
A 50-year-old divorced woman reminds young people: What is the best love? That's all there is to it


Well, when I talk about the time I spent with my ex-husband, it was really sweet and nostalgic. I remember when we first got married, the living conditions were really not good, but at that time, our hearts were full of longing for the future and deep affection for each other.

Every morning, when he wakes me up with a gentle kiss and the sun shines through the cracks in the curtains on the side of my bed, I feel like the happiest person in the world. We would make breakfast together, even if it was a simple omelette and bread, and we ate it with relish. He always likes to sprinkle a little pepper on top of the omelette, saying that it tastes better this way. I'll be smiling secretly on the sidelines, because his serious look is really cute.

No matter how busy we are at work, we will find time to send messages to each other, even if it is a simple "I miss you", it can make each other's mood warm in an instant. When we get home from work in the evening, we will go for a walk together, talk about what we have seen and heard throughout the day, and share each other's joys, sorrows, and sorrows. At that time, we seemed to have endless words, and spiritual communication was more precious than any material enjoyment.

A 50-year-old divorced woman reminds young people: What is the best love? That's all there is to it

On weekends, we would go to the market together, pick up fresh ingredients, and then go home and cook together. Although our cooking skills are not very good, that hard work and dedication make every meal delicious. After eating, we would clean up the house together, and then snuggle up on the couch to watch a movie, or read a book together, enjoying the peace and contentment.

At that time, although we didn't have a lot of money, our hearts were full of gratitude and happiness. We believe that as long as two people's hearts are together, no matter what difficulties they encounter, they can overcome them together. We support each other, encourage each other, and that kind of trust and dependence cannot be replaced by any material thing.

Now that I think about it, those days were hard, but they were our most precious memories. That kind of spiritual fit and tacit understanding makes us feel extremely lucky and satisfied. Although we couldn't continue to walk later due to various reasons, I will always cherish that sweet time in my heart.

A 50-year-old divorced woman reminds young people: What is the best love? That's all there is to it

Time is such a wonderful thing, it has quietly changed us a lot. I remember when I first got married, I was very concerned about my image, and I always hoped that I was the most beautiful in the eyes of my ex-husband. But with the arrival of the child, everything changed.

Having a baby is really a revolution for women. My figure began to change, and the curves that used to make me proud of them slowly became less noticeable. I knew I should embrace these changes, after all, it's part of being a mother. But to be honest, I still feel a little lost in my heart, after all, what woman doesn't want to be beautiful forever?

I began to sacrifice my personal life for the sake of my family. The days of gathering with friends and shopping are gradually becoming out of reach. My life revolves almost entirely around my children and family, and I am so busy every day that I don't even have time to look in the mirror.

Slowly, I began to feel that my ex-husband's attitude towards me was also changing. He began to pick and choose about my appearance, sometimes even half-jokingly saying that I had become a "yellow-faced woman". Although I knew that it might just be his unintentional words, these words pierced my heart like a needle, making me feel extremely aggrieved and unconfident.

A 50-year-old divorced woman reminds young people: What is the best love? That's all there is to it

I began to wonder if I had really become less attractive. Is it my sacrifice for my family that has made him start to dislike me? These thoughts grew like weeds in my mind, making me feel anxious and uneasy.

I try to regain my confidence by dressing up, but every time I stand in front of the mirror and see myself who is no longer young or slim, I always have mixed feelings in my heart. I began to avoid, reluctant to participate in any social activities, afraid of the eyes and evaluation of others.

But I knew I couldn't go on like this. I needed to find myself, the woman I was confident and independent again. I started trying to make some changes, like going to the gym, learning some new skills, and even starting to experiment with some new styles of dressing.

Although this process is not easy, I believe that as long as I don't give up, one day, I will regain that radiant self. The change in image and loss of self-worth in marriage should not be a reason for me to give up on myself. I want to live for myself and live my life to the fullest.

A 50-year-old divorced woman reminds young people: What is the best love? That's all there is to it

Divorce, the word sounds like it makes people's hearts sink. For me, it wasn't just the end of a relationship, it was more like a spiritual battle that turned my world upside down. During that time, I felt extremely low, as if the whole world had lost its color and became gray.

I was afraid to face my friends, to look at them sympathetically, to ask me about the reason for my divorce. I don't dare to face society, I am afraid of those gossip, I am afraid of becoming the talk of others after dinner. I locked myself in my house and didn't want to go out, see people, or even answer the phone. My life became a mess, like a ship that had lost its direction, drifting in the middle of nowhere, unable to find its way forward.

I began to doubt my own worth and my dedication in marriage. I kept asking myself, was it that I wasn't doing well enough? Am I not gentle enough, not considerate enough? Even after my ex-husband cheated on me, I mistakenly blamed myself, thinking that I was not good enough to let him find another woman.

This kind of self-denial and self-doubt plunged me into deep self-blame and pain. I had insomnia all night long, and my mind was full of painful memories. I became sensitive and vulnerable, and any little thing could bring tears to my eyes.

But I knew I couldn't go on like this. I needed to find a way to get myself back on my feet and regain my worth and self-confidence. I began to try to do some self-healing things, such as writing a journal to pour out all the distress and confusion in my heart; For example, painting, using colors and lines to express one's emotions; For example, reading, finding strength and courage in other people's stories.

I also began to seek professional help and counsel with a psychological counselor to try to find the root cause of the problem and untie the knots in my heart. Although this process is not easy, I believe that as long as I don't give up, one day, I will come out of this haze and regain that strong and confident self.

I know that divorce doesn't mean failure, it's just an experience, a turning point on the road of life. I needed to learn to accept the pain and growth that this experience had brought me, to accept my imperfections. I believe that as long as I face it bravely, one day, I will find my own happiness and light.

Just when I was deep in self-doubt and pain, my cousin's sudden visit was like a beam of light that brightened my life. She is the kind of person who can bring positive energy to people anytime and anywhere, and her presence surprised and warmed me at the same time.

That day, my cousin was sitting in the living room of my house, and we were drinking tea and chatting. She noticed my depression and began to listen patiently to me. I poured out the bitter water in my heart to her, from my disappointment in my marriage, to my worries about my image, to my self-blame for my ex-husband's cheating. My cousin listened quietly, nodding her head from time to time, giving me a look of understanding and support.

After listening to me, my cousin did not immediately comfort me, but said to me in her characteristic gentle and firm voice: "My dear, true love does not change because of your outward appearance. A man who truly loves you, he will care about your health, your well-being, not your appearance. "

My cousin's words were like a spring of fresh water, moistening my parched heart. I began to reflect, yes, if a person loves me only because of my appearance, then such love is too superficial. True love should be inclusive, that no matter what I become, he will always love me and support me.

My cousin also told me that she had experienced similar problems herself. She used to feel inferior because she was out of shape after giving birth, but her husband always loved her and cared for her. He said that he loved his cousin as a person, not her figure. This made my cousin realize that true love is beyond appearances.

My cousin's words made me suddenly enlightened. I began to re-examine myself and my own worth. I don't care so much about what other people think, I don't care so much about how I look. I learned to pay more attention to my heart and to my health and well-being.

I started trying to do things that were good for me, such as eating a healthy diet, exercising in moderation, and maintaining a good attitude. I've found that when I start paying attention to my inner self, my outer self also becomes more radiant. My smile is brighter, my eyes are brighter, and my whole being has become more confident and charismatic.

My cousin's visit and her words made me realize that I shouldn't deny myself because of a failed marriage. I should believe in my own worth, believe that I am worthy of love. I believe that as long as I keep being myself, one day, I will meet someone who truly knows how to appreciate me and truly loves me.

After a failed marriage, I began to reflect deeply on my own experience and try to find some answers in it. Slowly, I formed my own understanding of ideal love: the best love is the kind of love that allows you to feel comfortable being yourself. In this kind of relationship, you don't need to deliberately please the other person, and you don't need to change yourself to gain love and respect.

What I want to say is that love should not be the sacrifice and compromise of one party, but the understanding and support of both parties. In marriage, each of us should be an independent individual, with our own thoughts and personalities. Instead of blaming ourselves for our partner's infidelity, we should recognize our worth and realize that we have the right to be respected and loved.

I remember one time, I was chatting with a good friend and she told me the story of her and her husband. She said that her husband always encouraged her to pursue her dreams and supported her in doing what she loved. Even when her decisions make their lives difficult, her husband never complains and always stands by her side. I was deeply touched and realized that this is true love, the kind of love that makes you feel free and respected.

So, I want to say to all women, don't lose yourself because of setbacks in your marriage. Each of us has our own unique values, and we all deserve to be loved and respected. Don't be afraid to express your thoughts and feelings, and don't be afraid to pursue your dreams. Even in marriage, we have the right to maintain our individuality and independence.

Of course, this does not mean that we should ignore our partner's feelings or be selfish in the relationship. Instead, we should strive to understand and respect each other, while also asking them to understand and respect us. We should find balance in the relationship where both parties feel comfortable and satisfied.

I also want to say, don't be afraid of change. Change doesn't mean losing oneself, it means growing and developing. We should have the courage to face our own shortcomings and have the courage to accept new challenges. Only in this way can we continue to progress in love and continue to become a better version of ourselves.

In conclusion, the ideal love should be the kind of relationship that makes you feel free, respected, and loved. It doesn't ask you to change yourself, but it makes you a better version of yourself. So, let's be self-conscious in love, be brave and be ourselves, believing that we all have the right to true love and respect.

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