
Guo Shiqiang was interviewed for the first time after leading the team to training! Emphasizing the three major topics of the men's basketball team, the lineup needs to be run-in

author:Comfortable Dream PCF

Wow! Basketball fans, are you ready for an epic basketball feast? Our men's national basketball team is about to start a new round of tossing!

I heard that our temporary chef Guo Shiqiang has started to prepare secret recipes for the boys of the national team! The head chef finally showed up and served us a fragrant men's basketball meal. Come and watch and see what amazing seasonings are added to this dish!

First, let's take a look at the training menus of these lads. Chef Guo said that the training attitude of this group of young players is like a husky who has been hungry for three days and three nights sees a large plate of dog food! When they train, they work so hard that they can't wait to gnaw on the court. This kind of hard work, I have to say, is really touching and wants to send each of them a box of Red Bull!

But don't get too excited! Our Chef Guo is not so easy to fool. He was quick to find that although these young men were all good at fighting alone, when it came to team cooperation, they were like a group of penguins that had just learned to walk, staggering. The coordination of the offensive and defensive ends is like playing a hilarious basketball show! It seems that it will take a lot of effort to turn this group of lone rangers into a tacit basketball team!

Guo Shiqiang was interviewed for the first time after leading the team to training! Emphasizing the three major topics of the men's basketball team, the lineup needs to be run-in

So the question is: what is Chef Guo's ultimate goal? Don't worry, and let me tell you more. It turns out that this basketball magician's ambition is not small, he wants to lead this group of basketball players all the way through the test and smash the Yellow Dragon! What? Do you think you're going to win an Asian championship and you're done? How naïve! Chef Guo's goal is to bring our men's basketball team back to the Olympic stage! That's a small goal, but then again, how can you achieve great things without a big ambition?

Speaking of which, I don't know if you remember the earth-shattering game a few days ago? That's right, it's the battle of the century between our national team and Macau. When the reporter excitedly asked Chef Guo which player's performance satisfied him the most, the old fox really played Tai Chi. He said tepidly: 21 people need time to test. That's really leaky! It seems that our Chef Guo is not only very good on the court, but also very powerful!

Guo Shiqiang was interviewed for the first time after leading the team to training! Emphasizing the three major topics of the men's basketball team, the lineup needs to be run-in

Having said that, however, this newly formed national team is indeed full of expectations. Some netizens said: The vitality of this group of young men is like a group of rabbits with chicken blood, and I want to rush into the field to run two laps with them! There are also people who disagree: at this level, do you still want to play in the Olympics? I'm afraid that I will be used as a moving target by foreign players to practice shooting, right? These two views can be described as-for-tat, I don't know which one you agree with more?

Let's imagine how shocking it would be if this national team could really shine in the future World Cup! Imagine that when our boys face those NBA superstars, they are neither humble nor arrogant, and they can even turn defeat into victory, that picture is even more burning than "Slam Dunk"! Of course, to reach this level, I'm afraid that Chef Guo will have to train them like Navy SEALs.

Guo Shiqiang was interviewed for the first time after leading the team to training! Emphasizing the three major topics of the men's basketball team, the lineup needs to be run-in

Speaking of which, I wonder what you think of this newly formed national team? Do you think they can do wonders on the international stage in the future? Or do you have any tips you'd like to pass on to Chef Kwok? Don't hold back, talk freely in the comment area!

Finally, let's cheer for this group of desperate Saburo! Although the road is difficult, as long as they don't give up, we will always support them! After all, who doesn't want to see the Chinese men's basketball team shine on the world stage?

Guo Shiqiang was interviewed for the first time after leading the team to training! Emphasizing the three major topics of the men's basketball team, the lineup needs to be run-in

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