
Shigeru Oshima Love: His beloved wife has been ill for 40 years and has never left him, and he married his first love on the day he died at the age of 83

author:Ouchi Entertainment Detective 002
Shigeru Oshima Love: His beloved wife has been ill for 40 years and has never left him, and he married his first love on the day he died at the age of 83

Is there a kind of love that still burns in my heart even after the baptism of the years?

Is there a regret that you still can't let go of in the last moments of your life?

Shigeru Oshima Love: His beloved wife has been ill for 40 years and has never left him, and he married his first love on the day he died at the age of 83

The story of Ken Utsui and Fumie Kase is the epitome of such a timeless relationship.

Their love ranges from the warmth of their youth, to the regret of middle age, to their reunion in their later years,

Every emotional moment is gripping and moving.

Shigeru Oshima Love: His beloved wife has been ill for 40 years and has never left him, and he married his first love on the day he died at the age of 83

One quiet afternoon, Ken Utsui sat at an izakaya that he used to frequent.

His eyes fell on the familiar bar and old-fashioned wooden chairs, and his mind drifted back to decades ago.

Shigeru Oshima Love: His beloved wife has been ill for 40 years and has never left him, and he married his first love on the day he died at the age of 83

It was a place full of memories, and every corner evoked thoughts of Fumie Kase.

At this moment, his sideburns are gray, but the love hidden in his heart is still as clear as ever.

Shigeru Oshima Love: His beloved wife has been ill for 40 years and has never left him, and he married his first love on the day he died at the age of 83

Back in time, the young Ken Utsui met Fumie Kase for the first time at this izakaya.

At that time, her smile was as warm as the spring sun, and it easily captured his heart.

Shigeru Oshima Love: His beloved wife has been ill for 40 years and has never left him, and he married his first love on the day he died at the age of 83

When they met for the first time, they were like confidants who had been reunited after a long absence, talking about their ideals in life and sharing their hopes for the future.

That night, they sat at the bar, drinking sake and talking about their dreams.

Shigeru Oshima Love: His beloved wife has been ill for 40 years and has never left him, and he married his first love on the day he died at the age of 83

She said that she hopes to become a writer and record the beauty and cruelty of this world with words;

And he hopes to break out of the world in the entertainment industry and become a star in the limelight.

Shigeru Oshima Love: His beloved wife has been ill for 40 years and has never left him, and he married his first love on the day he died at the age of 83

However, reality is always more complex than dreams.

Utsui Ken was born into a traditional family, and the responsibilities of the family and the expectations of society are like invisible chains.

Bound by his choices.

Shigeru Oshima Love: His beloved wife has been ill for 40 years and has never left him, and he married his first love on the day he died at the age of 83

Although he loved Fumie Kase deeply, the pressure of the family forced him to give up the relationship,

Choose a "fit" marriage.

Shigeru Oshima Love: His beloved wife has been ill for 40 years and has never left him, and he married his first love on the day he died at the age of 83

That decision, like a knife, pierced deep into his heart, making him feel pain all the time in the days to come.

Ken Utsui entered the entertainment industry and quickly achieved great success with his talent and hard work.

Shigeru Oshima Love: His beloved wife has been ill for 40 years and has never left him, and he married his first love on the day he died at the age of 83

His name began to appear in major newspapers and magazines, and he became an idol in the hearts of thousands of viewers.

However, behind the glamorous, there is always an irreparable regret hidden in his heart.

Shigeru Oshima Love: His beloved wife has been ill for 40 years and has never left him, and he married his first love on the day he died at the age of 83

The marriage with Chieko Abe, although it seems to be happy, has always lacked that unforgettable passion.

Whenever he sits alone in the room in the dead of night, he always thinks of the girl with a bright smile,

Remembering those sweet times they had in an izakaya.

Shigeru Oshima Love: His beloved wife has been ill for 40 years and has never left him, and he married his first love on the day he died at the age of 83

Ken Utsui's acting career is in full swing, and his works have won many awards and become a dazzling star in the film industry.

However, deep down in his heart, he has never been able to forget Fumie Kase.

Shigeru Oshima Love: His beloved wife has been ill for 40 years and has never left him, and he married his first love on the day he died at the age of 83

His marriage to Chieko Abe, despite being full of understanding and tolerance, always felt that something was missing.

Perhaps, it is the irreplaceable passion, perhaps, it is the unfinished love story.

Shigeru Oshima Love: His beloved wife has been ill for 40 years and has never left him, and he married his first love on the day he died at the age of 83

Chieko Abe is a gentle and considerate woman who silently supports Ken Utsui's career,

accompanied him through countless difficulties.

Shigeru Oshima Love: His beloved wife has been ill for 40 years and has never left him, and he married his first love on the day he died at the age of 83

However, her body was gradually eroded by the disease.

Faced with his wife's illness, Utsui Ken's heart was like a knife, but he knew,

He has to be strong because it is his responsibility as a husband.

Shigeru Oshima Love: His beloved wife has been ill for 40 years and has never left him, and he married his first love on the day he died at the age of 83

During these difficult years, he thought of Fumie Kase countless times, and thought of the girl who once made his heart move.

He often asks himself in his heart, if he hadn't given up that relationship at the beginning, would everything be different today?

Shigeru Oshima Love: His beloved wife has been ill for 40 years and has never left him, and he married his first love on the day he died at the age of 83

Fate is always full of drama.

In an unexpected reunion, Ken Utsui meets Fumie Kase again.

That day, he was promoting a new movie when he suddenly saw that familiar figure in the crowd.

Shigeru Oshima Love: His beloved wife has been ill for 40 years and has never left him, and he married his first love on the day he died at the age of 83

She stood in the distance, still so beautiful and moving, and the years didn't seem to have left much on her face.

The two looked at each other, and all the past came to their hearts in an instant.

Although they kept an appropriate distance, the deep relationship remained the same.

Shigeru Oshima Love: His beloved wife has been ill for 40 years and has never left him, and he married his first love on the day he died at the age of 83

They began to contact each other intermittently, and every time they met, Utsui Ken felt the warmth of his heart.

However, he clearly knows that he has a family and Fumie Kase has a life of his own.

They can't go back in time and can only find a delicate balance in reality.

Shigeru Oshima Love: His beloved wife has been ill for 40 years and has never left him, and he married his first love on the day he died at the age of 83

Every parting is a heart-rending pain, but they still insist,

Because they know that love is still there, but it can't be fulfilled.

Shigeru Oshima Love: His beloved wife has been ill for 40 years and has never left him, and he married his first love on the day he died at the age of 83

Ken Utsui's wife, Chieko Abe, eventually passed away, which made him feel extremely painful and lonely.

However, in the midst of this pain, he also re-examined his own life.

Shigeru Oshima Love: His beloved wife has been ill for 40 years and has never left him, and he married his first love on the day he died at the age of 83

He knew that he could no longer escape from his inner feelings, and that he had to face his true heart bravely.

After the death of his wife, he finally mustered up the courage to confess to Fumie Kase,

I hope to renew my relationship with her in the last days of my life.

Shigeru Oshima Love: His beloved wife has been ill for 40 years and has never left him, and he married his first love on the day he died at the age of 83

Fumie Kase accepted his confession, and they decided to be in the last moments of Ken Utsui's life,

Have a simple and solemn wedding.

Shigeru Oshima Love: His beloved wife has been ill for 40 years and has never left him, and he married his first love on the day he died at the age of 83

On that day, the sunlight poured throughout the room, and Ken Utsui looked at Fumie Kase in white gauze,

The heart is filled with tranquility and contentment.

He knew that he had finally given her a name and a happy ending.

Shigeru Oshima Love: His beloved wife has been ill for 40 years and has never left him, and he married his first love on the day he died at the age of 83

In the last moments of Utsui's life, he felt peace like never before.

He lay on the hospital bed, holding Fumie Kase's hand tightly, feeling her warmth and love.

Shigeru Oshima Love: His beloved wife has been ill for 40 years and has never left him, and he married his first love on the day he died at the age of 83

His life was coming to an end, but in his heart, there was no regret or anxiety.

He knew that in his life, despite many twists and turns and pains, in the end, he still found true love.

Shigeru Oshima Love: His beloved wife has been ill for 40 years and has never left him, and he married his first love on the day he died at the age of 83

Fumie Kase lives alone after the death of Ken Utsui.

Despite the loss of her beloved, her heart is full of hope for the future.

Shigeru Oshima Love: His beloved wife has been ill for 40 years and has never left him, and he married his first love on the day he died at the age of 83

She began to record their story in writing, hoping to pass on this epic romance to more people.

She firmly believes that true love, no matter when and where, is worth pursuing and cherishing.

Shigeru Oshima Love: His beloved wife has been ill for 40 years and has never left him, and he married his first love on the day he died at the age of 83

Ken Utsui's story tells us that true love is worth pursuing and cherishing, no matter when and where.

His life is a profound exploration of love and responsibility, which is thought-provoking and deeply moving.

In this world, nothing is more precious than true love.

Shigeru Oshima Love: His beloved wife has been ill for 40 years and has never left him, and he married his first love on the day he died at the age of 83

This timeless love affair not only touches people, but also makes people understand the true meaning of love.

Perhaps, when each of us faces love, we should be like Ken Utsui,

Be brave enough to follow your true heart, because only in this way can our lives be full of meaning without regrets.

Shigeru Oshima Love: His beloved wife has been ill for 40 years and has never left him, and he married his first love on the day he died at the age of 83

This love story makes us understand that no matter how cruel the reality is,

True love can always transcend time and space and become the most beautiful memory in our hearts.

I hope that everyone who reads this story can gain strength from it and bravely pursue their own happiness.

Shigeru Oshima Love: His beloved wife has been ill for 40 years and has never left him, and he married his first love on the day he died at the age of 83