
"The Green Revolution in South China? Closing the mountain and cultivating fungi, the wealth growth is beyond expectations! "

author:Guo Xiaofat

Closing mountains and cultivating fungi: a practical model of green development

In the lush mountains and forests of Nanhua County, an innovative initiative called "closing mountains and cultivating fungi" is quietly blooming its ecological and economic charm. This model directly jumps out of the framework of traditional forest management, concentrates the management rights of mountains and forests in a specific season, and makes villagers with both technology and management become the new owners of mountains and forests through a bidding mechanism.

"The Green Revolution in South China? Closing the mountain and cultivating fungi, the wealth growth is beyond expectations! "

The core of this move lies in the fine management and sustainable use of wild mushroom resources. Contractors are required to follow strict conservation and reproduction measures to ensure that wild mushrooms thrive in the embrace of nature, while at the same time taking on the responsibility of forestry management and protecting this green treasure. This transformation not only improves the quality and yield of wild mushrooms, but also invisibly weaves a net of ecological protection, allowing the mountains and forests to recuperate and rejuvenate.

The significant improvement of economic benefits is the most intuitive result of the mountain closure and cultivation mode. With the increasing prosperity of the wild mushroom market, the trading volume and transaction value of wild mushrooms in Nanhua County have achieved steady growth. Behind these figures is the real money that the villagers have earned through their hard work, and it is also a direct reflection of their sharing of the fruits of green development. There are no cumbersome transitions, only tangible benefits and a sense of well-being.

"The Green Revolution in South China? Closing the mountain and cultivating fungi, the wealth growth is beyond expectations! "

More far-reaching, the mountain closure and fungus cultivation model provides new ideas and directions for rural revitalization. It proves that under the premise of respecting nature and protecting the ecology, rapid economic growth and all-round social progress can also be achieved. This development model not only solves the livelihood problems of local villagers, but also stimulates their enthusiasm and creativity to participate in ecological protection and construction, forming a good situation of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

"The Green Revolution in South China? Closing the mountain and cultivating fungi, the wealth growth is beyond expectations! "

Standing at a new historical starting point, the mountain closure and fungus cultivation model undoubtedly provides us with valuable experience and enlightenment. It tells us that green development is not an empty slogan, but a guide to action that we need to put into practice. In the future, we should continue to explore more green development paths that are in line with local conditions and conducive to ecological protection, so that green can become the background color of development and ecology become the most valuable asset.

"The Green Revolution in South China? Closing the mountain and cultivating fungi, the wealth growth is beyond expectations! "

In short, with its unique charm and remarkable results, the mountain closure and fungus cultivation model has become a practical model of green development. It shows us that the vision of harmonious coexistence between man and nature is gradually becoming a reality. Let's go hand in hand, together

"The Green Revolution in South China? Closing the mountain and cultivating fungi, the wealth growth is beyond expectations! "

Write a new chapter in green development!

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