
Burst! "Many places encourage college entrance examination candidates to study medicine and issue a proposal" rushed to the hot search! Netizens are hotly discussed

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Burst! "Many places encourage college entrance examination candidates to study medicine and issue a proposal" rushed to the hot search! Netizens are hotly discussed
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Hey brothers! Recently, volunteering to fill in the college entrance examination has become a hot topic on the streets, have we all thought about being a doctor?

But wait, don't rush to put on the white coat, it's not that simple!

Burst! "Many places encourage college entrance examination candidates to study medicine and issue a proposal" rushed to the hot search! Netizens are hotly discussed

Do you know? Being a doctor is not something you can do by reading a few books of "The Mystery of the Human Body".

The road of medicine is long and arduous, and you have to continue your studies after undergraduate, at least five years, at most seven years, and the doctor's hat is not something that can be worn casually.

Burst! "Many places encourage college entrance examination candidates to study medicine and issue a proposal" rushed to the hot search! Netizens are hotly discussed

During this period, your youth and your family's wallets will face unprecedented tests.

The hospital is overcrowded and the doctors are busy, and you are certainly familiar with this scene.

Burst! "Many places encourage college entrance examination candidates to study medicine and issue a proposal" rushed to the hot search! Netizens are hotly discussed

In order to alleviate this situation, proposals have been overwhelming, but the initiative alone is like drinking soup without meat, and it will not solve the fundamental problem.

The relevant departments have to think carefully about how to make the medical team stronger and how to retain those desperate Saburo.

Burst! "Many places encourage college entrance examination candidates to study medicine and issue a proposal" rushed to the hot search! Netizens are hotly discussed

Some people on the Internet say that the most lacking thing in front-line hospitals is mid-to-high-end medical talents, not rookies who have just left school.

If you want these masters to join, you have to come up with real money, such as housing subsidies and education subsidies, so that people can stay with peace of mind.

Burst! "Many places encourage college entrance examination candidates to study medicine and issue a proposal" rushed to the hot search! Netizens are hotly discussed

Proposals can be beautifully written, but doctors value more about treatment and development space.

If doctors can be given a decent salary, a stage to display their talents, and some intimate employment policies, then it is called real attraction. Of course, the reform of medical insurance and the upgrading of medical experience cannot be left behind, so as to revitalize the medical industry.

Burst! "Many places encourage college entrance examination candidates to study medicine and issue a proposal" rushed to the hot search! Netizens are hotly discussed

In short, it is a good idea to encourage young people to pursue a career in medicine, but it requires long-term planning and practical action.

Relevant departments should escort the whole process from doctor training to employment to ensure that every link can keep up with the rhythm, so that the medical industry can flourish.

Burst! "Many places encourage college entrance examination candidates to study medicine and issue a proposal" rushed to the hot search! Netizens are hotly discussed

So, brothers, are you ready to give it your all in the face of the challenging path of medicine?

Burst! "Many places encourage college entrance examination candidates to study medicine and issue a proposal" rushed to the hot search! Netizens are hotly discussed

Remember, choosing medicine is choosing responsibility and dedication, and the road is not easy, but every step is worth it!

Burst! "Many places encourage college entrance examination candidates to study medicine and issue a proposal" rushed to the hot search! Netizens are hotly discussed

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