
It is recommended that "Rose Story" stop playing, and Liu Yifei plays the role of Huang Yimei with a value problem

author:Enlighten Wisdom Pavilion
It is recommended that "Rose Story" stop playing, and Liu Yifei plays the role of Huang Yimei with a value problem

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Liu Yifei's new drama "The Story of the Rose" was set up by the plot of "Waterloo" and became the target of public criticism

Recently, the urban emotional drama "The Story of the Rose" starring Liu Yifei has become the focus of public opinion, this work that was originally pinned on high hopes, but it has suffered a word-of-mouth Waterloo, and many viewers have questioned the plot and character design in the play, thinking that it lacks logic and rationality, and is difficult to resonate

It is recommended that "Rose Story" stop playing, and Liu Yifei plays the role of Huang Yimei with a value problem

Some viewers pointed out that the plot direction of "The Story of Rose" is too jumpy and lacks coherence, and the originally smooth story line often takes a sharp turn without warning, entering another seemingly unrelated plot, which makes people scratch their heads, and this abrupt turn and lack of foreshadowing makes it difficult for the audience to immerse themselves, but will feel confused and uncomfortable

The portrayal of the characters in the play has also been criticized, the heroine Huang Yimei played by Liu Yifei, whose character is inconsistent and lacks a reasonable explanation for her behavioral motives, was criticized by the audience as a "tool man", which exists only to promote the plot, and most of the other supporting roles lack distinctive personalities and are reduced to background boards, unable to impress the audience

Excessive publicity and blunt implantation, the audience called "ugly to eat"

In addition to the hard flaws in the plot and character design, "The Story of Rose" has also been controversial in terms of publicity and marketing, in order to create topics and attract attention, the show has carried out a lot of publicity before the broadcast, and over-exaggerated the starring lineup and plot direction, which has whetted the audience's appetite

It is recommended that "Rose Story" stop playing, and Liu Yifei plays the role of Huang Yimei with a value problem

When the audience watches the feature film with great anticipation, only to find that the actual content is very different from the publicity, it will inevitably lead to a feeling of being deceived, and this kind of excessive marketing method will not only fail to truly retain the audience, but will consume their enthusiasm and trust, and ultimately damage the reputation of the work

What is even more disgusting to the audience is that the play is full of a large number of blunt advertising placements, various brands and products are pervasive, forcibly appearing in various scenes, incompatible with the plot, and seriously affecting the viewing experience, many viewers said that they watch TV series for relaxation and entertainment, not to accept advertising bombardment, this practice of putting commercial interests above the quality of the work is undoubtedly short-sighted and undesirable

The audience called for returning to the original intention and telling every story with heart

The controversy caused by "The Story of Rose" is not only about the success or failure of a TV series, but also reflects some common problems in the current film and television industry, and the contradiction between the audience's desire for high-quality and good content and the perfunctory attitude of some creators is becoming increasingly prominent

It is recommended that "Rose Story" stop playing, and Liu Yifei plays the role of Huang Yimei with a value problem

Many viewers expressed their disappointment on social platforms, they believe that good actors and production teams should bring wonderful works to the audience, instead of wasting resources and wasting enthusiasm, and more viewers bluntly pointed out that the creation of film and television works should not only focus on the pursuit of traffic and revenue, but also pay attention to the depth and ideology of the content, and convey positive values

Although the audience's criticism is sharp, it also reflects their attention and expectations for domestic dramas, a good TV series should have a fascinating story, plump characters and positive values, I hope that the controversy caused by "The Story of Rose" can cause reflection in the film and television industry, prompting creators to pay more attention to the quality of their works, tell every story with heart, and return to the original intention of creation

Liu Yifei's acting skills have been questioned again, how long can the "fairy sister" filter last?

In addition to the plot and production, "The Story of the Rose" also made Liu Yifei's acting skills the focus again, although she has the reputation of "fairy sister", Liu Yifei's acting skills have been questioned in recent years, and the performance has been criticized for being patterned and lacking a sense of hierarchy

It is recommended that "Rose Story" stop playing, and Liu Yifei plays the role of Huang Yimei with a value problem

In this drama, although Huang Yimei played by Liu Yifei has flaws in the character design, but in terms of performance, it also fails to show the depth and tension it should have, and some viewers believe that Liu Yifei's performance is too superficial and cannot accurately convey the inner world and emotional changes of the character

As an actor, appearance is important, but acting skills are the foundation of life, over-reliance on the filter of "fairy sister" will only make the audience have aesthetic fatigue, and ultimately affect the long-term development of her career

How to break through the creative dilemma when urban emotional dramas are in a bottleneck?

The decline in the reputation of "The Story of Rose" also reflects the creative dilemma faced by the current urban emotional dramas, in recent years, works of the same type have emerged in an endless stream, but there are few masterpieces that can really resonate with the audience

In order to create topics and conflicts, many urban emotional dramas have bloody and suspended plot settings, which are detached from the soil of real life and cannot resonate with the audience

In order to break through the creative dilemma, urban emotional dramas need to return to realism, pay attention to social hot topics and the emotional lives of ordinary people, depict the changes of the times and the various states of the world with real and delicate brushstrokes, and also pay attention to the originality and ideology of the script, and create a more three-dimensional and plump character image, so as to truly impress the audience and win the recognition of the market

From the "explosive style making machine" to the word-of-mouth landslide, what happened to domestic dramas?

In recent years, the domestic drama market has experienced rapid development, and a number of well-made and word-of-mouth masterpieces have emerged

From the "explosive style making machine" to the decline of word-of-mouth, "The Story of the Rose" is just a microcosm, which reflects the impetuous mentality and short-term success mentality of some domestic drama creators, in order to pursue short-term interests, some producers do not hesitate to sacrifice the quality of their works, overrely on traffic stars and IP adaptations, and ignore the creation and polishing of original scripts

Only by adhering to the principle of content being king and quality first, and telling every story with heart, can we win the respect of the audience and the recognition of the market, and promote the healthy and sustainable development of the domestic drama industry

The audience's aesthetics continue to improve, and domestic dramas need to face challenges

With the advent of the Internet era, the audience's aesthetic level and appreciation ability have been continuously improved, and higher requirements have been put forward for the quality of film and television works

The reason why "The Story of Rose" caused controversy is largely because it has not kept up with the pace of the audience's aesthetic upgrading, and problems such as old-fashioned plots, suspended characters, and rough production have all become the objects of the audience's complaints

Faced with the challenge of the audience's aesthetic upgrading, domestic drama creators need to constantly reflect and innovate to create more excellent works that meet the spirit of the times and meet the needs of the audience


The word-of-mouth decline of "The Story of Rose" has sounded the alarm for domestic dramas, and only by insisting that content is king and telling every story well can we win the respect of the audience and the recognition of the market

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