one of the highlights of the novel, how he finds hope in despair, and his thoughts on human civilization.

Scientific elements: The work incorporates a lot of scientific knowledge, including the geography of Mars, astronautics, survival skills, etc., which adds to the authenticity of the story.

Serialization: "Dead on Mars" was serialized on the starting point Chinese network and has ended.

Awards and honors: "Dead on Mars" won a number of awards, including the "Best Online Literature Award" at the 30th China Science Fiction Galaxy Awards, showing its influence and recognition in the science fiction literature industry.

Plot setting: The novel unfolds from the perspective of the protagonist Tang Yue, who witnesses the explosion of the Earth on Mars, and the setting itself is full of drama and impact, providing readers with a unique perspective on the post-apocalyptic world.

Science Fantasy: As a work of science fiction, it does an excellent job of science fiction, combining scientific principles with fictional plots to construct a story of Martian survival that is both plausible and imaginative.

Character building: The image of the protagonist Tang Yue is distinct, and his psychological activities and behavioral reactions are very real, so that readers can have a strong sense of substitution.

Literary value: The novel is not just a work of science fiction, it also explores deep themes such as human nature, the meaning of existence, and the fragility of human civilization.

Chapter arrangement: The novel adopts a diary-style chapter arrangement, and each chapter is named after "Day X", which is a unique narrative method that adds to the realism and urgency of the story.

Observations of Anomalous Creatures

Author: Hitomi Far

It tells the story of Hao Ren, an ordinary human being, who met Vivien after accidentally receiving a nervous and strangely behaved tenant Lily, and then joined the Space-Time Administration of the Xiling Empire, which manages the order of the universe, and began his career as a landlord, taking over all kinds of alien creatures from the alien universe and providing accommodation for various types of special visitors.

The story unfolds with Hao Ren and his guests as they travel through the vast universe and encounter various intelligent beings and become involved in various strange events.

Hao Ren, the protagonist of the novel, is a good person, and his ideal is to live a peaceful life and be a small landlord.

But after a group of anomalous creatures moved into his home, his life changed drastically. He becomes the busiest landlord and the most powerful nanny in the world, and the story is full of chaotic, strange, and abnormal elements.

3 science fiction texts from the permanent collection of the National Library!

Light-hearted style: Many readers think that the style of this work is light-hearted, because of the existence of the will of the universe in the story, so the plot always ends with a happy ending, and readers don't need to worry about the plot making people feel heartache.

Interesting setting: The setting in the book is considered to be serious and humorous, which makes people can't help but laugh out loud when reading, and brings a lot of fun to the reader.

Grand world view: This novel has a grand world view, high dimensions, and decent thoughts, and is considered a masterpiece in online literature.

Animation adaptation: "Abnormal Creature Observations" has also been adapted into a TV animation, produced by Beijing Manmantao Technology Co., Ltd., with a funny and daily animation style, which has gained some attention.

"40,000 Years of Cultivation"

Author: Crouching Cow Zhenren

Setting: The story takes place in the 40,000s of Xiuzhen, a future world where technology and Xiuzhen are combined, and human beings have been able to shuttle between the stars and explore the mysteries of the universe.

3 science fiction texts from the permanent collection of the National Library!

Protagonist introduction: Li Yao, an ordinary border boy from the Star Federation, has the power of a divine soul beyond ordinary people, inherits the memory of the refining master Ou Yezi, and continues to grow under various coincidences.

Growth: Li Yao has grown from a teenager who knows nothing about cultivation to a cultivator who can take charge of himself, and he has experienced countless challenges and tribulations in the process.

Xiuzhen system: The novel integrates modern science and technology with the ancient Xiuzhen system, forming a unique method and magic weapon for cultivating the truth, showing a diversified world of cultivation.

World view setting: The novel is set in the 40,000s of Xiuzhen, constructing a grand cosmic background, integrating science fiction and Xiuzhen elements, bringing readers a novel reading experience.

Plot development: The plot of the novel is full of ups and downs, full of tense and exciting battle scenes and wits contests, making readers feel as if they are in a real world of cultivation.

Character Growth: Li Yao has grown from an ordinary teenager to a strong man who can dominate the galaxy, and his growth process is full of challenges and struggles, inspiring readers to constantly pursue self-transcendence.

Literary value: The work is not only an entertaining novel, but also contains profound life philosophy and values, guiding readers to think about the meaning of life and the mysteries of the universe.

Readers' evaluation: On WeChat Reading, this work has received a recommendation score of 81.8%, showing that readers highly recognize and love this novel. #小说##热门小说推荐##说出一部你读过的科幻小说#

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