
My dad always looked down on my mom, and after divorcing my mom, he married someone who looked down on him

author:Spell out the PI for your future self

The first release on the whole network, the original article, it is strictly forbidden to carry it, and the handling must be protected. This article is a micro-novel, the plot is fictional, please read it rationally.

Wang Xiaoming sat on the balcony, looking at the sunset in the distance, and his thoughts couldn't help but return to the past of his parents' marriage. He remembers that since he was a child, the atmosphere at home was always tense and depressing.

My dad always looked down on my mom, and after divorcing my mom, he married someone who looked down on him

"Liu Mei, can't you fold your clothes neatly? Look at you, you're always so sloppy! Wang Qiang's voice came from the living room, and his tone was full of disdain.

Liu Mei silently lowered her head and responded softly: "I know, I'll refold." "

Wang Xiaoming looked at his mother's tired back, and his heart felt sour. He wanted to step forward to comfort him, but he didn't know how to speak. Such scenes have been played out countless times in the home.

Wang Qiang is a very enterprising person, always striving for success and perfection. He often dislikes Liu Mei for being too ordinary and looks down on her words and deeds. But Liu Mei has always endured silently and taken care of this family with all her heart.

One day, Wang Xiaoming finally couldn't help it, he mustered up the courage to say to his father: "Dad, Mom has worked hard, can you be kind to her?" "

My dad always looked down on my mom, and after divorcing my mom, he married someone who looked down on him

Wang Qiang glanced at his son coldly and said, "You are still young and don't understand this." Your mother is just so useless that she can't even manage her own home. "

As time went on, the atmosphere in the family became more and more tense. Wang Qiang has made great achievements in his career, which makes him look down on Liu Mei even more. He often socializes outside, and when he comes home, he is always critical of Liu Mei.

"Look at Mr. Li's wife, that's what makes her smart and capable. What about you? I know that I am busy at home all day long, and I have not grown at all! Wang Qiang's words were like a sharp sword, piercing Liu Mei's heart.

Liu Meiqiang held back her tears and said softly: "I will work hard, I signed up for a training class and want to learn something new." "

Wang Xiaoming saw it in his eyes and felt pain in his heart. How he wished his father would cherish his mother's dedication, but it seemed that this wish would never come true.

My dad always looked down on my mom, and after divorcing my mom, he married someone who looked down on him

One day, Wang Qiang came home in a hurry and said with high spirits: "I met a very powerful strong woman named Li Fang. She's so good, unlike some people who only work as a yellow-faced woman at home. "

Liu Mei's face turned pale instantly, she tried to squeeze out a smile, and said, "That's good, you make more friends." "

Wang Xiaoming was keenly aware of the changes in his father. He saw that his father began to make frequent phone calls, often smiling from ear to ear. The mother became more and more silent, her eyes full of worry.

Finally one day, Wang Qiang filed for divorce. Liu Meiru was struck by lightning, and the whole person sat on the ground, tears raining down. Wang Xiaoming knelt beside his mother and hugged her tightly, but he didn't know how to comfort her.

In the process of divorce, Wang Qiang made things difficult for Liu Mei everywhere. For the sake of her son, Liu Mei endured humiliation and bore everything silently. Wang Xiaoming watched his parents separate, and the pain in his heart was indescribable.

My dad always looked down on my mom, and after divorcing my mom, he married someone who looked down on him

He looked out at the darkening sky outside the balcony and sighed softly. What was once a warm home is now in tatters. And this is just the beginning of this sad story.

Wang Qiang and Li Fang's wedding was held in an extraordinarily luxurious manner, with many guests. Wang Xiaoming stood in the corner, looking at his father's smug face, with mixed feelings in his heart.

"Son, come, let me introduce you, this is your new mother." Wang Qiang happily pulled Wang Xiaoming towards Li Fang.

Li Fang smiled, but there was a hint of disdain in her eyes, "Xiao Ming, we will be a family in the future." "

Wang Xiaoming nodded reluctantly, but he was thinking in his heart: Can this woman really become my family?

My dad always looked down on my mom, and after divorcing my mom, he married someone who looked down on him

During the honeymoon period after marriage, Wang Qiang was obedient to Li Fang. They went in and out, and Wang Qiang had a happy smile on his face. However, the good times were short-lived. Li Fang soon showed her strong side.

"Wang Qiang, didn't I ask you to hang up your clothes? What's the mess again? Li Fang asked with a cold face.

Wang Qiang hurriedly smiled, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll hang up again immediately." "

Wang Xiaoming looked at his father nodding and bowing, and his heart was mixed. The father who was once high has now become so humble.

Li Fang's attitude towards Wang Xiaoming is also becoming more and more cold. Once, when Wang Xiaoming came home late, Li Fang split his head and covered his face with a reprimand.

My dad always looked down on my mom, and after divorcing my mom, he married someone who looked down on him

"What time are you? Why are you only coming back now? What does it look like! "

Wang Qiang wanted to say something for his son, but was glared back by Li Fang. Wang Xiaoming looked at his father's cowering appearance, feeling sad and angry.

Over time, Li Fang began to take full control of the family's finances. The pocket money she gave Wang Qiang was getting less and less, and she even had to report to her when she went out to socialize.

"Wang Qiang, what about your salary last month? Why is it less again? Li Fang asked coldly.

Wang Qiang explained hesitantly, "The company's performance has not been good recently, so I have cut my salary." "

My dad always looked down on my mom, and after divorcing my mom, he married someone who looked down on him

"Useless stuff!" Li Fang scolded angrily, "Look at Mr. Li, other people's companies are thriving, what about you? "

Wang Qiang lowered his head, not daring to look directly into Li Fang's eyes. He began to miss the days with Liu Mei, when life was simple, but at least he didn't have to be so nervous.

Li Fang also began to criticize Wang Qiang's work. She demanded that Wang Qiang must do things her way, which made Wang Qiang feel pressured. At work, he began to make frequent mistakes, and his performance plummeted.

"Why can't you even do this little thing?" Li Fang roared on the phone, "I married you to make you get ahead, not to make you a waste!" "

Wang Qiang's hand holding the phone trembled slightly, and his face was full of frustration. He began to doubt himself, his abilities, his worth.

My dad always looked down on my mom, and after divorcing my mom, he married someone who looked down on him

Wang Xiaoming witnessed his father's downfall and remembered his mother Liu Mei's silent dedication. He couldn't help but say, "Dad, are you okay?" "

Wang Qiang barely squeezed out a smile, "It's okay, Dad is fine." "

But Wang Xiaoming knew that his father was not good at all.

Finally one day, Li Fang broke out. She threw a stack of papers on Wang Qiang's face, "Look what you've done?" The company is about to be destroyed by you! I warn you, if you continue like this, I will divorce you!" "

Wang Qiang was panicked, he knelt on the ground and begged, "Fangfang, I'm sorry, I will definitely change, you give me another chance!" "

My dad always looked down on my mom, and after divorcing my mom, he married someone who looked down on him

Li Fang sneered, "Opportunity? Okay, then you listen up. If you really want to get a divorce, I want to divide 70% of all your property, and I will have to pay 50,000 yuan in alimony every month, can you do it? "

Wang Qiang's face turned pale, he knew that he couldn't meet these conditions at all. He looked at Wang Xiaoming desperately, his eyes full of a look of help.

Wang Xiaoming looked at his father's humble appearance, and his heart was mixed. He thought of his mother Liu Mei and how his father had treated her. Now, my father has tasted the taste of being looked down upon, and I wonder if he has realized his mistakes.

At this moment, Wang Qiang seemed to have finally woken up. He stood up tremblingly, a hint of determination flashed in his eyes, "Li Fang, let's talk." I think we all need to reflect on ourselves. "

Li Fang snorted coldly, "Reflection? What qualifications do you have to talk to me about reflection? "

My dad always looked down on my mom, and after divorcing my mom, he married someone who looked down on him

Wang Xiaoming looked at this scene, and a surge of courage suddenly surged in his heart. He knew it was time to step up and help his father. In any case, the once tall figure was his father after all.

Wang Xiaoming took a deep breath and mustered up the courage to stand up. He looked at Li Fang and said in a firm voice, "Aunt Li Fang, I think we need to have a good talk." "

Li Fang was stunned for a moment, and then sneered: "You are a little child, what do you know?" "

Wang Xiaoming did not flinch and continued: "I may be young, but I can see it clearly. Your attitude towards my dad is the same as he used to do to my mom. You both ignore each other's feelings and only look out for yourself. "

When Wang Qiang heard his son's words, there was an expression of surprise and shame on his face. He lowered his head, as if recalling the past.

My dad always looked down on my mom, and after divorcing my mom, he married someone who looked down on him

Wang Xiaoming turned to his father, and his tone became softer: "Dad, do you remember how you treated your mother?" What is the difference between you now and your mother back then? "

Wang Qiang was silent for a long time, and finally raised his head, with tears in his eyes: "Xiao Ming, Dad is wrong." I now understand how selfish and cruel I was. "

Li Fang looked at this scene, and the expression on her face gradually became complicated. She also seemed to realize her mistake, and her tone softened: "I... I may have gone too far, too. "

Wang Xiaoming looked at the two adults, and his heart was mixed. "We all need to learn to respect and understand each other," he said. The home should be a warm harbor, not a battlefield. "

These words made Wang Qiang and Li Fang fall into deep thought. The tension in the air gradually dissipated, replaced by a deep introspection.

My dad always looked down on my mom, and after divorcing my mom, he married someone who looked down on him

Wang Qiang said in a trembling voice, "Xiao Ming, thank you." You made me see my mistakes. I think... I need to apologize to your mom. "

Li Fang also nodded and said softly, "We all need to change. Maybe... We should give each other a chance to start over. "

Wang Xiaoming looked at the two of them, and a glimmer of hope surged in his heart. He knows that this is just the beginning, but at least the first step in the right direction.

A few days later, Wang Qiang plucked up the courage to contact Liu Mei and sincerely apologize for what he had done in the past. Although Liu Mei was a little hesitant at first, she finally forgave him.

Wang Xiaoming felt relieved to see his parents re-establish a friendly relationship. While they may not be a couple again, they can at least be friends who respect each other.

My dad always looked down on my mom, and after divorcing my mom, he married someone who looked down on him

At the same time, the relationship between Wang Qiang and Li Fang is slowly improving. They began to learn to listen to each other and understand each other. The atmosphere of the family is becoming more and more harmonious.

Wang Xiaoming stood on the balcony and watched the sun set. He knows that there will always be ups and downs in life, but as long as you have good intentions and understand each other, you will definitely find the direction of happiness.

He smiled, his heart full of anticipation for the future. This home has finally become a warm harbor again.