
As long as the parents don't do this thing, the marriage of the son and daughter-in-law will be happy and transferred to the in-laws


Xiaoxia and her husband Ah Qiang have just been married for a month, and it should be a sweet newlywed life, but because of some family problems, Xiaoxia feels exhausted. In fact, Xiaoxia and Ah Qiang have always had a good relationship when they are in love, the two understand and tolerate each other, and there are almost no major contradictions. But after getting married, the situation changed a lot.

The root of the problem lies with Cuong's parents. Cuong's parents are the older generation, which is particularly traditional, believing that when their son gets married, the daughter-in-law should obey her in-laws' arrangement. Xiaoxia originally thought that she could adapt, but she didn't expect their interference to be so serious. For example, Cuong's mother would call every day and ask them what they had eaten, what they were wearing, and even when Xiaoxia would wake up and go to bed. Sometimes, Xiaoxia and Cuong are just about to go out on a date when Cuong's mother calls and says that there is something at home that they need to go back to help, and Cuong agrees without saying a word.

Not only that, but Cuong's parents would visit their home from time to time. Every time I come, I either point to Xiaoxia's housework or criticize her cooking skills. Xiaoxia was not particularly good at cooking, but she was also studying hard, and as a result, she was picked by her mother-in-law every time she was useless. Cuong's father is no exception, always pointing fingers at Xiaoxia's work, feeling that she should quit her job and focus on taking care of the family at home.

As long as the parents don't do this thing, the marriage of the son and daughter-in-law will be happy and transferred to the in-laws

Xiaoxia tried to communicate with Cuong, hoping that he could talk to his parents so that they could interfere less. But Cuong always stood by his parents, thinking that they were doing it for his own good. Every time Xiaoxia brings up this topic, Cuong will say, "They are all for our good, so you can bear with it." This made Xiaoxia feel very helpless and aggrieved.

Once, Xiaoxia couldn't help it and quarreled with Ah Qiang. She said, "I married you, not your parents!" We should have our own lives and not be led by the nose by them! Ah Qiang was also angry when he heard this, thinking that Xiaoxia was ignorant and disrespected his parents. The contradictions between the two people are getting deeper and deeper, even to the point of the Cold War.

Xiaoxia began to feel that such a married life made her see no hope. She spends her days in depression and feels like she is trapped in an invisible cage. She wanted to be free, she wanted to have her own space, but it all seemed out of reach. She began to wonder if she had made the wrong choice.

As long as the parents don't do this thing, the marriage of the son and daughter-in-law will be happy and transferred to the in-laws

In a chat with her best friend, Xiaoxia finally couldn't help crying. "I really can't take it anymore, I feel like I'm going to break down," she said. I don't know if I'll be able to hold on. The girlfriend was also distressed when she heard this, and persuaded her to give herself and Ah Qiang some more time, maybe things would take a turn for the better.

However, Xiaoxia already had a thought in her heart: divorce. She feels that only by leaving this family can she find herself again and live the life she wants. She knew it was going to be a difficult decision, but she was mentally prepared.

Xiaoxia's story is actually not uncommon, and many newlyweds will face similar problems. Family interference and poor communication between husband and wife are common causes of marital conflicts. Hopefully, Xiaoxia and Cuong can find a solution to the problem and regain their happiness.

Xiaoxia's husband Ah Qiang is the only child in the family, and he has been held in the palm of his parents since he was a child and lives a carefree life. Keung's parents were very fond of him and arranged almost everything for him. When he was a child, Ah Qiang's study and life were all handled by his parents, and when he grew up, his parents also worried about major events such as work and marriage. Keung was accustomed to this way of life and felt that his parents' arrangement was the best choice.

As long as the parents don't do this thing, the marriage of the son and daughter-in-law will be happy and transferred to the in-laws

After getting married, Xiaoxia finds that Cuong's dependence on his parents is even worse than she imagined. For example, every time they go out to eat, Cuong will call his parents first to ask for their opinion on any recommended restaurants. Even when it comes to buying furniture and decorating the house, Cuong has to listen to his parents' advice. Xiaoxia originally thought that these were trivial things, and it would be over after a while, but after a long time, she found that this dependence had penetrated into all aspects of her life.

Once, Xiaoxia and Cuong were planning to go on their honeymoon and had already chosen a destination and time, but Cuong's mother called and said that they had something to do at that time and hoped they could reschedule. Ah Qiang agreed without saying a word, without considering Xiaoxia's feelings at all. Xiaoxia felt very aggrieved at the time, but she still held back and didn't have a seizure.

What makes Xiaoxia even more troublesome is that Cuong's parents interfere more and more in their lives. Cuong's mother would call every day and ask them what they were eating, what they were wearing, and even when Xiaoxia would wake up and go to bed. Sometimes, Xiaoxia and Cuong are just about to go out on a date when Cuong's mother calls and says that there is something at home that they need to go back to help, and Cuong agrees without saying a word.

As long as the parents don't do this thing, the marriage of the son and daughter-in-law will be happy and transferred to the in-laws

After Xiaoxia and her husband Ah Keong got married, they originally planned to go to Bali for their honeymoon. The beauty and romance of Bali have always been a dream in Xiaoxia's heart, and she started planning her itinerary early, choosing a hotel, and even looking up a lot of local food and attractions online, looking forward to this sweet trip.

However, just a few days before they were ready to book a flight, Cuong's parents suddenly made a "suggestion". They said, "We have always wanted to go to Bali, so why don't we go together, so that we can take care of you." When Cuong heard this, he immediately thought it was a good idea, after all, his parents were old, and it was a rare opportunity to have the opportunity to travel together.

But Xiaoxia was a little reluctant in her heart. She had hoped that this honeymoon would be a two-person world for the two of them, and they could enjoy the sweet time of the newlywed. However, in the face of Cuong's parents' proposal, she can't refuse it directly, after all, they are elders, and Cuong seems to agree with this suggestion.

Xiaoxia tentatively said to Ah Qiang: "Can we go on this honeymoon trip just the two of us?" I will have the opportunity to take my parents on a trip with me in the future. Cuong felt that Xiaoxia was a little selfish, he said: "Mom and Dad are also for our good, and they also want to share this good time with us." And it's good that they're older, and it's good to have the opportunity to hang out together. ”

Xiaoxia listened, although she was a little disappointed, but she reluctantly agreed. She thought that maybe the trip would also strengthen her bond with her in-laws. So, the four of them embarked on a journey to Bali together.

When she arrives in Bali, Xiaoxia discovers that things are not as simple as she imagined. Cuong's parents have a lot of opinions about the itinerary and knock on the door early every morning to urge them to get up and go to breakfast. Xiaoxia originally thought that she could sleep lazily on her honeymoon and enjoy the sunshine by the sea leisurely, but she had to follow the rhythm of her in-laws.

What makes Xiaoxia even more uncomfortable is that Cuong's mother always likes to point fingers in front of them. For example, once when they were walking on the beach, Cuong wanted to take Xiaoxia's hand for a walk, but Cuong's mother immediately came over and said, "You young people should not be too intimate, pay attention to the influence." Xiaoxia felt very embarrassed at the time, but it was not easy to have a seizure, so she could only endure it silently.

Back at the hotel in the evening, Xiaoxia wants to talk to Cuong about her feelings, but Cuong thinks she's making a big fuss. He said: "Mom and Dad are also for our good, so you should be more considerate." When Xiaoxia heard this, she felt even more aggrieved, feeling that she had not received the respect and space she deserved in this honeymoon trip.

After a few days, Xiaoxia felt like she was about to collapse. What she was expecting on a romantic honeymoon turned into a stressful and unpleasant trip. She begins to wonder if her marriage to Cuong has gone in the wrong direction from the beginning.

During a video call with her best friend, Xiaoxia finally couldn't help crying. "I really couldn't stand it, the trip made me feel like an outsider, completely devoid of my own space and freedom," she said. The girlfriend was also distressed when she heard this, and persuaded her to give herself and Ah Qiang some more time, maybe things would take a turn for the better.

After Xiaoxia and Cuong get married, they plan to go to Bali for their honeymoon. Xiaoxia was full of anticipation for this trip, and began to plan her itinerary early, choose a hotel, and even looked up a lot of local food and attractions on the Internet, looking forward to this sweet trip. However, just a few days before they were ready to book a flight, Cuong's parents suddenly made a "suggestion". They said, "We have always wanted to go to Bali, so why don't we go together, so that we can take care of you." When Cuong heard this, he immediately thought it was a good idea, after all, his parents were old, and it was a rare opportunity to have the opportunity to travel together.

Xiaoxia was very dissatisfied with this. She had hoped that this honeymoon would be a two-person world for the two of them, and they could enjoy the sweet time of the newlywed. However, in the face of Cuong's parents' proposal, she can't refuse it directly, after all, they are elders, and Cuong seems to agree with this suggestion.

Back at the hotel in the evening, Xiaoxia finally couldn't help it. She said to Cuong: "This honeymoon trip was supposed to be a matter for the two of us, why should we bring our parents with us?" I felt like I didn't have any personal space at all, and I didn't enjoy my honeymoon at all. Ah Qiang felt that Xiaoxia was making a big fuss, he said: "Mom and Dad are also for our good, you should be more considerate." ”

When Xiaoxia heard this, she felt even more aggrieved, feeling that she had not received the respect and space she deserved on this honeymoon trip. She begins to wonder if her marriage to Cuong has gone in the wrong direction from the beginning. She felt that Cuong didn't understand her feelings at all, and just blindly stood on her parents' side.

After Xiaoxia and Cuong got married, they chose to live with Cuong's parents. At first, Xiaoxia thought that this would save a lot of money for renting a house and take better care of the elderly. However, as time passed, she found that living with her in-laws was far from being as simple as she imagined, and it could even be said to be extremely inconvenient.

The first is the difference in living habits. Xiaoxia and Cuong are both young people who are used to the rhythm of going to bed late and waking up late. But Cuong's parents are typical representatives of going to bed early and waking up early. Every morning before 6 o'clock, my in-laws start to work at home, making breakfast and cleaning, making the house noisy. Xiaoxia originally thought that she could sleep lazily on the weekend, but every time she was woken up by these sounds, her mood naturally did not improve.

The second is the difference in eating habits. Xiaoxia likes to eat light food, while Cuong's parents prefer heavy dishes. Every time she eats, the table is always full of greasy braised pork, chili stir-fried meat and other dishes, and Xiaoxia has no appetite when she looks at it. She tried to cook by herself, but every time she made a light dish, her in-laws didn't like it very much, which made Xiaoxia very embarrassed.

What's even more troublesome for Xiaoxia is that Cuong's mother always likes to dictate her housework. For example, as soon as Xiaoxia finished mopping the floor, Cuong's mother would come over and say, "Your mopping ground is not clean, and there is still dust in the corner." Xiaoxia was not particularly good at housework, but she was also studying hard, but every time she was picked by her mother-in-law for nothing, she naturally felt very uncomfortable.

At night, Xiaoxia and Cuong want some private space. Cuong's dad likes to watch TV, and he turns on his voice very loudly. Xiaoxia and Cuong want to chat and watch movies in the living room, but they are always interrupted by the sound of the TV. Not to mention that two people want some intimate time, and they always feel that someone will come in at any time in the house, and there is no privacy at all.

Xiaoxia tried to communicate with Cuong, hoping to move out. "It's really inconvenient for us to live together like this, and I don't feel like I have any personal space at all," she said. But Ah Qiang felt that Xiaoxia was too hypocritical, he said: "My parents are old, and we can take care of them if we live together, so you can bear with it." ”

When Xiaoxia heard this, she felt even more aggrieved, feeling that Ah Qiang didn't understand her feelings at all. She begins to wonder if her marriage to Cuong has gone in the wrong direction from the beginning. She felt that Cuong was always on his parents' side and didn't consider her feelings at all.

After a few days, Xiaoxia felt like she was about to collapse. The married life she was looking forward to turned into a stressful and unpleasant experience. She begins to wonder if her marriage to Cuong has gone in the wrong direction from the beginning.

During a video call with her best friend, Xiaoxia finally couldn't help crying. "I really can't stand it, this life makes me feel like an outsider, with no space and freedom of my own," she said. The girlfriend was also distressed when she heard this, and persuaded her to give herself and Ah Qiang some more time, maybe things would take a turn for the better.

After Xiaoxia and Cuong got married, they originally thought that the two could start a sweet newlywed life, but she soon found that things were not as simple as she imagined. Cuong is an only child who has been spoiled by his mother since he was a child, and he relies on his mother for almost everything. Xiaoxia thought that after getting married, Cuong would slowly learn to be independent, but the reality disappointed her.

Cuong's mother is a typical "super mother", from childhood to adulthood, Cuong's food, clothing, housing and transportation are almost all arranged by her. After getting married, Xiaoxia found that Ah Qiang had not even mastered the most basic life skills. For example, Keung's clothes and socks are always washed by his mother, even his underwear. Xiaoxia thought that she would take over these things after marriage, but Cuong's mother still insisted on coming to help her son wash clothes every day.

Xiaoxia was very dissatisfied with this. She felt that as an adult, Cuong should learn to take care of himself instead of continuing to rely on his mother. What makes her even more uncomfortable is that Keung's mother doesn't seem to trust her and always thinks that she can't do these chores well. Every time Xiaoxia tried to help Cuong wash his clothes, Cuong's mother would come over and point out that she was not clean, and would even take the clothes away and wash them again.

Xiaoxia felt that she had no status in this family at all, and even felt like an outsider. She tried to communicate with Cuong, hoping that he would understand her feelings. "We're married, and you should learn to take care of yourself instead of continuing to rely on your mom," she said. If this continues, I don't feel like I have any presence in this home. ”

However, Cuong felt that Xiaoxia was making trouble unreasonably. He said: "My mom has always taken care of me like this, and she is doing it for my good. Just be considerate. Keung's attitude disappointed Xiaoxia, who felt that Cuong didn't understand her feelings at all and was unwilling to make any changes for her.

Xiaoxia began to wonder if her choice was wrong. She felt that when she married Ah Qiang, not only did she not get the respect and love she deserved, but it was like marrying into a family that did not belong to her at all. She spends her days in depression and feels like she is trapped in an invisible cage.

Once, Xiaoxia couldn't help it and quarreled with Ah Qiang. She said, "I married you, not your mother!" We should have our own lives instead of being led by your mother! Ah Qiang was also angry when he heard this, thinking that Xiaoxia was ignorant and disrespectful to his mother. The contradictions between the two people are getting deeper and deeper, even to the point of the Cold War.

Xiaoxia and Cuong's married life is not as happy as she expected. Cuong's dependence on his mother makes Xiaoxia feel that she has no place in this family at all, and even feels like an outsider. Every time she tries to communicate with Cuong, hoping that he can understand her feelings, Cuong always stands on his mother's side, much to the disappointment of Xiaoxia.

Xiaoxia's parents saw it in their eyes and felt pain in their hearts. They knew that their daughter had suffered a lot of grievances in her marriage, and they were very unwilling. Xiaoxia's mother wanted to come to the door several times to reason with Cuong's parents, but was stopped by Xiaoxia. She didn't want to complicate things or let her parents worry about her.

Once, Xiaoxia went back to her parents' house and couldn't help but confide in her parents about her troubles. She said: "I really can't stand it, Cuong relies on his mother for everything, even his clothes and socks are washed. I don't feel like I have any presence in this home, I feel like an outsider at all. Xiaoxia's mother listened, hugged her distressedly, and said, "Child, you have suffered. We always thought that you would be happy when you got married, but we didn't expect you to have such a hard time. ”

Xiaoxia's father was also very angry, he said: "Ah Qiang, this child is too ignorant, and he is still so dependent on his mother after getting married." You young people should have your own life and can't always be led by the nose by the elderly. When Xiaoxia heard this, she felt even more aggrieved, and her tears couldn't stop flowing.

In order to ease her daughter's mood, Xiaoxia's mother proposed that the whole family go on a trip together to relax. She said: "Why don't we go out on a trip as a family, take your in-laws, and go to a distant place together, and everyone relaxes." When Xiaoxia heard this, she smiled bitterly in her heart. She knew that her mother was sarcastic about Cuong's parents, always meddling in their lives, even going on their honeymoon.

Xiaoxia's father also chimed in: "Yes, since they like to interfere in your lives so much, why don't you let them go on a trip together and see if they can relax a little." Xiaoxia listened, although she felt funny in her heart, she also felt a little helpless. She knew her parents were for her good, but this sarcastic suggestion didn't really solve the problem.

When Xiaoxia returned home, she told Cuong about her parents' advice. Ah Qiang listened and felt that Xiaoxia's parents were deliberately finding fault, and he was also a little dissatisfied. He said, "Are your parents sarcastic about our family?" We just want to care more about you, how did it become interference? When Xiaoxia heard this, she felt even more aggrieved, she said: "What we need is our own space, not being led by your parents." Can you understand how I feel? ”

Cuong is still on his parents' side, he said, "My mom has always taken care of me like this, she is for my good." Just be considerate. When Xiaoxia heard this, she was even more disappointed, feeling that Cuong didn't understand her feelings at all and was unwilling to make any changes for her.

Xiaoxia and Cuong's marriage was supposed to be sweet and happy, but the reality made Xiaoxia feel exhausted. Cuong's parents interfere too much in their lives, and although the starting point is care and love, this excessive interference makes Xiaoxia feel suffocated.

Cuong is the only child in the family and has been pampered by his parents since he was a child. After getting married, Cuong's parents still maintained this habit, feeling that they needed to worry about everything about their son. Every morning, Cuong's mother would call them and ask them what they had eaten, what they were wearing, and even when Xiaoxia would wake up and when she would go to bed. Sometimes, Xiaoxia and Cuong are just about to go out on a date when Cuong's mother calls and says that there is something at home that they need to go back to help, and Cuong agrees without saying a word.

Xiaoxia was very dissatisfied with this. She feels that married life should be a matter for two people, and they should have their own space and privacy, rather than being led by their in-laws. She tried to communicate with Cuong, hoping that he could talk to his parents so that they could interfere less. But Cuong always stood by his parents, thinking that they were doing it for his own good. Every time Xiaoxia brings up this topic, Cuong will say, "They are all for our good, so you can bear with it." This made Xiaoxia feel very helpless and aggrieved.

Xiaoxia and Cuong's married life should have been sweet and happy, but the reality made Xiaoxia feel exhausted. Cuong's parents interfere too much in their lives, and although the starting point is care and love, this excessive interference makes Xiaoxia feel suffocated.

Xiaoxia's story is actually not uncommon, and many newlyweds will face similar problems. Family interference and poor communication between husband and wife are common causes of marital conflicts. Parents' concern is certainly out of love, but excessive interference can seriously affect the married life of their children. I hope that all parents can understand that letting go of their children and letting them stand on their own and run their own marriage is the true love for them. Only in this way can children find their place in marriage and live happily ever after.

Xiaoxia's story is actually not uncommon, and many newlyweds will face similar problems. Family interference and poor communication between husband and wife are common causes of marital conflicts. Marriage requires the joint efforts of both spouses, rather than the involvement of the parents. Only when the husband and wife face the challenges of life together can a strong marriage be truly established. I hope that all parents can understand that letting go of their children and letting them stand on their own and run their own marriage is the true love for them. Only in this way can children find their place in marriage and live happily ever after.