
Season to be double-killed by the opponent in the finals! Fans listed the "three deadly sins" for Yang Ming, and he was scolded for returning for 8 games

author:Comfortable Dream PCF

Oops hey! Liaoning fans are frying the pot! Yang Da handsome guy came back to coach, why did he overturn so completely?

Can't think of it, right? The Liaoning team, which swept the opponent and lifted the championship trophy in the past, is now rubbed on the ground by the Zhejiang team away from home, with a score difference of 27 points! This is a competition, it's a terrible slaughter show! The fans were dumbfounded, and shouted one after another: Yang Ming, Yang Ming, are you here to lead the team to win the championship, or are you here to lead the team to send points?

Let's listen to the editor for you, what are the fans' three sins against Yang Ming?

The first sin: too much nostalgia for old feelings, not knowing how to innovate

Yang Ming, are you going to turn the Liaoning team into a nursing home? The newcomers are eager to wear it, but they can't wait for the opportunity to play. Li Huyi and Zhang Junhao are the key training objects of this season, and they have played a lot of highlight moments before! Remember Li Huyi's three-point shot? can make the defenders of the Guangdong team scratch their heads with worry. The result? As soon as Yang Ming came back, these two young men seemed to have evaporated from the world, and they couldn't even be on the list. Fans are muttering: Director Yang, do you treat newcomers as decorations?

Season to be double-killed by the opponent in the finals! Fans listed the "three deadly sins" for Yang Ming, and he was scolded for returning for 8 games

The second sin: infatuated with veterans and not knowing how to be flexible

Yang Ming, Yang Ming, do you think the veterans are all treasures? But look at it, Han Dejun and Li Xiaoxu, the two veterans, were running out of breath on the field, being pressed and beaten by their opponents, and that scene, tsk, was like two little chickens being chased by eagles. I can't grab the rebounding ball, which is still an advantage that we are proud of! Some fans couldn't help but complain: Director Yang, have you forgotten that we are not playing tai chi? This is competitive sports, and youth is capital!

The third sin: reusing Fergus and not knowing how to choose

Fogg, Fogg, you used to be the Dinghai Needle of the Liaoning team, but now why have you become a burden to the team? It took 15 shots to get 11 points, this efficiency, tsk, even the uncle who plays wild ball on the street is not as good! also sent two mistakes to make the opponent counterattack, which is simply sending warmth to the opponent! But Yang Ming was so desperate for him that he almost didn't wear the MVP hat for him. The fans were about to explode: Director Yang, were you lowered by Fergus? Protecting him like this, it's better to let him be a coach directly!

Season to be double-killed by the opponent in the finals! Fans listed the "three deadly sins" for Yang Ming, and he was scolded for returning for 8 games

Seeing this, do you feel that the future of the Liaoning team is dark? Don't worry, let's hear what other fans have to say:

Some fans think that Yang Ming is playing a big game of chess: What do you know? Coach Yang is putting pressure on newcomers to let them know how precious the opportunity to play is!

There are also fans who think that this is preparing for the playoffs: Coach Yang is testing the limits of veterans to see who can break out in the playoffs!

Some fans even feel that this is fishing: Yang Gui is paralyzing the opponent, waiting for a big move in the playoffs, directly overturning the whole league!

Season to be double-killed by the opponent in the finals! Fans listed the "three deadly sins" for Yang Ming, and he was scolded for returning for 8 games

Anyway, Yang Ming encountered a class crisis as soon as he came back to coach for 8 games, which is too much of a contrast, right? It's even more exciting than a roller coaster! You know, he is the hero who led the Liaoning team to win the championship, why did he fall from the altar and become a sinner in just a few games?

What do you guys, fans? Do you think Yang Ming is too difficult? Or do you think he should get out of class and give way? Or do you have any high ideas that can help the Liaoning team get out of the predicament?

Come to the comment area and discuss with the editor! Remember to like and follow, and we'll see you next time!

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