
Long Keduo, the commander of the infantry army: the only hero of Yongzheng's succession, was imprisoned for life for offending Prince Yi

author:Savage girl

In the last years of Kangxi, the air in the Forbidden City was filled with tension and anxiety. The issue of succession to the throne is like a ticking time bomb that could detonate at any moment. The many princes of Emperor Kangxi were each thinking about how to ascend to the throne that symbolized supreme power. The undercurrents of various factions are surging, and the imperial relatives and civil and military ministers are also standing in line, preparing to win their own place in this battle for the throne.

Long Keduo, the commander of the infantry army: the only hero of Yongzheng's succession, was imprisoned for life for offending Prince Yi

In this ever-changing political whirlpool, the commander of the infantry army, Long Keduo, a once low-key military attaché, became the key figure in the succession of Emperor Yongzheng. Every decision and action he made had a profound impact on the course of Qing Dynasty history. The only hero of Yongzheng, but because he offended Prince Yi, he was finally imprisoned for life and ended up with a tragic ending.

What are the reasons for the twists and turns?

Long Keduo, the commander of the infantry army: the only hero of Yongzheng's succession, was imprisoned for life for offending Prince Yi

Forty-eight years of Kangxi: The abolition of the crown prince

Time back to the forty-eighth year of Kangxi, that magnificent year. Emperor Kangxi decided to abolish the crown prince Yinren because of his immoral behavior. This decision caused a great turmoil in the palace. The abolition of the crown prince incident shook the entire royal family and affected many related figures. Roncodo is one of them.

Long Keduo, the commander of the infantry army: the only hero of Yongzheng's succession, was imprisoned for life for offending Prince Yi

Long Keduo, as the nephew of Emperor Kangxi, has a close relationship with the eldest brother Yinhe. The eldest brother was severely punished by Kangxi on suspicion of murdering the prince, and even Long Keduo was implicated. And his father Tong Guowei, Emperor Kangxi's confidant and important minister, was also punished by Kangxi for this incident. As a result, the power of the Tong family was greatly weakened.

Roncodo did not let this sink. Emperor Kangxi's severe punishment made him more cautious and vigilant. He knows very well that only in this battle for the throne full of variables, standing on the right team, can he protect the honor and disgrace and fate of himself and his family.

Long Keduo, the commander of the infantry army: the only hero of Yongzheng's succession, was imprisoned for life for offending Prince Yi

In the five years since the abolition of the crown prince, the Tong family has chosen to keep a low profile and lie dormant. Kangxi also gradually stopped suppressing them. Long Keduo, with his wisdom and hard work, regained Kangxi's trust and was appointed as the commander of the infantry army.

Emperor Kangxi's admonition to Long Keduo is still in his ears: "Be careful and don't repeat the mistakes of the past." "Roncodo took it to heart. He knew very well that although the position of commander of the infantry army was high and powerful, it was also like walking on thin ice, and if he was not careful, he might be crushed. In the past five years, Long Keduo has continued to accumulate his political capital and gradually won the trust of the imperial power. He monitored the every move of the princes and ministers, and also kept an eye on the movements of the deposed prince. Every step he took was cautious and steady.

Long Keduo, the commander of the infantry army: the only hero of Yongzheng's succession, was imprisoned for life for offending Prince Yi

Fifty-nine years of Kangxi: the pinnacle of power

In the fifty-ninth year of Kangxi, Long Keduo's efforts finally paid off. Emperor Kangxi appointed him as the secretary of the Imperial Court and continued to manage the affairs of the infantry army. This position brought Roncodo's power to the pinnacle. He controls the military power of the capital and has a greater political voice.

In this year, Emperor Kangxi's physical condition deteriorated sharply. As a confidant of Emperor Kangxi, Long Keduo knew that the issue of succession to the throne was imminent. Every detail, every decision, has the potential to change the course of history.

Long Keduo, the commander of the infantry army: the only hero of Yongzheng's succession, was imprisoned for life for offending Prince Yi

The cold winter of Kangxi's fifty-ninth year is destined to be an extraordinary year. Emperor Kangxi's illness was getting worse day by day, and all forces were secretly competing, and a tense atmosphere was permeating the entire Forbidden City. As one of Emperor Kangxi's most trusted ministers, Long Keduo played a crucial role at this critical moment.

Long Keduo, the commander of the infantry army: the only hero of Yongzheng's succession, was imprisoned for life for offending Prince Yi

The day Kangxi died was destined to go down in history. Emperor Kangxi's condition deteriorated, and when he was dying, he summoned the prince and his confidants. Roncodo, as the commander of the infantry army, was summoned to the palace to witness this historic moment.

Emperor Kangxi's edict was read out by Long Keduo. This edict announced Yinzhen's decision to succeed to the throne. Roncodo was present to supervise and ensure that the process went smoothly. The death of Emperor Kangxi marked the end of an era, and the succession of Emperor Yongzheng opened a new chapter.

Long Keduo, the commander of the infantry army: the only hero of Yongzheng's succession, was imprisoned for life for offending Prince Yi

The role of Roncodo, at this critical moment, is particularly important. Every move he made was related to the succession and stability of the Qing Dynasty's imperial throne. It is precisely because of his loyalty and decisiveness that Emperor Yongzheng was able to smoothly succeed to the throne and stabilize the imperial power.

Long Keduo, the commander of the infantry army: the only hero of Yongzheng's succession, was imprisoned for life for offending Prince Yi

Long Keduo assists Jun to succeed to the throne: the only hero of Yongzheng

After Emperor Yongzheng succeeded to the throne, he highly appreciated Long Keduo's loyalty and merits. He called Long Keduo a loyal minister and a meritorious man, and gave him great honors. Long Keduo has therefore become an important supporter of Emperor Yongzheng. The pinnacle of power is often also the beginning of a crisis. After gaining the trust of Emperor Yongzheng, Long Keduo became more and more arrogant and began to abuse his power. He forgot the admonition of Emperor Kangxi, and also forgot his own caution and caution.

Long Keduo's arrogance and arbitrariness gradually aroused the dissatisfaction of Emperor Yongzheng. Emperor Yongzheng was a shrewd and ruthless emperor. He is well aware that the consolidation of power requires loyalty and prudence, not arrogance and abuse of power.

Long Keduo, the commander of the infantry army: the only hero of Yongzheng's succession, was imprisoned for life for offending Prince Yi

The third year of Yongzheng: The fall of Long Keduo

On the seventh day of June in the third year of Yongzheng, this day is destined to be a turning point in Long Keduo's life. By sheltering Nian Qianyao and interfering with the review of the case, Long Keduo angered Emperor Yongzheng. He was handed over to the Metropolitan Procuratorate for strict punishment, and the relevant courtiers were also severely punished.

Long Kedo, sentenced to life imprisonment in the capital. It is embarrassing that this once powerful infantry commander finally ended up like this. The following year, Roncodo died suddenly in his cell, ending his life of ups and downs.

Long Keduo, the commander of the infantry army: the only hero of Yongzheng's succession, was imprisoned for life for offending Prince Yi


Long Keduo's fate is closely related to his own immorality and the connivance of Emperor Yongzheng. His tragedy is the inevitable result of the power struggle and the imperial mentality. In this game of thrones, there is no permanent winner, only constant games and competitions.

Long Keduo, as the only hero of Yongzheng's succession, was eventually imprisoned for life for offending Prince Yi. This twist of fate not only reveals the cruelty and complexity of the struggle for the throne of the Qing Dynasty, but also allows us to see the humanity and ruthlessness behind the power.

Perhaps, as Emperor Kangxi admonished, "Be careful and don't repeat the mistakes of the past." "In this battle for the throne, which is full of uncertainties, every decision is related to the direction of fate. The story of Roncodo is a microcosm of an era and the price of power.

Long Keduo, the commander of the infantry army: the only hero of Yongzheng's succession, was imprisoned for life for offending Prince Yi

The fate of Long Keduo has brought us deep thoughts.

Do you think that Roncodo's ending was entirely due to his arrogance and abuse of power, or is there something else going on?

In this game of thrones, what flashes and dark sides of humanity can you see in it?

Feel free to share your thoughts and insights in the comment section, and let's explore this complex and twisted history together. Each of your views is a unique interpretation of history.