
Oh my God, I'm going to die laughing at India's infrastructure, worthy of India

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Oh my God, I'm going to die laughing at India's infrastructure, worthy of India
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Recently, a news story in India has attracted a lot of attention about an "unexpected performance" at the Domna Air Airport.

This is no ordinary performance, but a fierce collision between nature and engineering, let's find out.

Not long ago, during the rainy season, clouds were over India, and the rain poured down, testing the endurance of every building. Domna Airport, the new favorite of the huge cost, seems to have failed to stand the test under the baptism of heavy rain.

Oh my God, I'm going to die laughing at India's infrastructure, worthy of India

The sudden "smile" on the roof is not only surprising, but also makes people question safety.

What is even more unexpected is that the next day, a more dramatic scene occurred in the airport: two support columns "transformed" in the wind and rain, becoming uninvited guests, affecting the "safety" of several cars one after another.

Oh my God, I'm going to die laughing at India's infrastructure, worthy of India

This series of events instantly turned this place, which was supposed to be a safe haven for travelers, into an "accident scene".

On the Internet, netizens reacted to this incident in a variety of ways, ranging from humorous ridicule to serious reflection.

There are some hilarious comments, such as someone jokingly: "The waterproof performance of this building may only prevent light rain." ”

Someone else joked: "India's infrastructure always seems to fall off the chain at a critical moment." ”

Oh my God, I'm going to die laughing at India's infrastructure, worthy of India

However, jokes aside, this incident reveals a fact that cannot be ignored: the stability of infrastructure is directly related to the safety and trust of the public.

There is an old Chinese saying: "A thousand-mile embankment collapses in an anthill", which means that even seemingly small problems can lead to serious consequences.

India's airport incident is undoubtedly a warning that reminds us that no matter how much science and technology progress and how rapid economic development is, the quality of infrastructure construction is always the cornerstone of development, and we must not slack off in the slightest.

Oh my God, I'm going to die laughing at India's infrastructure, worthy of India

Here, let's start an in-depth conversation about the importance of infrastructure and how to ensure its quality and safety.

Whether it is professional opinion or public opinion, it is worth listening to and thinking about.

Finally, let us all remember the saying: "If the foundation is not strong, the earth will shake the mountains." "Whether it's a big plan at the national level or a small thing in personal life, only by being down-to-earth can we go further and have the last laugh.

Let's work together for a better future

Oh my God, I'm going to die laughing at India's infrastructure, worthy of India

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