
The daughter-in-law beat her father-in-law and got the support of the whole family, sister-in-law: Sister-in-law is right, my father is too selfish

author:Lu Mengmeng's emotions

Xiaohong said that she is Chinese New Year's Eve five years old, married to her husband for 14 years, gave birth to a son, and has raised him until he is 12 years old.

Because of her father-in-law's relationship, the atmosphere at home was very depressing, so she didn't want to go home anymore.

And she married here, and it is not easy to go back to her parents' house once, and her heart is even more depressed.

If it weren't for the sake of a good relationship with her husband, she would have been unable to stay in this house for a long time, and she would have divorced and left.

Her in-laws gave birth to two children, one was her husband and the other was her sister-in-law.

Over the years, the old people have lived with them.

She has a more upright personality, and she has something to say, her father-in-law is noisy at home at every turn, and she said it many times, but her father-in-law didn't listen.

As soon as she was in a hurry, she opened her mouth to scold her father-in-law.

The daughter-in-law beat her father-in-law and got the support of the whole family, sister-in-law: Sister-in-law is right, my father is too selfish

Actually, she didn't want to do this, but her father-in-law's words and deeds made her unbearable.

Her husband works outside all the year round and can't handle the affairs of the family, so she has to deal with it on her own, and she really feels a little tired.

At this time, she asked for help in the hope that someone would give them a review.

If there is something wrong with her, she will naturally correct it.

A few minutes later, everyone came to Xiaohong's house.

As soon as he entered the house, the mediator saw Xiaohong's father-in-law, Lao Yuan, and Xiaohong's mother-in-law, Mrs. Li.

Mrs. Li is not in good health and walks slower than usual.

Lao Yuan said that he was an elder in the end, but he was slapped by his daughter-in-law, a junior.

Who can understand his grievances?

The mediator felt incredible, listening to Xiaohong's conversation, he didn't look like a vexatious and disrespectful person.

There must be some misunderstanding in the middle.

Xiaohong dared to act boldly, and directly admitted that she had beaten her father-in-law.

The father-in-law pushed her, and scolded her first, and she immediately fought back.

Lao Yuan said that he was angry and casually scolded a few swear words, and did not name and scold his daughter-in-law.

The daughter-in-law used this as an excuse to slap him, which is not right.

Xiaohong also said that the two of them were quarreling at that time, and even if her father-in-law didn't name her, she knew that he was scolding her.

Saying dirty words in front of her is actually humiliating.

The mediator asked again, why did the two suddenly quarrel, did something happen?

Lao Yuan opened his mouth, and that day, he went home and found his twelve-year-old grandson riding an electric car out to play, worried that something would happen to the child, so he immediately found Xiaohong and told her about it.

The grandson is still a child, and it is dangerous to ride an adult's electric car.

The daughter-in-law beat her father-in-law and got the support of the whole family, sister-in-law: Sister-in-law is right, my father is too selfish

The daughter-in-law was not happy to hear this, and complained that he was nosy, and she took care of her children herself, so she didn't need him to worry about it.

When he heard this, he became angry, and he was not polite when he spoke, but he quarreled, and then he was beaten.

Xiaohong looked at the mediator and explained that she knew that her father-in-law told her about her son riding an electric car out of kindness and cared about the child.

The father-in-law is the son's grandfather, of course, he will not harm the child, and she also knows this.

It is indeed dangerous for children to run around on bicycles, and she agrees with her father-in-law's statement.

The point is that the father-in-law keeps nagging and repeating this matter, which is unnecessary.

She also felt annoyed by listening to it too much.

She said that she just managed it herself, and she didn't need her father-in-law to manage it too much, which was also the truth, and she didn't mean to complain and blame her father-in-law.

The father-in-law misunderstood what she meant and began to scold.

There are really too many little things like this at home.

A little bad thing, the father-in-law can be magnified, and the whole family is full of chicken feathers.

If you want to live a good life, there is no need to hold on to some things, and there is no need to scold.

The mediator believes that there are some problems with the way the child rides an electric car, the old one does not look like an old man, and the younger generation does not look like a junior.

The daughter-in-law beat her father-in-law and got the support of the whole family, sister-in-law: Sister-in-law is right, my father is too selfish

However, she did it to her father-in-law, this matter was really excessive, in the end, it was an elder, and when she did it, things were complicated.

If others don't know the inside story, they will talk nonsense behind their backs, which will have a bad impact on the whole family.

The old man's temper was too impatient, so he had to restrain his emotions.

Xiaohong nodded, it was really wrong for her to beat her father-in-law, but as soon as she thought of her mother-in-law's pitiful appearance, she wanted to seek justice for her mother-in-law and help her mother-in-law fight back.

My mother-in-law has been oppressed by her father-in-law all her life, and her life is too hard.

She took advantage of that opportunity to beat her father-in-law and avenge her mother-in-law.

But as long as her father-in-law doesn't trouble her mother-in-law, she will never embarrass her father-in-law, let alone fight with her father-in-law.

She seriously told her father-in-law a few times, and her father-in-law didn't do the same thing, and still bullied her mother-in-law.

The son rode out on an electric car, and it had nothing to do with his mother-in-law, and her father-in-law told her that it was okay, and he vented his anger on his mother-in-law, scolding his mother-in-law for not paying attention, and letting the child run around on a bicycle.

The more the mediator listened, the more he felt that their family was complicated, thinking that it was a conflict between his daughter-in-law and his father-in-law, but he didn't expect that the daughter-in-law was angry for her mother-in-law.

Xiaohong nodded, that's right, every time she opened her mouth to scold her father-in-law, she couldn't get used to her father-in-law bullying her mother-in-law, and she scolded her mother-in-law at every turn.

Maybe it's because she's not easy to mess with, or maybe she's a daughter-in-law, and her father-in-law doesn't dare to really embarrass her, at most he scolds a few words.

Mrs. Li, who had been silent for a long time, spoke, and her daughter-in-law beat her father-in-law, who was supported by their whole family.

The son and daughter, as well as her, all think that the wife is to blame and should clean him up.

She is not in good health, and her mouth is not smart enough, she can't fight or scold.

Daughters-in-law are different.

My wife, who scolded her so badly, said that she was to blame for the family being like this, and everything was her fault.

It's also her fault that the child is so naughty.

In the past, when other bad things happened in the family, he also scolded him like this.

As soon as he heard his wife say this, Lao Yuan began to be irritable, he was right, he was the child that his wife was used to.

The daughter-in-law beat her father-in-law and got the support of the whole family, sister-in-law: Sister-in-law is right, my father is too selfish

No one in the family stood on his side and united against him alone.

He said a few words to his daughter-in-law, and his wife immediately joined his daughter-in-law's team, saying that he was making a big fuss, and the old and young were like this, and he was angry with him.

Xiaohong said, look, talking and talking, the father-in-law lost his temper again.

Every time something happens at home, my father-in-law is verbose, constantly emphasizing the faults of others, and losing his temper inexplicably, trying to suppress the family with irritability.

It's ridiculous to think about it, there are people who want to solve the problem with irritability.

She said a few times that as long as he didn't trouble his mother-in-law, she wouldn't quarrel with her father-in-law.

Mrs. Li said that her wife had a problem, and of course she would not stand on her wife's side.

Moreover, his wife always scolds her, and she is on his side, either stupid or stupid.

It's a big deal that she didn't live with him, she lived with her daughter-in-law.

Their wife is not good alone, the daughter-in-law is good, the son is good, and the daughter is good.

Speaking of this, Mrs. Li was reluctant to continue, for fear that Lao Yuan would break the defense and get angry again.

As soon as he heard this, Lao Yuan's face turned black with anger.

Xiaohong said that her mother-in-law was right, she started beating her father-in-law, and she did get the support of the whole family.

Subsequently, she dug out the chat history with her sister-in-law and handed her mobile phone to the mediator.

I don't know if I don't see it, I was shocked when I saw it, and the content of the chat surprised the mediator very much.

The sister-in-law said to her sister-in-law Xiaohong, sister-in-law, hurry home.

Come back and have a fight.

Her identity is not suitable for doing it, otherwise, she would have done it long ago.

It is not difficult to guess that the sister-in-law called Xiaohong to come back to fight, and the person who wanted to fight was her father-in-law, Lao Yuan.

Obviously, the sister-in-law also has a lot of opinions about Lao Yuan, and her resentment is quite heavy.

The first time the mediator encountered this situation, it was a conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, daughter-in-law, or a family joining forces to bully the daughter-in-law.

The daughter-in-law beat her father-in-law and got the support of the whole family, sister-in-law: Sister-in-law is right, my father is too selfish

Unexpectedly, there was a daughter-in-law, mother-in-law and sister-in-law who joined forces to deal with the father-in-law.

Xiaohong said that she married here at first, and there was no contradiction with her father-in-law.

But seeing her mother-in-law being bullied by her father-in-law, she couldn't stand it anymore, and the sense of justice in her heart was burning, and she couldn't turn a blind eye and ignore it.

She had to stand up and take care of this.

The mediator came to the conclusion that the daughter-in-law Xiaohonglu saw the injustice and pulled out a knife to help, a very bold person.

If the father-in-law does not quarrel with the mother-in-law at home, there will be no contradictions.

The mediator asked again, what are the unreasonable behaviors of the father-in-law?

Xiaohong sighed, too much, his temper is very strange, often inexplicably angry, and others don't know the reason.

The father-in-law scolded his mother-in-law and destroyed the things in the house.

All the door locks in the room at home were kicked by her father-in-law, even her and her son's room.

Fortunately, the lock of the gate was not broken, otherwise they were all worried that someone would come to the house to steal.

The daughter-in-law beat her father-in-law and got the support of the whole family, sister-in-law: Sister-in-law is right, my father is too selfish

The door lock that was broken at the beginning was the one where the mother-in-law lived, and the mother-in-law was so frightened by her father-in-law that she hid in the room and didn't dare to open the door, so the father-in-law kept kicking the door outside.

While speaking, Xiaohong led the mediator around the house to see what was destroyed by her father-in-law.

Lao Yuan said that no matter how he shouted at the time, his wife didn't say anything, and he kicked the door because he was worried that something would happen.

Mrs. Li hurriedly retorted, how could he be worried about her, and kicked the door open to continue to beat and scold her.

He abused her.

For decades as a husband and wife, she has been living in pain, frightened and cautious every day, for fear that he will find an excuse to make things difficult for her.

Mrs. Li hid her face and wept.

Xiaohong once again fought for her mother-in-law, her mother-in-law has paid so much for this family, but she has not been treated and recognized by her father-in-law, and she feels worthless for her mother-in-law.

Five years ago, my mother-in-law had a cerebral infarction, and her physical condition was not good, and my father-in-law was inconsiderate, and I blamed my mother-in-law for not taking good care of my grandmother.

When she occasionally went out to do odd jobs, her mother-in-law cooked at home and took care of her grandmother.

The meals for the two were the same, but the grandmother scolded her mother-in-law for bringing her leftovers, either because the food was not delicious and not fine enough.

Picky, grandma's body is tougher than her mother-in-law, and she is not sick, but her brain is confused.

It is not easy for a mother-in-law to take care of her grandmother as a patient, and she will be disliked, and her mother-in-law must feel uncomfortable.

The daughter-in-law beat her father-in-law and got the support of the whole family, sister-in-law: Sister-in-law is right, my father is too selfish

Grandma also gave her father-in-law eye medicine, and her father-in-law scolded her mother-in-law for treating her grandmother badly.

The rabbit will bite when it is anxious, and if it goes on like this, no matter how docile the mother-in-law is, there will be an outbreak one day.

Lao Yuan defended that he knew that it was not easy for his wife to take care of his mother, but the old mother was confused and didn't need to worry too much about the old mother, he didn't blame his wife, he just wanted to persuade her to relax.

Xiaohong couldn't help but roll her eyes, where was her father-in-law's persuasion, it was clearly scolding.

Walking around the house, pointing at his mother-in-law, scolding over and over again, is there such a soothing thing?

Anyway, she has never seen it, and she has not seen a single comforting word in the whole process, except for scolding, it is suppression.

Speaking of these things, Mrs. Li was extremely aggrieved and wanted to say something.

Xiaohong stopped her mother-in-law, don't explain anything, she has a video of her father-in-law "comforting" her mother-in-law on her mobile phone.

In the video, Lao Yuan is losing his temper at Mrs. Li, his face is hideous, he is scolding, chattering, and his voice is also very loud.

The daughter-in-law beat her father-in-law and got the support of the whole family, sister-in-law: Sister-in-law is right, my father is too selfish

This iron-clad evidence was placed in front of him, and Lao Yuan couldn't deny it.

Xiaohong's husband said that compared with the past, his father's state is stable.

Usually, his father is irritable and crazy, and even his son, who was scolded by his father so much that he slapped him at every turn.

He couldn't do anything to his father, so he could only endure it.

If he fought back against his father, his father would make even more trouble, and only his wife could cure his father in the family.

Fathers dare not target their wives.

My father can't communicate, thinking that he is right and everyone else is wrong.

Father scolds, can scold for two or three days in a row, all scolding the same thing.

Since he was a child, he has lived in this environment and has become accustomed to it.

The sister-in-law couldn't take a break from her work and couldn't come to the scene, so the mediator contacted her by phone.

The sister-in-law is also resentful, and her father was beaten by her sister-in-law, and she is also to blame.

She supports her sister-in-law's approach, and her sister-in-law is not wrong, it is her father who is wrong.

The daughter-in-law beat her father-in-law and got the support of the whole family, sister-in-law: Sister-in-law is right, my father is too selfish

My father is too selfish, tyrannical and domineering, thinking that one person can control everything in the house and let everyone listen to him.

Like her brother, she can't communicate with her father, and she feels that his father is not an adult at all, but only incompetent and angry.

Her mother has been sick for five years, her brother is working outside, and the family is all run by her sister-in-law, and she is very grateful to her sister-in-law.

The explanation was almost over, and the sister-in-law ended the call.

The mediator persuaded Lao Yuan that it was really time to reflect on himself, and no one in the family was on his side, indicating that other people really didn't know how to communicate with him.

Lao Yuan thinks that they don't respect the head of the family, and no one wants to listen to what he says.

The head of the family, this title stimulated Xiaohong, she opened her mouth angrily, her father-in-law was embarrassed to say that he was the head of the family, he didn't care about his sick mother-in-law, and he didn't take on the responsibilities of the family.

What is this called the head of the family?

The head of the family should be the pillar of the family, guiding all the members of the family to live a good life together.

As for his father-in-law, he didn't do anything well, and he was like a-stirring stick, making the house so chickens and dogs jumping, and he couldn't be at peace.

My father-in-law went out to earn money, but my father-in-law didn't hand over the money to his mother-in-law, so I don't know where he spent his money.

The father-in-law was also cheeky and asked his mother-in-law to buy him wine and meat to eat.

What is my father-in-law wearing, which one was not bought for him by my mother-in-law?

The daughter-in-law beat her father-in-law and got the support of the whole family, sister-in-law: Sister-in-law is right, my father is too selfish

When grandma was sick, either she took her grandma to the hospital, or her mother-in-law took her to serve her grandmother's food, and it was also her and her mother-in-law.

The public doesn't care, only one mouth, filial piety outsourcing.

This should not have been said by her daughter-in-law, but she can't help it now.

Xiaohong said it word by word very clearly, and Lao Yuan heard it very clearly, so he didn't refute it anymore.

The daughter-in-law beat her father-in-law and got the support of the whole family, sister-in-law: Sister-in-law is right, my father is too selfish

In the end, under the persuasion of the mediator, Lao Yuan admitted his mistake, apologized to Mrs. Li, and promised that he would not talk about family affairs in the future, and the family would be managed by his son and daughter-in-law.

He also tried to control his temper.

Xiaohong and others said that as long as he didn't become a demon, of course everyone wouldn't embarrass him.