
The same father and mother do not have the same fate, the fifth elder brother enjoys the treatment of the prince, but the ninth elder brother is given the name "Seth Black"

author:Savage girl

In the long course of history, there are always some characters and events that are unforgettable, especially those princes who are in the whirlpool of power. During the Kangxi period, the ninth elder brother Yinyu and the fifth elder brother Yinqi had the same father and mother, but they embarked on a completely different path of fate.

What's the story behind this?

Why is Yinqi also from a prominent background, able to enjoy the treatment of a prince, but Yinqi is given the name "Seth Black"?

How much of this is the game of human nature and conspiracy, and how many personal characters and fate are intertwined?

The same father and mother do not have the same fate, the fifth elder brother enjoys the treatment of the prince, but the ninth elder brother is given the name "Seth Black"


Yinqi was born in the eighteenth year of Kangxi, and his mother Yifei Guo Luoluo was one of the four palace concubines favored by Kangxi. Concubine Yi was born illustriously and was deeply favored by Kangxi, not only had a stable position in the harem, but also had a certain influence in the imperial court. As the son of Concubine Yi, Yinqi has enjoyed a superior growth environment and rich educational resources since he was a child, which has laid a solid foundation for his future development. A person's background largely determines his starting point, and Yinqi undoubtedly has an extremely high starting point.

In the eighteenth year of Kangxi, it was the prime of Kangxi, the country was prosperous, and there was peace inside and outside the court. In this context, Yinqi's birth was naturally endowed with infinite expectations. Kangxi's love for Concubine Yi Guo Luo Luo made Yinqi grow up under the care of his father since he was a child. Concubine Yi is not only beautiful, but also intelligent and witty, she taught Yinqi to be loyal to the royal family and the Qing Dynasty, so that Yinqi has been loyal and steady since childhood.

The same father and mother do not have the same fate, the fifth elder brother enjoys the treatment of the prince, but the ninth elder brother is given the name "Seth Black"

During the Kangxi period, the territory of the Qing Dynasty continued to expand, and foreign wars were frequent. Yinqi has shown outstanding military talent since he was a child, and he accompanied Kangxi to fight against Galdan and made great achievements. The fight on the battlefield not only tempered his will, but also won him a high reputation in the army. Among the many princes, Yinqi stood out with his outstanding military talents and became the center of attention.

In a fierce battle, Yinqi personally commanded the army and fought to the death with the enemy. His bravery and wisdom were highly appreciated by Kangxi, who even crowned him personally on the battlefield, calling him the "King of Valor". This title is not only a recognition of Yinqi's personal ability, but also an affirmation of his status in the army. Since then, Yinqi's prestige in the army has continued to increase, and he has become an idol in the hearts of many generals.

The same father and mother do not have the same fate, the fifth elder brother enjoys the treatment of the prince, but the ninth elder brother is given the name "Seth Black"

In the forty-eighth year of Kangxi, Yinqi was named Prince Heshuoheng and enjoyed a very high political status. Prince Heshuo was one of the highest titles in the Qing Dynasty, second only to the crown prince. This title is not only a recognition of Yinqi's personal ability, but also an affirmation of his status in the imperial court. As Prince Heshuoheng, Yinqi has an important say in the imperial court, and his opinions can often influence major decisions of the country.

Yinqi's title is not only an honor, but also a responsibility. Under Kangxi's guidance, he participated in many important state affairs and accumulated rich political experience. When dealing with state affairs, he showed extraordinary wisdom and courage, and won the unanimous praise of the courtiers. Kangxi's trust in Yinqi made him gradually establish his authority in the court and become the focus of attention.

The same father and mother do not have the same fate, the fifth elder brother enjoys the treatment of the prince, but the ninth elder brother is given the name "Seth Black"

In the forty-seventh year of Kangxi, Emperor Kangxi was bedridden due to illness, and Yinqi personally served by his side, showing his filial side. Kangxi's evaluation of Yinqi is "This son is very good-natured and generous". Kangxi's words not only express his love for Yinqi, but also highly recognize Yinqi's character. As a prince, Yinqi not only possessed political and military talents, but also had the qualities of benevolence and filial piety, which made him highly respected in the imperial family.

Kangxi's favor for Yinqi made Yinqi have a very high prestige in the imperial court. His filial piety and benevolence earned him the respect of his courtiers, and his ability and wisdom enabled him to play an important role in the affairs of the state. Yinqi's all-round development made him the ideal prince in Kangxi's mind, which also paved the way for him to be on the political road in the future.

The same father and mother do not have the same fate, the fifth elder brother enjoys the treatment of the prince, but the ninth elder brother is given the name "Seth Black"

Yinqi has no chance to win the heir

Yinqi was raised by the Empress Dowager Renxian since he was a child and developed a pure character. He doesn't like to argue and is willing to help, which makes him a good relationship among the royal family. Empress Renxian's education of Yinqi made him more stable and gentle in character, and he did not like to participate in battles. This character trait makes Yinqi particularly indifferent in the battle for succession.

In Kangxi's later years, Yinqi was repeatedly proposed to replace Kangxi to handle court affairs, but Kangxi only refused and did not punish him for this. Kangxi's generous love for Yinqi reflects his trust in Yinqi's uncontested heart for power and profit. Yinqi's attitude enabled him to maintain his innocence in the royal battle and not be involved in disputes.

The same father and mother do not have the same fate, the fifth elder brother enjoys the treatment of the prince, but the ninth elder brother is given the name "Seth Black"

Kangxi's generous love for Yinqi reflects his special care for Yinqi. Kangxi was not dissatisfied with Yinqi's proposal, but appreciated his loyalty and stability more. Kangxi's attitude enabled Yinqi to remain independent in the battle for succession and not be involved in disputes.

Kangxi's evaluation of Yinqi made Yinqi win many supporters in the imperial court. The courtiers were full of respect for Yinqi's benevolence and filial piety, and his ability and wisdom allowed him to play an important role in the affairs of the state. This advantage of Yinqi enabled him to maintain independence in the political struggle in Kangxi's later years and not be involved in disputes.

The same father and mother do not have the same fate, the fifth elder brother enjoys the treatment of the prince, but the ninth elder brother is given the name "Seth Black"

Yinqi performed well during the Kangxi period, worked steadfastly, and won the high trust of Kangxi and Yongzheng. In the fifty-first year of Kangxi, Yinqi and Yinzhen and others jointly handled corruption cases, showing his fairness and integrity. This incident reflects Yinqi's ability and shows the tacit cooperation between him and Yinzhen.

In dealing with corruption cases, Yinqi showed extraordinary wisdom and courage. He worked together with Yinzhen to solve the case smoothly and won Kangxi's high praise. Kangxi's trust in Yinqi made him gradually establish his authority in the court and become the focus of attention.

The same father and mother do not have the same fate, the fifth elder brother enjoys the treatment of the prince, but the ninth elder brother is given the name "Seth Black"

In the fifty-eighth year of Kangxi, the second anniversary of the Empress Dowager Renxian, Yinqi and Yinzhen and others saluted on their behalf, this event showed Yinqi's filial piety, and also reflected the deep feelings between him and Yinzhen. Yinqi and Yinzhen have established a deep friendship through their common experience, and they support each other to face various challenges in the court together.

The friendship between Yinqi and Yinzhen enables them to support each other and work together when dealing with national affairs. This friendship not only allowed them to maintain their independence in the political struggle, but also enabled them to win many supporters in the imperial court. This advantage of Yinqi enabled him to maintain independence in the political struggle in Kangxi's later years and not be involved in disputes.

The same father and mother do not have the same fate, the fifth elder brother enjoys the treatment of the prince, but the ninth elder brother is given the name "Seth Black"

The comparison between Yinqi and Brother Jiu

Yinqi's personality is similar to that of the fourth brother Yinzhen, who is down-to-earth and helpful, while the ninth elder brother Yinzhen is completely different. There is an obvious unruliness in his character, he is attached to the eighth elder brother Yinzhen, and repeatedly contradicts Yinzhen, this behavior obviously made him lose a lot of support in the court. Yinyu's personality problems put him at a disadvantage in Kangxi's later years and the political situation after Yongzheng's accession to the throne.

The same father and mother do not have the same fate, the fifth elder brother enjoys the treatment of the prince, but the ninth elder brother is given the name "Seth Black"

Yinzhen's unruliness is reflected in his relationship with Yinzhen, but also in his imprudent and adventurous handling of court affairs. He often resorted to extreme measures to solve problems, an attitude that made many in the court suspicious of him. Compared with Yinqi, Yinqi lacks calmness and rationality in dealing with problems, and often makes some overly radical decisions, which makes him extremely vulnerable in political struggles.

Yinyu's attachment to the eighth elder brother Yinyu also put him in a predicament. Although Yinxi was powerful, he also attracted much resentment because of his ambitions and threats to imperial power. Yinyu's choice put him in a very embarrassing position in the imperial court, not only unable to get Kangxi's support, but also having to face many difficulties in the Yongzheng period.

The same father and mother do not have the same fate, the fifth elder brother enjoys the treatment of the prince, but the ninth elder brother is given the name "Seth Black"

After Yongzheng succeeded to the throne, his attitude towards Yinqi and Yinyu was very different. Yongzheng treated Yinqi's situation kindly, and also erected a monument for him, calling him "peaceful temperament". This move is a recognition of Yinqi's personal character, and it also shows Yongzheng's respect and appreciation for Yinqi. Yinqi was not treated unfairly during the Yongzheng period, which reflects his status and influence in the court.

In the tenth year of Yongzheng, Yinqi died at the age of fifty-four. Yongzheng erected a monument for Yinqi, calling it "peaceful" and gave him a very high evaluation. This move not only reflects Yongzheng's respect for Yinqi, but also shows his affirmation of Yinqi's lifelong contributions. Yongzheng's evaluation of Yinqi shows the respect and status that Yinqi enjoys in the court.

The same father and mother do not have the same fate, the fifth elder brother enjoys the treatment of the prince, but the ninth elder brother is given the name "Seth Black"

In contrast, Yinyu faced a different fate. After Yongzheng succeeded to the throne, the treatment of Yinyu was very severe. Yongzheng gave Yinyu the demeaning title of "Saisi Black", which was an insult to him personally, and also reflected Yongzheng's complete disappointment and dissatisfaction with Yinyu. Yinyu's political career almost fell into a complete failure during the Yongzheng period, and he not only lost the right to inherit the throne, but also suffered a serious political blow.

Yinyu's predicament in the Yongzheng period was not only due to his own personality, but also Yongzheng's dissatisfaction with his handling of affairs. Yinyu's radicalism and recklessness put him in a difficult game of power, and Yongzheng's change of attitude towards him completely collapsed his political career.

The same father and mother do not have the same fate, the fifth elder brother enjoys the treatment of the prince, but the ninth elder brother is given the name "Seth Black"

Yinqi's life in the Yongzheng period can be said to be peaceful and fulfilling. He enjoyed a very high social status and was not politically repressed, which made his later life relatively stable. During the Yongzheng period, Yinqi continued to exert his influence, participated in some important affairs in the imperial court, and contributed to the stability of the country.

Yinqi's life in his later years was full of tranquility and love for his family. He pays attention to the harmony of the family and the education of his children, and strives to provide them with a good environment for their growth. Yinqi's move not only shows his sense of responsibility to his family, but also reflects his happiness in his later life.

The same father and mother do not have the same fate, the fifth elder brother enjoys the treatment of the prince, but the ninth elder brother is given the name "Seth Black"

Yinqi's children enjoyed more generous treatment during the Yongzheng period. Yongzheng also gave corresponding care and support to Yinqi's children, so that they could develop smoothly in the imperial court. Yinqi's children inherited their father's fine qualities, showed outstanding talents and morals, and made positive contributions to the development of the Qing Dynasty.

Yinqi's children received a good education and training during the Yongzheng period, and also obtained many important positions. Their success is a reward for Yinqi's lifelong efforts, and it also shows Yinqi's deep affection for the family and contribution to the country.

The same father and mother do not have the same fate, the fifth elder brother enjoys the treatment of the prince, but the ninth elder brother is given the name "Seth Black"


The difference in the fate of Yinqi and Yinyu is a tragedy in the game of thrones. In the case of the same father and mother, Yinqi was able to enjoy the treatment of a prince because of his stability and filial piety, while Yinqi was finally demoted to "Saith Black" because of his unruliness and dependence on others. The lessons of history tell us that a person's destiny depends on his origin, but also on his personal choices and efforts. Yinqi's choice made him maintain his independence and dignity in the whirlpool of power, and Yinqi's choice made him fall into a predicament in the struggle for power.

In life, we should also cherish the present, live our own lives, no matter what challenges we face, we must stick to our beliefs and continue to work hard to move forward. Historical experience is an important reference for us on the way forward, so that we can learn from this and better plan our lives.

The same father and mother do not have the same fate, the fifth elder brother enjoys the treatment of the prince, but the ninth elder brother is given the name "Seth Black"

Are you also touched by the fate of Yinqi and Yinyu?

In the intersection of power and fate, how do you think we should face our lives and challenges?

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