
My nephew borrowed 50,000 yuan from me when he got married, and when my daughter got married, my nephew directly sent me a big gift

author:Spell out the PI for your future self

The first release on the whole network, the original article, it is strictly forbidden to carry it, and the handling must be protected. This article is a micro-novel, the plot is fictional, please read it rationally.

Wang Ming is an ordinary middle-aged man who lives in a small harmonious family. He and his wife Liu Fang have been together for many years, and they have raised their pearl - daughter Wang Li. Although the days are dull, they are full of warmth and happiness.

One sunny weekend, Wang Mingzheng and Liu Fang were pruning flowers and plants in the yard when they suddenly heard the doorbell ringing. When they opened the door, they saw Wang Xiaoqiang standing at the door, looking slightly embarrassed.

My nephew borrowed 50,000 yuan from me when he got married, and when my daughter got married, my nephew directly sent me a big gift

"Uncle and aunt, can I come in and talk to you?" Wang Xiaoqiang rubbed his hands, with a little apprehension on his face.

Wang Ming and Liu Fang glanced at each other and motioned for him to enter the house. The three of them sat in the living room, and the atmosphere was a little solemn.

"Xiaoqiang, what's the matter?" Wang Ming asked with concern.

Wang Xiaoqiang took a deep breath and said hesitantly: "Uncle, I... I'm getting married. "

"Oh, that's a good thing!" Liu Fang said happily, "Xiaoqiang has grown up and is finally going to start a family." "

My nephew borrowed 50,000 yuan from me when he got married, and when my daughter got married, my nephew directly sent me a big gift

However, Wang Xiaoqiang's expression did not relax because of this blessing. He lowered his head and continued, "But... But I'm a little nervous. I think... I want to borrow 50,000 yuan to prepare for the wedding. "

When Wang Ming and Liu Fang heard this request, they couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. $50,000 is not a small amount for them.

"Xiaoqiang, you know that your uncle and aunt have always treated you as their own child." Wang Ming said gently, "This money is not easy for us, but since you need it, we will find a way." "

Liu Fang gently pulled her husband's sleeve, and the two walked aside to discuss in a whisper. A few minutes later, they returned to the living room.

"Xiaoqiang, I've discussed it with your aunt." Wang Ming said, "We will lend you the 50,000 yuan." But you have to promise us that you must cherish this marriage and remember to repay the money in time. "

My nephew borrowed 50,000 yuan from me when he got married, and when my daughter got married, my nephew directly sent me a big gift

When Wang Xiaoqiang heard the news, his eyes were moist with excitement. He nodded again and again, his voice choked: "Thank you, uncle and aunt, I will definitely pay back the money as soon as possible." I will never forget your kindness. "

In this way, Wang Ming and his wife helped their nephew through the difficulties. On the day of the wedding, Wang Ming's family attended as relatives and sent their most sincere wishes. Looking at the happy smiles of Wang Xiaoqiang and the bride, Wang Ming and Liu Fang also felt sincerely happy.

Time flies, and three years have passed in the blink of an eye. Wang Li also reached the age of talking about marriage, and Wang Ming and Liu Fang began to worry about their daughter's lifelong affairs.

"Husband, when do you think Xiaoqiang will be able to return the money?" One night, Liu Fang was lying on the bed and asked worriedly.

Wang Ming sighed: "I don't know either. For so many years, he hasn't mentioned this stubble. "

My nephew borrowed 50,000 yuan from me when he got married, and when my daughter got married, my nephew directly sent me a big gift

"But Lili should also think about marriage, we are indeed a little nervous at hand." Liu Fang whispered.

Wang Ming held his wife's hand and comforted: "Don't worry, we will always find a way to deal with the child." As for Xiaoqiang's side, let's wait and see, after all, they are relatives, so it's not good to open their mouths to urge him. "

Just when Wang Ming and his wife were worried about this matter, Wang Li suddenly brought a surprise.

"Dad, Mom, my boyfriend and I have decided to get married!" Wang Li happily announced the news.

When Wang Ming and Liu Fang heard the news, they had mixed feelings. They are both happy that their daughter has found her beloved, but they are also worried about the huge expenses that are about to come.

My nephew borrowed 50,000 yuan from me when he got married, and when my daughter got married, my nephew directly sent me a big gift

Just when they were hesitating to remind Wang Xiaoqiang about the loan, the doorbell rang. Wang Ming opened the door and found Wang Xiaoqiang standing outside the door with a mysterious smile on his face.

"Uncle, I have something to tell you." Wang Xiaoqiang's voice was full of expectation.

Wang Ming's heart tightened, and he didn't know what the purpose of his nephew's trip was. He silently prayed, hoping that the visit would bring some good news.

Wang Xiaoqiang's sudden visit surprised and apprehensive Wang Ming and his wife. They did not know what the purpose of the nephew's trip was, and they hoped that he would mention the repayment of the money, but they also feared that he might have come to borrow more money.

Wang Xiaoqiang stood at the door with a mysterious smile on his face and a delicate gift box in his hand. "Uncle and aunt, I heard that my cousin is getting married, so I came here to give a congratulatory gift."

My nephew borrowed 50,000 yuan from me when he got married, and when my daughter got married, my nephew directly sent me a big gift

Wang Ming and Liu Fang looked at each other, not knowing how to react. They hesitated whether to let Wang Xiaoqiang into the house, and finally turned sideways to give up the position at the door.

"Xiaoqiang, come in and sit." Liu Fang barely squeezed out a smile and greeted.

The three of them sat in the living room, and the atmosphere was a little awkward. Wang Xiaoqiang didn't seem to notice the discomfort of his uncle and aunt, and was still smiling. He gently placed the gift box in his hand on the coffee table and said, "Uncle and aunt, this is the wedding gift I prepared for my cousin. "

Wang Ming and Liu Fang were apprehensive and didn't know what to say. At this moment, Wang Xiaoqiang slowly opened the gift box.

"This is—" Wang Ming's eyes widened, unable to believe what he was seeing.

My nephew borrowed 50,000 yuan from me when he got married, and when my daughter got married, my nephew directly sent me a big gift

There was a check lying in the gift box, and the amount was 100,000 yuan.

Wang Xiaoqiang's voice was a little excited: "Uncle, when you lent me 50,000 yuan to help me complete the wedding, I never had a chance to pay you back." This time, not only to pay off the arrears, but also to double up on your help from you and your aunt. "

Wang Ming and his wife were so shocked that they couldn't speak, they never thought that Wang Xiaoqiang not only remembered the money, but also doubled it back. For a while, they had mixed feelings in their hearts.

Liu Fang was the first to come back to her senses, and her voice was a little choked: "Xiaoqiang, what are you doing here?" We should have borrowed your money in the first place, where do we need you to pay it back? "

Wang Xiaoqiang shook his head and said firmly: "Auntie, this is not just about paying back the money. I have always remembered the kindness of you and your uncle. If it weren't for your help, I might not be where I am today. I've been working hard all these years to one day repay you for your kindness. "

My nephew borrowed 50,000 yuan from me when he got married, and when my daughter got married, my nephew directly sent me a big gift

Wang Ming took a deep breath and finally found his voice: "Xiaoqiang, you have this intention, uncle is very moved." But this money..."

Wang Xiaoqiang interrupted Wang Ming's words: "Uncle, please accept it." This is not only a thank you but also my blessing to my cousin. I know that it takes a lot of money to run a wedding, and I hope this money will help my cousin. "

At this moment, Wang Li walked out of the room and looked curiously at the scene in the living room. "Mom, Dad, what's going on?"

Wang Ming and Liu Fang were speechless for a while, not knowing how to explain the situation to their daughter. Wang Xiaoqiang stood up, walked up to Wang Li, and handed her the check.

"Cousin, congratulations on your upcoming marriage. This is a little bit of my heart and I hope to contribute to your new life. "

My nephew borrowed 50,000 yuan from me when he got married, and when my daughter got married, my nephew directly sent me a big gift

Wang Li took the check in surprise, and when she saw the amount, she couldn't help but gasp. "Cousin, this... That's too much! "

Wang Xiaoqiang smiled and shook his head: "Not much, not much." Your marriage is a great event, and I, as a cousin, have to express it. Besides, your parents helped me a lot back then, which is also a little bit of my heart. "

Hearing this, Wang Li looked at her parents suspiciously: "Dad, Mom, what's going on?" "

Wang Ming and Liu Fang glanced at each other, and finally Wang Ming opened his mouth to explain the matter of lending money to Wang Xiaoqiang back then. After Wang Li listened, her eyes couldn't help but moisten.

"It turns out that you have been paying silently, I am so happy." Wang Li hugged her parents, her voice choked.

My nephew borrowed 50,000 yuan from me when he got married, and when my daughter got married, my nephew directly sent me a big gift

At this moment, the whole family is surrounded by a warm emotion. Wang Xiaoqiang's actions not only resolved the potential conflicts in the family, but also made Wang Ming and his wife re-examine their understanding of family affection.

Wang Ming patted Wang Xiaoqiang's shoulder, and his tone was full of gratitude and relief: "Xiaoqiang, you have grown up and matured. Uncle is proud of you. "

Liu Fang wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and said with a smile: "Yes, our Xiaoqiang is also a man who stands up to the sky now." "

Wang Xiaoqiang scratched his head embarrassedly: "Uncle and aunt, this is all your teaching. I will never forget how you helped me. "

This unexpected gift not only solved the urgent need of Wang Li's wedding, but also made the whole family feel the warmth of family affection. They realize that sometimes seemingly simple help can lead to unexpected rewards in the future. At this moment, the room was filled with an atmosphere of happiness and emotion, and everyone's face was filled with a smile of relief.

My nephew borrowed 50,000 yuan from me when he got married, and when my daughter got married, my nephew directly sent me a big gift

Wang Li's wedding was held as scheduled, and with the blessings of relatives and friends, she opened a new chapter in her life. The wedding scene was warmly and romanticly decorated and full of happiness. Wang Ming and Liu Fang stood aside, looking at their daughter wearing a white wedding dress, with a happy smile on their faces, and they were both relieved and reluctant in their hearts.

Wang Xiaoqiang also attended the wedding, he and his wife sat in the guest seat, watching this grand wedding, and couldn't help but think of their wedding back then. He gently shook his wife's hand and whispered, "My dear, thanks to the help of our uncles and aunts, we can have today's happiness." The wife nodded softly, tears of gratitude glistening in her eyes.

After the wedding, Wang Ming and his wife invited Wang Xiaoqiang's family to their home. Sitting in the warm living room, Wang Ming said with emotion: "Xiaoqiang, my uncle is really pleased to see your current life. "

Wang Xiaoqiang responded with a smile: "Uncle, this is all the credit of you and your aunt." If it weren't for your help, I might not be where I am today. "

Liu Fang brought a plate of fruit and said gently: "Silly boy, we are all a family, and it is appropriate to help each other." We are relieved to see that you are doing well. "

My nephew borrowed 50,000 yuan from me when he got married, and when my daughter got married, my nephew directly sent me a big gift

Wang Li and her newlywed husband also joined the conversation, and everyone chatted happily and shared their own life stories. This heartwarming scene reminded Wang Ming of the afternoon when they helped Wang Xiaoqiang many years ago.

Suddenly, Wang Ming stood up and his expression became serious: "Children, I have something to say." Everyone fell silent and watched him.

Wang Ming looked around and said affectionately: "I am very relieved to see that you have all found your own happiness. But I want to tell you that money is important, but what is more important is the affection between us. No matter what difficulties we encounter, we must support each other and get through them together. "

Wang Xiaoqiang and Wang Li were deeply moved by their father's words, and their eyes flashed with tears. Wang Xiaoqiang stood up and said solemnly: "Uncle, don't worry, I will never forget your teachings. I will pass on this love and help more people in need. "

Wang Li also said excitedly: "Dad, Mom, thank you for your continuous dedication." My husband and I will definitely live a good life, and we will become nobles for others like you. "

My nephew borrowed 50,000 yuan from me when he got married, and when my daughter got married, my nephew directly sent me a big gift

Looking at the harmonious scene in front of them, Wang Ming and Liu Fang looked at each other and smiled, their hearts full of happiness and satisfaction. They know that this precious family affection will continue to be passed on in the years to come, warming the hearts of every family member.