
A 38-year-old divorced woman's reminder: "Whether the marriage is good or not, you will know when you go back to your parents' house for the New Year"


Marriage, in many people's minds, may be portrayed as a romantic picture: a white wedding dress, a warm vow, and the promise of eternal union. But in fact, marriage is far more complicated than these romantic moments. It is not a fairy tale detached from reality, but a real life full of daily trivialities and stress.

First of all, marriage means that two people face various challenges in life together. From simple household chores to complex family decisions, everything requires communication and collaboration from both parties. For example, seemingly trivial matters such as who is responsible for cooking and who is responsible for washing dishes can also become a trigger for quarrels if not handled properly. Not to mention, these pressures are multiplied when it comes to children's education, the support of the elderly, or the family's financial planning.

Second, two people in a marriage need to constantly adapt and compromise. Everyone has their own habits and lifestyles, but marriage requires both partners to give up their ego to a certain extent to fit into each other. This could mean that you need to put up with the sound of the other person snoring at night, or learn to accept the other person's different eating habits. This kind of adaptation and compromise can sometimes be frustrating and even self-loathing.

A 38-year-old divorced woman's reminder: "Whether the marriage is good or not, you will know when you go back to your parents' house for the New Year"

Moreover, the stress in marriage does not only come from daily life, but can also come from external expectations and evaluations. The concern of family and friends can sometimes turn into an invisible pressure. They may have all sorts of suggestions for your married life, and even sometimes, these suggestions can feel overwhelming. In such a situation, it is especially important to maintain your own independent thinking and judgment ability.

In addition, there are financial pressures on both parties in the marriage. Whether it's a mortgage, a car loan, or daily expenses, both husband and wife need to bear these responsibilities. Financial problems are often an important factor in marital conflicts. Therefore, how to reasonably plan family finances and how to balance income and expenditure are all issues that cannot be ignored in married life.

Finally, both people in a marriage need to keep learning and growing. Everyone changes over time, and marital relationships need to evolve and change with them. This may mean that you need to learn how to communicate better, how to resolve conflicts more effectively, and even how to give support and encouragement when the other person is facing difficulties.

A 38-year-old divorced woman's reminder: "Whether the marriage is good or not, you will know when you go back to your parents' house for the New Year"

In conclusion, marriage is not a simple romantic journey, but a journey full of challenges and stress. It requires us to keep learning, keep adapting, and keep growing. Only in this way can we find true happiness and fulfillment in the journey of marriage.

Marriage, a seemingly simple word, actually carries countless weights. It is not just the union of two people, but the merging of two worlds. When two people decide to get married, they must be ready to face life's challenges together, including but not limited to financial pressures and family responsibilities.

First of all, financial pressure is a reality that every couple has to face. In today's society, prices are skyrocketing and the cost of living is rising, which undoubtedly puts a lot of pressure on newlyweds. Housing loans, car loans, and daily expenses need to be borne by both husband and wife. Sometimes, in order to ease the financial burden, couples have to work overtime, sacrificing rest and entertainment time, which will undoubtedly take a toll on their lives and health.

A 38-year-old divorced woman's reminder: "Whether the marriage is good or not, you will know when you go back to your parents' house for the New Year"

However, the challenges in marriage go far beyond that. Family responsibilities are also a burden that both spouses must share. From the birth and education of children to the support and care of the elderly, these are all issues that husband and wife need to face together. The issue of children's education is especially important, it is not only related to the future of children, but also to the happiness of the family. Couples need to reach a consensus on the education of their children and work together to provide support and help for their children's development.

In addition, communication and understanding in marriage are crucial. Couples need to support each other and understand each other when facing life's challenges. Sometimes, one partner may be depressed due to work pressure and life pressure, and at this time, the other party needs to give enough care and support to help the other party get through the difficulties. It is only through effective communication and understanding that couples can better face life's challenges.

Of course, challenges in marriage also bring opportunities for growth and progress. In the face of financial pressure, couples can learn to manage their finances better and plan their family budgets more reasonably. In the face of family responsibilities, couples can learn to work better together and solve problems more effectively. By facing challenges together, couples can develop a stronger relationship by understanding and trusting each other.

A 38-year-old divorced woman's reminder: "Whether the marriage is good or not, you will know when you go back to your parents' house for the New Year"

In conclusion, marriage is a challenging journey that requires both spouses to face the various problems of life together. Financial pressures and family responsibilities are inevitable challenges, but by supporting and understanding each other, couples can overcome these challenges together and make their marriage more harmonious and fulfilling.

Ms. Huang, at the age of 38, experienced a major turning point in her life - divorce. This decision has undoubtedly brought earth-shaking changes to her life, and it is also accompanied by huge psychological pressure.

Divorce is not an easy thing for anyone. Ms. Huang is no exception. She once thought that marriage was a lifelong commitment, a harbor for two people to support each other and grow together. However, the reality is cruel, when the marriage comes to an end, she has to face a new state of life. This state is undoubtedly a huge challenge for a middle-aged woman who is accustomed to living with two people.

First of all, Ms. Huang needs to adapt to life alone. In the past, there was another person in the family, whether it was to share happiness or share sorrows, there was someone by her side. But now, she needs to learn to be independent and learn to face everything in life on her own. It's not just about independence in life, it's about being emotionally independent. She needs to learn how to provide emotional support and comfort to herself without a partner.

Secondly, Ms. Huang needs to face financial pressure. Divorce can mean the division of property, an increase in the cost of living. She may need to rethink her career plans or even look for a new job. At this age, re-entering the workforce and facing the pressure of younger competitors is undoubtedly a huge challenge. She needs to have enough courage and determination to face these economic uncertainties.

In addition, Ms. Huang also needs to face social pressure. In many people's minds, divorce seems to be a failure, a dishonorable thing. Ms. Huang may worry about the eyes of others and worry about her social status. This kind of pressure can sometimes make her feel suffocated and feel like she can't breathe freely.

In addition, Ms. Huang also had to face psychological challenges. Divorce can make her doubt her worth and feel lost about her future. She may feel lonely and helpless. At this time, she needs to find a way to release her emotions and adjust her mentality. She may need to seek counseling or find a hobby to bring her life back into color.

Overall, Ms. Huang's life after the divorce was full of challenges. She needs to adapt to a new lifestyle, face economic and social pressures, and at the same time need to adjust her mindset and find a new purpose in life. This process is undoubtedly difficult, but as long as she has enough courage and determination, she will definitely be able to get through this difficult time and find her own happiness.

For Ms. Huang, divorce is not only the end of a relationship, but also an opportunity for deep self-reflection and growth. After experiencing the ups and downs of this marriage, she has a deeper understanding of marriage.

First of all, marriage is not a simple union of two people, but a complex social relationship. Ms. Huang realizes that there is not only love in marriage, but also responsibilities, obligations and compromises. In marriage, two people need to constantly communicate, understand, and adapt to each other, which requires the joint efforts and wisdom of both parties. The divorce made her understand that marriage is not a perfect ending in a fairy tale, but a real life that needs to be managed and maintained by both parties.

Secondly, the divorce made Ms. Huang value her independence even more. In marriage, she may have sacrificed a lot of personal time and energy for the sake of her family and partner. But after the divorce, she began to re-examine her life and rediscover her interests and hobbies. She started trying new things and making new friends, which made her feel more colorful in her life. She realizes that even in marriage, you can't lose yourself completely, and everyone needs to maintain their independence and individuality.

In addition, the divorce also made Ms. Huang more aware of the importance of communication. In marriage, she may have neglected communication with her partner, or the communication style was inappropriate, leading to the accumulation of misunderstandings and conflicts. After the divorce, she began to learn how to express her thoughts and feelings more effectively and how to listen to each other's voices. She realised that good communication was an integral part of a marriage and the key to maintaining harmony in a relationship.

In addition, the divorce also gave Ms. Huang a more mature view of love. She began to realize that love is not static, but needs to be cultivated and maintained by both parties. She no longer pursues the vigorous and passionate love, but longs for the bland, stable, and mutually supportive relationship. She realizes that true love is based on mutual respect, understanding, and trust.

Finally, the divorce also gave Ms. Huang a more positive attitude towards life. Although the divorce brought her a lot of pain and confusion, she did not give up the courage to find happiness. She began to face life more positively and cherish the people and things around her more. She realizes that life is always full of uncertainties and challenges, but as long as she maintains an optimistic and positive attitude, she can overcome difficulties and find her own happiness.

Overall, the divorce had a profound impact on Ms. Huang and gave her a deeper understanding of marriage. She began to value her independence more, to pay more attention to communication, to have a more mature view of love, and to have a more positive attitude towards life. These realizations and growth will help her to walk more calmly and firmly on the road of life in the future.

In Ms. Huang's married life, the issue of returning to her parents' home during the Spring Festival gradually evolved into a major conflict between the husband and wife. At first, her husband's attitude towards returning to Ms. Huang's mother's house for the Spring Festival was reluctant, but as time went on, this reluctance gradually turned into rejection, and sometimes even accompanied by arguments and unhappiness.

The Spring Festival, which was supposed to be a time for family reunions and festive seasons together, made Ms. Huang feel deep helplessness and heartache because of the problem of returning to her parents' home. At first, her husband, although reluctant, would accompany her back to her parents' home, and despite some displeasure in his heart, he remained polite and respectful on the surface. Ms. Huang can also feel her husband's reluctance, but she always comforts herself, thinking that as long as she can go home and be reunited, nothing else matters.

However, as time went on, the husband's attitude began to change significantly. He is no longer the same as before, even if he is reluctant, he will force himself to accompany Ms. Huang home. Instead, he began to find various reasons to refuse, such as being busy with work, feeling unwell, or even directly expressing his reluctance. This left Ms. Huang very confused and sad, and she did not understand why her husband's attitude had changed so much.

Ms. Huang's husband may have his own considerations and reasons. Maybe it's because he feels that the Spring Festival should be spent in his own home, reuniting with his parents; Maybe it was because he felt that he didn't feel comfortable with the customs and rules of Ms. Huang's mother's house; Or maybe it's for some other personal reason that we don't know. But whatever the reason, this change in attitude has undoubtedly put a lot of psychological pressure on Ms. Huang.

Ms. Huang began to reflect on whether she was not good enough in some aspects, and whether she did not give her husband enough understanding and support. She tried to communicate with her husband to find out what he really thought, hoping to find a mutually acceptable solution. But the communication process did not go smoothly and sometimes even turned into arguments, which made her very frustrated.

This question is not just about the trivial matter of returning to their parents' home for the Spring Festival, it reflects the differences between husband and wife on values, living habits and family responsibilities. Ms. Wong realised that if the issue was not properly addressed, it could become a hidden danger affecting their marital relationship.

Ms. Huang began to try to look at the issue from a different angle. She tries to put herself in her husband's shoes and understand his feelings and concerns. At the same time, she is also looking for opportunities to express her ideas and needs to her husband, hoping to find a compromise solution. She knows that it will take time and patience, but she is willing to put in these efforts for the sake of the harmony of the marriage.

In the process, Ms. Huang also learned to be more independent and strong. She began to realize that even in marriage, she needed to maintain her individuality and independence. She no longer pins all her hopes on her husband, but learns to solve problems on her own and find happiness on her own. This independence and strength make her more calm and confident when facing the contradictions and challenges in her marriage.

In general, the problem of returning to her parents' home during the Spring Festival has brought trouble to Ms. Huang's married life, but it has also made her think more and grow. She began to understand more deeply the importance of mutual understanding and respect in marriage, and also learned how to maintain communication and find solutions in the face of differences. These experiences and lessons will undoubtedly have a positive impact on her future life.

Spring Festival, the most important traditional festival in the hearts of Chinese, is not just a simple holiday, it carries deep cultural significance and family feelings. At this moment, no matter where people are, they will find ways to return to their hometowns, reunite with their families, and enjoy that rare warmth and joy. For Ms Wong, Chinese New Year is a special occasion as she looks forward to reuniting with her family and sharing the bits and pieces of the past year.

However, Ms. Huang's husband's change in attitude towards returning to his parents' home during the Spring Festival made her feel deeply disappointed and confused. At first, he reluctantly accepted that, albeit reluctantly, he would at least accompany Ms. Huang home. But as time passed, his attitude gradually hardened and even began to refuse. This change undoubtedly made Ms. Huang feel great psychological pressure, and she did not understand why a holiday that should be full of joy and reunion became a pain point in their marriage.

The change in attitude of Ms. Huang's husband reflects to some extent his disrespect for marriage and his lack of attention to Ms. Huang's family. For Ms. Huang, the Spring Festival is not only a festival, but also an emotional sustenance and responsibility for the family. She hopes to be able to share the joy of family with her family at this special moment, and express her filial piety and gratitude to her parents. But her husband's refusal made her feel neglected and left out.

This change in attitude also made Ms. Huang begin to reflect on their marital relationship. She realized that marriage is not just a union of two people, but a process of mutual respect and understanding. If they can't reach a consensus on such an important moment as the Spring Festival, then in other aspects, can their marriage truly achieve harmony and happiness?

Ms. Huang tried to communicate with her husband in the hope of understanding what was really going on in his heart. She hopes to find a mutually acceptable solution so that returning to her parents' home for the Spring Festival will no longer be a problem. But the communication process is not smooth, and sometimes it even turns into an argument. This made Ms. Huang feel very frustrated, and she didn't know what to do.

At the same time, Ms Wong also began to seek outside help, such as confiding in friends and family for advice and support. She hoped to be able to look at the problem from a different perspective and find a more reasonable solution. In the process, she also received a lot of inspiration and encouragement, which made her more determined to solve the problem.

Ms. Huang's husband may have his own reasons and considerations, but in any case, the issue of returning to his parents' home during the Spring Festival should not be an obstacle in their marriage. Ms. Huang hopes that through communication and hard work, her husband can understand the importance of the Spring Festival to her, and at the same time, she hopes to gain his respect and support.

Overall, Chinese New Year has a special meaning for Chinese, it is an important moment for family reunion, and a way to express filial piety and gratitude. Ms. Huang's husband's change in attitude has undoubtedly brought trouble to her married life, but it has also made her think more and grow. She began to understand more deeply the importance of mutual respect and understanding in marriage, and also learned how to maintain communication and find solutions in the face of differences. These experiences and lessons will undoubtedly have a positive impact on her future life.

Ms. Huang has always had a question in her mind about why her husband's attitude towards returning to his parents' home for the Spring Festival has changed so much. At first, she thought it was just her husband's work pressure or his discomfort with certain family customs. However, as time went on, she discovered that things were not so simple. After a period of observation and reflection, Ms. Huang finally discovered the root of the problem - her husband had an extramarital affair.

This discovery was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for Ms. Huang. She never imagined that her beloved husband would betray her and betray their marriage. The fact of an extramarital affair, like a sharp knife, pierced her heart deeply. She felt pain and disappointment like never before, and at the same time began to reflect on why her husband had made such a choice.

Ms. Huang began to recall the details of her past, trying to find clues about her husband's extramarital affair. She found that since her husband began to have an affair, his care and consideration for her gradually decreased, and his sense of responsibility for the family was slowly disappearing. Especially on the issue of returning to his parents' home during the Spring Festival, his rejection and indifference are actually the embodiment of his inner contradictions and struggles.

Ms. Huang realizes that her husband's extramarital affair is not only a betrayal of his marriage, but also a betrayal of his own responsibilities and commitments. Returning to her parents' home during the Spring Festival is a kind of respect for her family and filial piety to her parents for Ms. Huang. But for her husband, it has become an excuse for him to escape from reality and avoid responsibility. His refusal is actually an evasion of facing his own mistakes and the responsibility of facing Ms. Huang and her family.

This discovery gave Ms. Huang a deeper understanding of her husband's attitude. She began to understand that her husband's indifference and rejection was not because she or her family had done something wrong, but because of his own problems. This made Ms. Huang feel a sense of relief, she no longer blamed herself, and she no longer felt bitter about her husband's attitude.

However, this discovery also presented a new challenge for Ms. Huang. She needs to face her husband's betrayal and needs to decide what to do with the marriage. She began to wonder if she should forgive her husband and whether she should continue the marriage. She needs to weigh her feelings and also think about the future of her family and children.

Ms. Huang also realized that she needed to seek help. She began to seek support from friends and family, and sought advice from professionals. She hopes to find a solution that works for her, so that she can come out of this painful experience and regain her direction and hope in life.

Overall, Ms. Huang's discovery that her husband's extramarital affair was the root cause of the change in his attitude towards returning to his parents' home for the Spring Festival gave her a deeper understanding of marriage and made her reflect on her future. She needs to face her husband's betrayal, needs to make decisions, and at the same time needs to ask for help and support. The process was undoubtedly difficult, but Ms. Huang believes that as long as she has enough courage and determination, she will be able to overcome this difficult time and find her own happiness and future.

Extramarital affairs, this word is undoubtedly a heavy topic in marriage. It not only undermines the most basic fidelity and trust in marriage, but also affects the relationship between family members at a deeper level, including the assumption of family responsibilities. In Ms. Wong's story, we can see that her husband's extramarital affair not only put their marital relationship in jeopardy, but also changed his attitude towards family responsibilities.

Originally, Ms. Huang's husband played the dual role of husband and son-in-law in the marriage. He should give Ms. Huang the love of her husband, and at the same time, he should give Ms. Huang's mother's family the respect and care of her son-in-law. But with the occurrence of extramarital affairs, these responsibilities and concerns that should have been borne are gradually ignored and forgotten. Returning to her parents' home during the Spring Festival, this family activity that should have been a joint participation of husband and wife, but it became full of embarrassment and contradictions because of her husband's betrayal.

The occurrence of extramarital affairs caused Ms. Huang's husband to be psychologically divided. On the one hand, he may still care about his marriage and family with Ms. Huang, but on the other hand, his heart has been drawn by the feelings of the outside world. This inner struggle and contradiction makes him hesitate and even evade when facing family responsibilities. He may no longer be as actively involved in family affairs as he used to be, and he may no longer be as concerned about Ms. Huang's family as he used to.

Ms. Huang's husband may have unconsciously transferred his emotions and energy to his extramarital partner, which undoubtedly weakened his devotion and concern for the family. He may no longer be so willing to spend time with his family and listen to his family's thoughts and needs. This change not only made Ms. Huang feel indifferent and alienated from her husband, but also made Ms. Huang's family feel disrespected and cared for.

Ms. Huang's husband may not realize that his extramarital affair has invisibly hurt both families. His actions not only ruined his marriage to Ms. Huang, but also made Ms. Huang's family feel disappointed and distressed. They may have had high hopes for the son-in-law, hoping that he would be able to give Ms. Huang happiness and support, but now, it all seems out of reach.

After Ms. Huang found out about her husband's extramarital affair, her heart was filled with mixed emotions. She felt the pain of being betrayed and also felt worried about the future of her family. She began to think about how to face this reality and how to protect her family from greater harm. She needs to find a way to deal with her husband's betrayal, while also taking into account her own feelings and those of her family.

Ms. Wong's husband may need to reflect deeply on his actions and recognize the damage that extramarital affairs have done to the family. He needs to re-examine his responsibilities and regain his care and devotion to his family. He needs to understand that marriage is not just a matter of two people, but also a connection between two families. Every decision and action he makes will have a profound impact on the family.

Overall, extramarital affairs not only undermined marital fidelity, but also affected Ms. Huang's husband's commitment to family responsibilities, including respect and concern for Ms. Huang's maiden family. The solution to this problem requires Ms. Huang and her husband to face and work together. They need to find ways to rebuild trust and repair relationships through communication and understanding. At the same time, Ms. Huang's husband also needs to deeply realize his mistakes and regain his responsibility for the family. Only in this way can they get out of the predicament together and regain the happiness of their marriage and family.

Marriage, the sacred contract, is not only a matter for two people, but also a union of two families. In marriage, a person's attitude towards his or her spouse's family can often reflect his/her sense of responsibility and sincerity towards his or her spouse. This attitude is not only a superficial politeness and respect, but also a kind of care and support that goes deep into the bone marrow.

First of all, if a person is sincere about his or her spouse, then he/she will naturally care and respect his/her spouse's family. This is manifested in the little things of daily life, for example, he will take the initiative to ask about the physical condition of his spouse and parents, will send blessings and gifts during holidays, and will not hesitate to lend a helping hand when they need help. These behaviors, although seemingly insignificant, can reflect the importance and concern that a person attaches to his spouse's family.

However, if a person is indifferent or even ignorant towards his or her spouse's family, then it often means that he/she is lacking in his or her sense of responsibility for the marriage. He/she may not actively participate in the activities of the spouse's family, will not care about the needs and feelings of the spouse's family, and may even choose to evade and shirk responsibilities at critical moments. This attitude will undoubtedly make the spouse feel disappointed and chilled, and it will also have a negative impact on the marital relationship.

In Ms. Huang's story, we can see that her husband's attitude towards her family changed significantly after his extramarital affair. He no longer actively participated in the activities of returning to his parents' home during the Spring Festival as before, and even began to find various reasons to refuse. This change is undoubtedly a manifestation of his lack of sense of responsibility and lack of sincerity towards Ms. Huang. His actions not only hurt Ms. Huang's feelings, but also made Ms. Huang's family feel disappointed and dissatisfied.

The sense of responsibility in marriage is not only reflected in the care and support for the spouse, but also in the respect and care for the spouse's family. If a person is able to do this, then his/her status and influence in the marriage will also be enhanced. He/she will be seen as a trustworthy and dependable partner, and will also be recognized and respected by the spouse's family.

Of course, the sense of responsibility and sincerity in marriage is not static. They need to be nurtured and maintained by both parties. A person may ignore these at some stage, but through communication and reflection, he/she can regain his or her sense of responsibility for the marriage and sincerity for the spouse. The process can be challenging, but as long as both partners are willing to put in the effort, then it is possible for the marital relationship to be repaired and strengthened.

In general, a person's attitude towards his spouse's family in a marriage is an important measure of his/her sense of responsibility and sincerity. This attitude not only affects the quality and stability of the marital relationship, but also affects the harmony and happiness of both families. Therefore, both Ms. Huang and her husband need to be deeply aware of this and show respect for marriage and care for the family in practical actions. Only in this way will they be able to create a married life full of love and responsibility together.

Choosing a partner is a major event in life, and we have to think carefully. When choosing a partner, many people may first pay attention to the other person's appearance or family background, which is understandable, after all, people are visual creatures, and family background can also reflect a person's upbringing and growth environment. But we have to understand that these are just the tip of the iceberg, what really matters is whether the person has a sense of family responsibility and his/her attitude towards the spouse and his family.

First of all, the sense of family responsibility is not something that can be seen overnight. We have to observe the details of the other person's life, such as whether he/she is a person who does what he or she says, and how he or she treats his or her work and friends, which can indirectly reflect his/her sense of responsibility. A responsible person will be responsible for his words and deeds, and he will also take due responsibility for his family.

Let's talk about attitudes towards spouses and their families. This is an important measure of a person's suitability to be a partner. If a person truly loves you, then he/she will naturally respect and care for your family. For example, during the holidays, he/she will take the initiative to visit your parents, and he or she will usually care about their health and living conditions. This concern is not pretentious, but heartfelt.

On the other hand, if a person is indifferent to your family when interacting with you, and even sometimes says disrespectful words, then we have to think about such a person. Marriage is not a matter of two people, it is the union of two families. If the other party can't respect and accept your family, then such a marriage will definitely have many problems in the future.

Also, let's look at each other's attitude when dealing with family issues. Is it able to face it positively, and is it able to share it with you? For example, if something happens at home, can he/she work with you to discuss a solution, instead of evading or shirking responsibility? This spirit of facing difficulties together is indispensable in marriage.

Of course, no one is perfect, and everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. When choosing a partner, we should not only look at his/her current performance, but also see whether he/she has the potential to improve and grow. A person who is willing to change and work hard for you and his family is worthy of our cherishing and entrusting for life.

In conclusion, the choice of partner, appearance and family background is important, but it is more important to see whether the person has a sense of family responsibility and his/her attitude towards the spouse and his family. These qualities are the key to supporting the long-term development of marriage. Therefore, when we choose a partner, we must keep our eyes open, feel and judge with our hearts, and find the person who can spend our lives with you.

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