
The old man's daughter of the subway harassment girl incident spoke out: You really have no sympathy for the old man who was cyberbullied because of trivial matters

author:A starry sky after the snow

A few days ago, "the Beijing subway uncle asked the girl to give up her seat and was refused, and harassed the girl with a cane" The incident caused a hot stir on the Internet, and now the uncle has been detained for 7 days and just released, the uncle's daughter angrily spoke out for her father, once again pushing the matter to a climax!

The old man's daughter of the subway harassment girl incident spoke out: You really have no sympathy for the old man who was cyberbullied because of trivial matters

On July 2, according to the 7 days since the uncle harassed the girl on the subway, the uncle's daughter couldn't wait to post a video on social media, she angrily accused netizens of endless cyberbullying against her father in the past few days, and tearfully dictated that her father was detained for 7 days, and the family lived like a year.

The old man's daughter of the subway harassment girl incident spoke out: You really have no sympathy for the old man who was cyberbullied because of trivial matters

In the video, the daughter of the detained old man was wearing a mask and said in a rather aggrieved tone: "My father finally came out, some people say that these 7 days are really too short, and they should be detained for 7 years, I want to ask you, do you know how our family came over in these 7 days?" Just because of such a trivial matter as giving up a seat, you will cyberbully the old man and let the old man be detained, which is really too much to say! ”

The old man's daughter of the subway harassment girl incident spoke out: You really have no sympathy for the old man who was cyberbullied because of trivial matters

Although the old man's daughter only said a few short words, the implication was to accuse netizens of being too unsympathetic, everyone has an old man, and it is right to give up a seat to the elderly, so everyone should be more understanding and tolerant of the elderly.

Although the old man's daughter was wearing a mask in front of the camera the whole time, it could be seen that she was both angry and aggrieved for her father, because she frowned tightly when she spoke, and tears kept rolling in her eyes. The reason why I wear a mask may be that I was really scared by my father's cyberbullying in the past few days, and it is very likely that I will be targeted if I show my head.

The old man's daughter of the subway harassment girl incident spoke out: You really have no sympathy for the old man who was cyberbullied because of trivial matters

It is worth mentioning that the old man's daughter only expressed her indignation and dissatisfaction, and her father's behavior was only defined as a trivial matter of "giving up her seat and being refused", and the old man used crutches to put the girl on her lap and harassed her without saying a word.

The old man's daughter of the subway harassment girl incident spoke out: You really have no sympathy for the old man who was cyberbullied because of trivial matters

In fact, the mood of the old man's daughter to speak out, we can also understand it as children, it is estimated that individuals will defend their parents, but no matter what, we have to be reasonable, right? Only mentioning "giving up seats" and not mentioning "harassment" is a bit too much, and it is appropriate to pull the "bias frame"!

It's not wrong to be a little girl in the seat, it's love to give you a seat, it's also people's duty not to let it, love should also be based on mutual respect, it's not that you are an old man, you are justified, relying on the old and selling the old in exchange for the old must be the end of the "clown".

The old man's daughter of the subway harassment girl incident spoke out: You really have no sympathy for the old man who was cyberbullied because of trivial matters

As for what the old man's daughter said in the video, it is actually not unreasonable, stop the cyberbullying, the old man harassed the girl and did not do it right, but he also paid the price, and was detained for 7 days, which can be regarded as a long memory, although people are old, they also need a chance to mend their ways, right?

But then again, this old man has already come out, if his daughter hadn't spoken out recently, it is estimated that this matter would not have been brought up again, and it has passed, the girl spoke for her father this time, and she feels a little bit of salt on the wound, and some of the gains outweigh the losses!

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