
Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life was to break up with Zhu Yuchen, a "mom treasure man".

author:Jiawei Kan Entertainment

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Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life was to break up with Zhu Yuchen, a "mom treasure man".

Editor: Jiawei Kanyu

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life was to break up with Zhu Yuchen, a "mom treasure man".

On the stage of the Magnolia Awards, an actress held a trophy in her hand and choked up with excitement.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life was to break up with Zhu Yuchen, a "mom treasure man".

She is Jiang Yan, and this name instantly lit up the eyes of everyone present.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life was to break up with Zhu Yuchen, a "mom treasure man".

Jiang Yan's sincere and logical acceptance speech is like a gurgling stream, refreshing people's hearts, and every word and pause is full of love and dedication to her acting career.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life was to break up with Zhu Yuchen, a "mom treasure man".

The applause from the audience was thunderous, and the people cheered, as if they were crowning the long-lost king.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life was to break up with Zhu Yuchen, a "mom treasure man".

Who would have thought that behind this glory, Jiang Yan's long struggle in the past 20 years? She once suffered injustice in a variety show and was asked to wear a sexy and revealing three-point bikini, and despite her extreme discomfort, she had no choice but to comply, just to increase the ratings. Fortunately, her excellent acting skills and morality won the favor of Song Dandan, and this old-timer in the entertainment industry even wanted her to be his daughter-in-law.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life was to break up with Zhu Yuchen, a "mom treasure man".

Jiang Yan's acting career was not all smooth sailing. In a highly competitive environment, she was ruthlessly replaced with the heroine role by the filmmaker, and all her efforts were in vain, just because the male protagonist was selfish. In the face of injustice, she just smiled calmly, and this open-mindedness was worthy of admiration.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life was to break up with Zhu Yuchen, a "mom treasure man".

Jiang Yan is like a proud snow and a cold plum, the more severe the cold, the more it blooms. She works silently, focuses on improving her acting skills, and speaks with her works. The audience was full of praise: "The reason why Yao Yuling is cute is because it is Jiang Yan who starred, and it may be difficult to change people." This is the best proof of her acting skills.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life was to break up with Zhu Yuchen, a "mom treasure man".

The emotional world has also given Jiang Yan twists and turns. Her relationship with Zhu Yuchen was originally a sweet chapter, but it turned into a tragedy. The Zhu family has a mother who takes care of everything and has a strong desire to control, and she pointed fingers at Jiang Yan's dress, which broke down the relationship. The absurdity of such a reason makes people sigh and lament the fragility of love.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life was to break up with Zhu Yuchen, a "mom treasure man".

The name Zhu Yuchen may still leave an impression on you. The role of "Huazi" he played in "Struggle" was chic and handsome, full of righteousness, and brought him countless applause and praise. It stands to reason that he should be beautiful on the love stage, but the reality is one cruel joke after another.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life was to break up with Zhu Yuchen, a "mom treasure man".

Zhu Yuchen's mother, Zhu Xiangling, loves her son like an endless cage, just the appearance of endless care, but in fact it is a heavy shackle. No matter who her son has an argument with, she always stands by his son and never considers the feelings of others. This distorted protection is disguised as maternal love, which brings disaster to the son's emotional path.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life was to break up with Zhu Yuchen, a "mom treasure man".

Zhu Yuchen and his college girlfriend Tang Wei's campus romance was originally a beautiful silhouette, but the atmosphere of the Zhu family made Tang Wei daunting. How desperate should a young girl be when she is full of longing for love, but she has to face such a family? In the end, Tang Wei chose to leave.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life was to break up with Zhu Yuchen, a "mom treasure man".

Zhu Yuchen and Huo Siyan fell in love. The two of them are like glue, as if the whole world belongs to them alone. But when Zhu Yuchen brought Huo Siyan home, Zhu Xiangling's cold and detached attitude made Huo Siyan feel extremely uncomfortable. Zhu Xiangling is like a sharp sword, cutting her son's love world again and again.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life was to break up with Zhu Yuchen, a "mom treasure man".

Jiang Yan's appearance seems to have brought dawn to Zhu Yuchen's dark love road. In order to get Zhu Xiangling's approval, she worked tirelessly to do housework and play a virtuous role, but Zhu Xiangling was picky about her in every way, thinking that she was dressed revealingly. The most distressing thing is that Zhu Yuchen did nothing in the face of his mother's prejudice, but he did nothing like a turtle with a shrunken head.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life was to break up with Zhu Yuchen, a "mom treasure man".

Speaking of Zhu Yuchen, he certainly deserves sympathy. As a victim of the bondage of his mother's love, he loses the right to freely choose love. But he is not completely innocent, in the face of his mother's strength and his girlfriend's grievances, he chose to escape and be silent, and did not have the courage to resist and strive for his own happiness.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life was to break up with Zhu Yuchen, a "mom treasure man".

His mother, Zhu Xiangling, although there is nothing wrong with love, she expresses her love in a distorted way, measures her daughter-in-law by her own standards, and interferes in her son's life, without thinking about whether such love will be suffocating. She loves her son more than anything else, and she turns love into a cage and imprisons her son in it. However, the fact that blood is thicker than water does not mean that children can be arbitrarily interfered with in their children's freedom of life.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life was to break up with Zhu Yuchen, a "mom treasure man".

In the circle of the entertainment industry, Jiang Yan and Zhu Yuchen are far from being alone. The love lives of too many celebrities have encountered external interference and obstacles. For example, Zhu Yawen and Tan Bin are a couple known as "model couples" in all shapes. But when the sex scandal between Zhu Yawen and his assistant Wang Yan was exposed, Tan Bin's pain was ruthlessly questioned and vividly reported by the outside world.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life was to break up with Zhu Yuchen, a "mom treasure man".

On the other hand, Yu Baimei and Xie Yuan, another couple who suffered from the "adulterer and adulteress" incident, their road to repair seems relatively peaceful. Although Yu Baimei was also in pain at that time, under the guidance of relatives and friends, he finally chose tolerance and forgiveness. "A person has a limited ability to withstand the tribulations of life," he said. But it's not the same for two people. "

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life was to break up with Zhu Yuchen, a "mom treasure man".

Life is like a spring, press it and it bounces. When we are oppressed by life, the harder we press down, the greater the strength of the final rebound. Everyone should have this hope and embrace all the opportunities in life with an optimistic and positive attitude. Just like Jiang Yan, even though she has suffered all kinds of injustices, she still gritted her teeth and persevered, and finally conquered everyone with her acting skills.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life was to break up with Zhu Yuchen, a "mom treasure man".

It's just that these remorse and remorse are too late. Zhu Xiangling has hurt too many people in her own way, not only ruining several of her son's relationships, but also hurting countless girls with dreams. Such as Jiang Yan, Tang Wei, Huo Siyan, etc., are all suffering in the hazy family atmosphere of the Zhu family. It wasn't until Jiang Yan finally walked out of the haze and stepped on the pinnacle of her life that she may realize her mistake in hindsight.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life was to break up with Zhu Yuchen, a "mom treasure man".

But then again, remorse is remorse, and it's important to learn from it.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life was to break up with Zhu Yuchen, a "mom treasure man".

When a mother's love is excessive, it will hinder the child's life.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life was to break up with Zhu Yuchen, a "mom treasure man".

Therefore, family members should learn to love in the right way, give their children enough space and freedom, and not trap them in a cage.

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